
CNN 10 with subtitles | February 9, 2017 | South Korea: 2018 Winter Games

source: Daily Listening    2017年2月8日
CNN 10 | February 9, 2017 | South Korea: 2018 Winter Games | Daily Listening hightlights: South Korea is no stranger to either the Olympic Games or the challenges they present. But exactly one year from the 2018 Winter Games, the nation looks like it'll be ready for its close-up. Meanwhile, parts of Louisiana are recovering from a storm system that spawned tornadoes. And we bring you some highlights from a CNN town hall debate over U.S. health care law.

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English at University: 17 - Asking for guidance about note taking and tips on how to do it

source: BBC Learning English    2017年1月9日
It's the New Year and term is starting again at the University of Studies. After the break, Mary's finding it difficult to keep up in Professor Not's lecture and write down what he's saying. How will she cope and has Daniel got a technological solution?
For more, visit our website http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...


Hello. Welcome back to English at University – the series that follows Mary through her first year of study abroad and teaches her and us some useful phrases.

It's the second term and students at the University of Studies settle down to some hard work. Mary's in a lecture, struggling to write down everything that Professor Not is trying to say…

Prof. Not
…so this term, we're doing the module on marketing. Business and marketing go hand-in-hand. Any business in a marketplace is likely to be in competition with other firms offering similar products…

Err… excuse me Professor… could you say that again please?

Prof. Not
… I said… any business in a marketplace…

No the bit before that… please. You're going a bit too fast for me.

Having trouble Mary?

Yes. I'm trying to write down everything he says but I can't keep up.

You can't write everything down – you need to take notes.


Just note down words, phrases, bits of information from the lecture – things that will help you remember what's been said. Ask for help if you're not sure what to do.

Yes, I think I will. Ermm, Professor… sorry to interrupt again… what you're saying is fascinating… but I want to remember it all… have you any guidance about how to take notes?

Prof. Not
Oh thank you Mary. Fascinating eh? Well just use a pen and a notebook…

But what should I write down?

I think you need one of these… a voice recorder… just record the whole thing, listen back to it later. Easy!

Prof. Not
Is it? Well, writing things down is probably more useful. It gives you a chance to ask for clarification. Now Mary, just jot down the important bits… I'll emphasise these bits in the lecture. I'll say something like 'this bit is useful to know…'.

You won't need to write much then! What? It was a joke!

Prof. Not
Hmm. Yes, well. Now, write down what I say in your own words – although if I quote someone, make sure you write it down word-for-word. And use words, abbreviations, symbols or even pictures to summarise what I say. If you miss something, leave a gap in your notes, and get the information from me later. Does that help?


Prof. Not
Remember to read through your notes after the lecture, and of course, anything you do miss you can find in my new book 'Funny Business'.

That's been a useful lesson, hasn't it Mary? Note taking is an important skill to learn. If you're not sure where to start, ask for help using these phrases…

Could you say that again please?
You're going a bit too fast for me.
Have you any guidance about how to take notes?

And here's Professor Not's tips for taking notes…

Write down the important bits… I'll emphasise these bits in the lecture.
Write down what I say in your own words – although if I quote someone, make sure you write it down word-for-word.
Use words, abbreviations, symbols or even pictures to summarise what I say. If you miss something, leave a gap in your notes, and get the information from me later.
Remember to read through your notes after the lecture.

You can pick up a few more top tips for studying in the UK on our website at bbclearningenglish.com. Now, let's find out how the note taking's going…

Prof. Not
So that's all for today… must dash, I've got a yoga class to go to. We can discuss this further in your tutorial.

Oh no! Oh, I don't believe it.

Problem Daniel?

The batteries on my voice recorder have run out… so annoying… I don't suppose…

Yes, you can copy my notes.

Great. And maybe I could buy you a drink to say thank you.

Maybe, Daniel.

Learn English Phrasal Verbs: LEAVE OUT

source: Espresso English    2017-02-08
http://bit.ly/2khiNa1 - Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course
1. change something
2. hate something
3. not include something

Five Body Part Phrasal Verbs

source: Oxford Online English   2014年8月16日
A free online English lesson about phrasal verbs from Oxford Online English. See the full lesson, with text, here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
In this lesson, you can study five phrasal verbs based on parts of the body. These verbs are very conversational, so you can impress people with your spoken English skills by using them correctly! We'll show you what the verbs mean, and how to use them in sentences.
You can see more of our free English lessons on our website: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/fr...

English Phonics: the Silent/Magic 'e' Vowel Sound

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月24日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Important Phonics -- The silent 'e' or magic 'e'. You must learn it! Please always practice English phonics to improve.
This is video 21 in our phonics series. Please keep watching and practicing.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

How to Carve a Pumpkin for Halloween!

source: mmmEnglish    2015年10月29日
Listen to Emma explain how to carve out a pumpkin, learn and practice Halloween vocabulary and hear natural English.

This key vocabulary from the video will help you to follow and understand the video:
Dress up (v): To wear a costume or style of clothing.
Design (v): To create something.
Hollow out (v): To empty, to remove the interior of something.
Scoop out (v): To take out or hollow out with a scoop.
Jack-o-lantern (n): A hollowed out pumpkin with holes that make it look like a human face. Usually displayed at Halloween with a candle inside.
Carve (v): To cut something.
Stringy (adj): Consisting of or appearing like strings.
Guts (n) slang: The parts or pieces inside something.
Costume (n): special clothes worn at a particular time or place, usually for a celebration.

Apartment (Learn English 09)

source: EF podEnglish     2007年1月25日
Learn to talk about your habits using the adverbs "sometimes", "usually", "always", "never" and "often". In this beginner English lesson you will learn the grammar and word order for sentences containing adverbs about time. You will watch people talking about being roommates and sharing an apartment. You will also learn to ask questions using "how often".
"Englishtown, the leading online school is open 24/7. Take a free trial now at http://bit.ly/9TMOsn .Ever thought about studying English abroad? Visit http://www.ef.com for more information. "

# click this line for more grammar videos on adverbs of frequency 

Furniture & Household Item Idioms

source: EnglishAnyone    2011年9月13日
Here are some useful furniture and household item idioms from EnglishAnyone.com!

Armchair Critic
An armchair critic is someone who offers advice and suggestions, but doesn't actually do anything to prove they could do it better.
Stop telling me what to do! If you're so great, then stop being such an armchair critic and show me how it's done!

Under The Table
Getting paid under the table means that you get paid secretly. Many people pay or get paid under the table because they are doing something illegal or don't want to report taxes.
Because I work in a different country and don't have a visa, I need to work under the table.

Fresh From The Oven
Something fresh from the oven is very new.
My friends are always buying the latest fresh from the oven electronics!

Top Shelf
Something top shelf is usually of the best quality.
Top shelf whiskeys are very expensive.

Throw In The Towel
To throw in the towel means to give up or quit.
When the boxer could not stand anymore, he threw in the towel.

Sweep (Something) Under A Rug
To sweep something under a rug means to ignore it or hide it from others.
My cousin has been unemployed for two years and lives with his mom, but he usually sweeps that under a rug when meeting women.

Have A Full Plate
To have a full plate means that you're really busy.
I'd love to go to that party tonight but I've got such a full plate that it's just not possible.

The Wrong Side Of The Bed
To wake up on the wrong side of the bed means to start your day in a bad mood or with a bad feeling. People usually get up in the same way every day, on the same side of the bed, so when someone's day isn't going well, we figure that it's because they woke up on the wrong side.
I'm really tired and angry today for no real reason. I must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed.

Catch up, Check out, Take off, Try on - Phrasal Verb Lesson

source: Twominute English    2013年3月28日
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/70-Cat...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson we’ll study these common expressions: catch up, check out, take off, and try on.
0:24 Robert, where have you been, man?
0:27 I’ve just been busy with work. You know these corporates, they wanna cash out every breath you take.
0:34 Hmmm... I understand. Anyways, it’s been long since we met. We should catch up soon.
0:43 Yeah, I was thinking the same. Let’s catch up this weekend. I’ll let the guys know and we’ll have fun together.
0:59 Hey, Sam. What’s the matter dude?
1:02 Nothing much. I was just checking out that crazy guy’s hairstyle.
1:08 Oh, yeah. He has weird hair.
1:10 Yup. It takes a lot of guts to try such a hairstyle.
1:16 Forget the guy. Check out that girl over there!
1:20 She is gorgeous!
1:31 Why don’t you take off your overcoat? The temperature is moderate inside.
1:37 I just came in and feel terribly cold. I’ll take it off in a while.
1:42 Okay, no problem. When you take it off, you can place it over there.
1:49 Alright. Thanks.
2:05 Hey, this is such a nice dress.
2:08 I know, Anny. Sadly, its not my size.
2:13 Didn't you try it on before buying?
2:16 No, I just picked it up randomly. I did not bother to try it on.
2:21 You should always try on clothes before buying them. This is such a waste of money.
2:27 You’re right. Next time I shop for clothes, I’ll try it all on.
2:36 We should catch up soon.
2:41 Let’s catch up this weekend.
2:46 I was just checking out that crazy guy’s hairstyle.
2:54 Check out that girl over there!
2:59 Why don’t you take off your overcoat?
3:05 When you take it off, you can place it over there.
3:13 Didn't you try it on before buying?
3:19 I did not bother to try it on.