
CNN 10 with subtitles | January 20, 2017 | It's Inauguration Day in the U.S. | Daily Li...

source: Daily Listening     2017年1月19日
CNN 10 | January 20, 2017 | It's Inauguration Day in the U.S. | Daily Listening hightlights: It's great to have you watching today's special edition of CNN 10! It's Inauguration Day in the U.S., and today's show gives you an in-depth look at the 35 words that officially transition a U.S. president-elect to the title of U.S. president.
► SUBSCRIBE The Daily Listening FOR MORE: http://goo.gl/9sRkEB

Steps to Learning English: Where should you start?

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)   2017年1月13日
So you want to learn or improve your English. But where should you start? When you learn a new language, there is so much material to cover: vocabulary, grammar, syntax, slang, pronunciation... With so many topics to study, you may not know where to focus your attention. In this video, I will give you some tips to organize your schedule and decide what you should work on. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced speaker, you can always find something to improve on, and I will give you the tools you need to devise a good plan. Hint: it's more simple than you think! http://www.engvid.com/steps-to-learni...

6 Daily Expressions | Updated

source: Mark Kulek     2017年1月16日

English at University: 3 - Learn phrases about compromise

source: BBC Learning English    2016年9月30日
Mary's finally found her way to the university no thanks to new student, Daniel. She's managed to find her way to the accommodation block and is looking for her new room.
Learn more here:

Welcome back to English at University - the series that teaches some English phrases to help you through your first year of study abroad. Mary's finally found her way to the university no thanks to new student, Daniel. She's managed to find her way to the accommodation block and is looking for her new room. It's exciting isn't it Mary?

Well I'm at my room – room 101 – but the door's already open.

Well you'd better go in. Good luck!

Oh hello, sorry, I thought this was my room? Room 101?

Yeah it's room 101 and you must be my new roommate. We share rooms here. I'm Abi, pleased to meet you.

Nice to meet you too – but I didn't realise I was sharing a room.

Oh don't worry, I won't bite. We'll have a blast.

A blast?

A laugh… a party… an amazing time. I've been here three years – it's great, loads of fit guys, parties…

And studying?

What's that! Listen, don't mind my mess. I tend to dry my washing on the window sill, that's when I actually wash it – sorry about the clothes on the floor – and all that stuff on the desk is mine. I'm sure you won't be needing the desk anyway…

Well errr….

Mary, this place is a tip. That means it's really messy. It's time to put your foot down. It's your room too so she will have to compromise – you'll have to ask her to tidy up – and set some ground rules – you know, the basic rules of how something should be done.

Oh OK. Abi… it's great that we're going to be roommates but could we set some ground rules please? Would you mind keeping the room a bit more tidy? It would be a great help if I could have some space on the desk to put my things. And err… maybe you could keep your things on your side of the room and I'll look after this side? Would that be a reasonable compromise?

Oh, well, I suppose so.

Well done Mary! This place looks like a bomb's gone off – it's really untidy! And if you don't say what you want then you won't get it. Even though you're the new girl, Abi will hopefully see that you're not to be messed with. Here are those phrases again…

Could we set some ground rules please?
Would you mind… keeping the room a bit more tidy?
It would be great if I could have some space on the desk to put my things.
Would that be a reasonable compromise?

Visit nnclearningenglish.com to practise these phrases and learn more about student accommodation in the UK. Now, has Abi agreed to tidy up this pigsty – this horrible messy room?

Well Mary, you're a bit bossy but I think we're going to get on very well…

Anyone at home?

Oh no not him!

Hi Mary, I found out that this was your room…

Who's this loser? Stick with me Mary and I'll introduce you to lots of guys at Freshers' Week.

Talking about your family-

source: Twominute English    2012年12月25日
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/20-Tal...
Facebook : http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:06 In this lesson, we are going to learn words and phrases you can use when you talk about your family.
0:16 Brenda, are we going to Boston for Thanksgiving again this year?
0:21 Yes, Sarah. We'll meet Marisa's new baby boy.
0:24 How are the baby and I related again?
0:27 Marisa is your cousin on your father’s side so the baby is also your cousin.
0:32 Oh, okay. How do I become an aunt? I’ve always wanted a nephew.
0:37 Your older sister or brother would have to have a baby boy.
0:43 Sarah. Why don't you tell me about your family?
0:47 I am very proud of my family for a lot of reasons.
0:50 My mom and dad both save lives as a nurse and a firefighter.
0:55 Do you have any siblings?
0:57 Yes. I have 1 older brother who is really good at sports.
1:01 I have 1 younger sister named Elizabeth.
1:04 What about cousins and uncles?
1:07 Yes. I have a very big family and we all get along very well.
1:12 My cousins and uncles all come over during the holidays.
1:16 It sounds like you have a great family Sarah.
1:22 I am so excited that you're going to join my family reunion Billy.
1:27 I am excited too. How many family members do you have?
1:31 I have a lot.
1:32 I think just my family, the Jones, and my cousins, the Smith’s, the Johnson’s and Clark’s will be there.
1:40 That sounds like a lot of people!
1:43 It may be even more.
1:45 My sister just got married to John who has a large family.
1:50 That’s cool though.
1:52 You’re now a sister-in-law to John and have a lot of new cousins.
1:57 Yea, I am looking forward to meet them.
2:03 Hey Billy you are going home from college.
2:06 Your family must be waiting eagerly!
2:09 Yep they are! My mom called me yesterday.
2:13 She's baking my favorite pie.
2:15 That's awesome. Who else do you have?
2:19 Well my younger sister is 16, and my dad.
2:24 That's not a very big family.
2:27 It's not, we are a small close-knit family.
2:32 I hope you have a nice time.
2:34 I am sure I will.
2:39 How are the baby and I related again?
2:44 Why don't you tell me about your family?
2:49 Do you have any siblings?
2:54 How many family members do you have?
2:59 we are a small close-knit family.

Basic English Grammar - Have, Has, Had

source: EnglishLessons4U     2009年9月6日
http://www.engvid.com/ By special request -- this lesson teaches you about the easily and often mixed-up English verb "have"!

# relevant grammar videos: how to use have/has/had correctly

Let's Learn English Lesson 39: It’s Unbelievable!

source: VOA Learning English   2016年12月23日
Anna sees an ad for a hair product on television. Her friend Pete is in the ad, so she believes that the product is a good one. She learns that she cannot believe everything she sees in television ads.
See the whole lesson at http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Le's Learn English Lesson 39 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2016年12月23日
In this video, learn how to say the new words. Then learn about using negative prefixes with adjectives.​ See the whole lesson at http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 39 Pronunciation Practice

source: VOA Learning English   2016年12月23日
Use this video to learn about the pronunciation of the words "comfortable" and "uncomfortable."
See the whole lesson at: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...