
Greetings and Goodbyes (Beginner 2 English Course)

source: Shaw English Online    2017年5月7日
Learn how to say 'hello' and 'goodbye' in English. These videos will help you express greetings in English. This is from the Beginner 2 English course by Robin Shaw.

Parts of this video:
0:00 Greetings: "Hi" to a Stranger
5:37 Greetings: "Hi" to Someone You Know
11:14 Greetings: "Good-Bye" to Everyone
18:22 Greetings: Long Time No See
23:52 Greetings: First Meeting
27:45 Greetings: 4 Essential English Questions
34:35 Greetings: Family Questions
41:48 Greetings: Personal Questions in English
47:59 Greetings: Do you...? Are you...? English Questions
52:12 Greetings: Introduce a Friend