
CNN 10 with subtitles | February 21, 2017 | The troubled nation of South Sudan | Daily ...

source: Daily Listening     2017年2月20日
CNN 10 | February 21, 2017 | The troubled nation of South Sudan | Daily Listening hightlights: We're taking you inside the troubled nation of South Sudan this Tuesday for an explanation of the reasons behind its violence. Then, we define the term "two-state solution" with regard to the Middle East peace process and explore why it's challenging to achieve. Flooding in California, a rocket launch in Florida, and the fight against "superbugs" are also featured in this show.
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Introduce yourself and make some friends - 04 - English at Work

source: BBC Learning English    2016年7月26日
For more English at Work: http://bbc.in/29Nd9JK
Anna is determined to be friendly and introduces herself to her new colleagues. Unfortunately, a slight misunderstanding leads her to make an embarrassing mistake.

Narrator: Last week, Anna got the job of sales executive at Tip Top Trading, thanks to her quick-thinking in an office crisis. Today it's her first day in the office. How are you feeling now, Anna?
Anna: Excited, but a bit worried. I really want to make a good first impression.
Narrator: Well, you're going to need some phrases to introduce yourself politely, such as:
Hello, I don't think we've met.
You must be – and say the person's name.
I've just joined the team.
Nice to meet you.
Have you worked here long?
Why don't you start by saying hello to Tom Darcy, the Senior Account Manager?

Tom: (On the phone) Yah, yah, no, yah, yah, OK, yah. I'll seal the deal, yah, no worries. OK, see ya mate, bye! (Hangs up)
Anna: Hello, I don't think we've met.
Tom: No.
Anna: You must be Tom. I'm Anna. I've just joined the team.
Tom: Uh huh.
Anna: Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long?
Tom: Sorry, I'm quite busy right now – I've got a big deal just coming through. But let's get together sometime. Um... can you do lunch tomorrow?
Anna: You want me to do lunch? Well, I'm not very -

(Telephone rings)
Tom: Sorry, important client. Lunch tomorrow at 12.30 then?
(On the phone) Tom speaking. Yah! Frankie! So what's the latest, are we on?
Anna: Well, OK then.
Narrator: Great Anna! You used some nice phrases to introduce yourself. It's a shame Tom thinks he's too important to do the same.
Anna: I'm sure he's just busy. But I'm a bit worried about tomorrow!

(The next day…)
Anna: (Struggling into the office carrying cooking implements) Good morning Paul!
Paul: Good morning Anna, are you OK?
Anna: Fine, the kitchen's through there, isn't it?
Paul: Er, yes.

(Kitchen noises as Anna starts preparing lunch)
Denise: Anna!
Anna: Oh hi, Denise!
Denise: What are you doing?
Anna: Cooking lunch for Tom.
Denise: You what?
Anna: Tom asked me to have lunch ready for 12.30.
Denise: Did he indeed?
Tom: Er, Anna.
Anna: Hi Tom!
Tom: What are you doing?
Anna: Spring rolls, followed by crispy duck in black bean sauce.
Tom: No, I mean, why are you cooking?
Anna: Well, if I don't start now, it won't be ready for you by 12.30.
Tom: Oh, you misunderstood me, Anna. When I said "Can you do lunch?" it didn't mean "Can you make lunch?" It meant "Are you available to come to lunch with me?" In a cafe or something.
Anna: Oh!
Paul: Mmm... something smells good, but what's going on here?
Denise: Anna thinks it's her job to cook for people!
Anna: No, no, I misunderstood!
Tom: Anna just got a bit confused.
Paul: Well, never mind, it looks tasty.
Anna: There's enough for everyone if you want some.
Paul: I think that's a splendid idea, we can have an office picnic!
Anna: Yes!
Paul: Mmm, that sauce looks delicious.
Anna: Yes, it's my favourite.

Narrator: Well, once again everything has worked out well for Anna! Before we go, a reminder of the phrases she used:
Hello, I don't think we've met.
You must be Tom.
I've just joined the team.
Nice to meet you.
Have you worked here long?
Just remember - if somebody says "Would you like to do lunch?" they're not usually expecting you to cook for them! Goodbye.

Intonation in Long Sentences - Pronunciation with JenniferESL

source: JenniferESL    2017年2月9日
Click to watch Lesson 5: expressing strong emotions.
0:01 Do you own a lot of shoes? (model text with long sentences)
0:45 Lesson title
0:56 Review: thought groups and focus words
1:37 Low-rise intonation
3:58 Fall-rise intonation
6:30 Low-rise vs. fall-rise (my opinion!)
8:21 Using low-rise and fall-rise together
8:48 Fall-rise for hesitation
9:24 Practice: short reading
10:36 Lesson ending
Teachers: Please visit https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress...

How to start a conversation: 5 things to say after "hello" (with James)

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)   2017年2月2日
Don't know what to say? Don't worry! In this video, you'll learn easy ways to start a good, useful conversation. You'll learn how to choose topics for conversation, and I'll teach you the questions you should ask to start enjoyable and meaningful conversations! You're going to have fun, improve your English, and make friends! What could be better?
Test your understanding of the lesson with the quiz! http://www.engvid.com/how-to-start-a-...

A pound of flesh - Shakespeare Speaks

source: BBC Learning English    2016年4月29日
Find out if this phrase from The Merchant of Venice is about justice or revenge!
For activities and extra materials connected to this episode: http://www.live.bbc.co.uk/learningeng...
Narrator: It was late in the evening. William Shakespeare is at the palace of King James I.

King James: Mr Shakespeare! Welcome, welcome.

Will: Your majesty, it is a great honour to perform The Merchant of Venice for you a second time.

King James: The Queen and I enjoyed it so much we just had to see it again.

The Queen: You fell asleep halfway through dear, that's why you want to see it again.

King James: Nonsense. Mr Shakespeare, I particularly enjoyed your character Shylock. But what was all that about a pound of flesh?

Will: Well, Shylock lent some money to the businessman Antonio. And Antonio promised that if he didn't pay the money back, Shylock could cut a pound of flesh from his body.

King James: That's right, that's right. I remember it well now. What did he say? If you repay me not on such a day…

If you repay me not on such a day,
In such a place, such sum or sums as are
Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit
Be nominated for an equal pound
Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken
In what part of your body pleaseth me.

We'll leave them there for now. A pound of flesh? That's nearly half a kilogram! Modern English speakers use the phrase a pound of flesh when someone says they want justice, but the punishment they're asking for is so severe that it seems more like revenge. In the terrible case of US cinema gunman James Holmes, former prosecutor Bob Grant said:

Clip 1: The district attorney will argue that although the defendant is mentally ill, he is not insane under the law, and society deserves its pound of flesh from him.

Clip 2: I apologised and paid for the repairs after I crashed his car, but it isn't enough for him. He wants his pound of flesh. I think he's going to call the police…

The Queen: Mr Shakespeare, please tell the King what happens in the end, just in case he falls asleep again.

King James: I did not fall asleep! But yes, do tell me.

Will: Well, Antonio didn't pay the money back. The court agreed that Shylock could have his pound of flesh, but the court also said that he could not take even a single drop of blood.

King James: Aha! So Antonio was saved.

Will: Yes, your majesty.

The Queen: Ooh, the play is starting. Now do stay awake this time, dear…

King James: To sleep, or not to sleep: that is the question…

Finn explains Shakespeare's "pound of flesh"

source: BBC Learning English    2016年4月29日
Do you know the meaning of the phrase "a pound of flesh"? Learn the meaning with Finn here as he gives examples of it being used on news sites. For more about Shakespeare Speaks visit The Open University: http://www.open.edu/openlearn/languag... And take a look at BBC Learning English: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/... Hi there, Finn here and today we're looking at Shakespeare's phrase pound of flesh – which originally comes from The Merchant of Venice. Now, it's a really colourful phrase, but it can be slightly tricky to use. So I've got some news stories here to help us out - to look at this phrase in context. First up, we have the IT website,The Register, and it has the headline: "California gets $5m pound of flesh from Samsung, LG, and others in price-fix scandal." OK, so, what are we talking about here? This story tells us about a court case, where technology companies were found to have committed a crime and had to face a severe punishment. Now, it's called a pound of flesh here in this story, because it's a very harsh punishment, it's a lot to pay and it could almost be seen more as seeking revenge rather than just paying a fair amount. So there we go, "California gets $5m pound of flesh from Samsung, LG, and others in price-fixing scandal." Next we have this story from BBC Sport, which is about rugby, and in this story a senior Welsh rugby official is talking about playing professionally in different countries. He says that you get paid more in the French league and the English Premiership than you do in Wales, but in return they expect you to play extra hard. So they say: "… professional clubs in the Premiership want their pound of flesh." That's a quote from this official. So, they pay you a lot, but you have to work hard - a pound of flesh! And you know what? I think I've given my pound of flesh in this video – I've given you two examples in just the one video! Actually, I think I've got all my flesh still here! See you.

BBC News Review: Water pollution at the Rio Olympics

source: BBC Learning English     2016年8月2日
The Rio Olympics are starting in a few days, but there are concerns over water and air pollution in Rio. Join Sian and Catherine in News Review as they bring you this story and the language you need to understand it.
For more, visit our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...
The story

With just four days until the start of the Olympic Games in Brazil, reports indicate that levels of pollution in Rio de Janeiro remain alarmingly high.

Guanabara Bay, where sailing events will be held, is heavily polluted by raw sewage and chemicals. Research also suggests the authorities have failed in their promise to clean up Rio's air quality.

Wyre Davies - BBC news

Cleaning up Rio's chronically polluted waters was a promise that the city made when it was chosen to host the Olympic Games, but it simply hasn't been kept.

We're out now on Guanabara Bay, where Olympic sailing events will take place. The smell from the oil on the surface is overpowering and these are waters full of physical waste. Furniture, even dead animals, have been found in the water here.

But most of all it's the sewage from the favelas, and even the middle-class parts of town, that floods down into the bay, making this one of the world's most polluted waterways.

Key words and phrases:
alarmingly: worringly
filthy: very dirty
sewage: waste water from toilets
teeming with: containing a large number of (usually) living things
unfazed: not surprised or worried
favela: poor and crowded area of a city in Brazil

Five Phrasal Verbs - Different Meanings of 'Off'

source: Oxford Online English      2014年3月14日
A free English lesson from Oxford Online English. You can see more of our free English lessons on our site: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/fr...
In this class, we'll look at the different meanings of 'off' in phrasal verbs. 'Off' is used in many different ways. If you understand the different ways to use 'off', it will be easier to remember phrasal verbs with 'off'.

Making & Baking at Christmas! (PART 1: mmmEnglish)

source: mmmEnglish    2015年12月23日
In Part 1 of this video I’ll tell you about my family’s Christmas traditions and make my special Christmas trifle and in Part 2, native English speakers will explain their own Christmas baking and making traditions! Watch Part 2 here: https://youtu.be/5qbWKsqUYI4
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Weather (Learn English 18)

source: EF podEnglish    2007年2月7日
Learn to describe the weather in English using comparatives. In this beginner English lesson you will see two friends comparing the weather in Shanghai to the weather in Los Angeles. You will learn how to construct simple comparative sentences in English using the "-er" ending for adjectives.

Wolf Idioms - EnglishAnyone.com

source: EnglishAnyone    2011年6月18日
There are many idioms involving the wolf in English and we'll cover a few of them in this video.

A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
A wolf in sheep's clothing is a dangerous person who pretends to look innocent and harmless.
My daughter has a new boyfriend. He looks alright but there's something strange about him. I hope he's not a wolf in sheep's clothing.

A Lone Wolf
A lone wolf is a person who prefers to do things alone.
We don't know much about the new guy at our office. He does good work, but is very much a lone wolf.

To Cry Wolf
To cry wolf is to call for help when you are not in real danger. This idiom comes from the story of the little boy who cried wolf. For fun, the boy in the story called for help many times saying that a wolf had come. The problem was that when a wolf came, no one believed the boy's story. Don't cry wolf when there isn't a real problem.

A Wolf At The Door
A wolf at the door is a threat that is nearly upon you.
As poverty in our area increases the threat of crime becomes a real wolf at the door.

To Wolf Something Down
To wolf something down is to eat really quickly.
I had five minutes to eat my lunch before my break ended, so I wolfed down my lunch.

A Wolf Whistle
A wolf whistle is the whistle some men make when they see an attractive woman. It's something you've probably heard from many cultures.
Look at THAT girl! (Whistle)

Use of Can

source: Twominute English    2013年4月3日
Exercises for this lesson : http://twominenglish.com/video/49-Use...
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0:01 Welcome to twominuteenglish.com. Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
0:07 In this lesson we will study the correct usage of ‘can’ in a conversation.
0:17 ‘Can’ is a modal auxiliary verb. It’s used to express certain meanings - for example possibility, ability, requests or permission.
0:26 Mark, why don’t you give me some examples?
0:29 I can leave my car in that parking space.
0:32 Okay. You’re saying that you’ll possibly leave your car there.
0:36 Can you help me with my work?
0:38 This is a good one because it’s an informal request. We’re friends so it’s appropriate.
0:44 Can I smoke in this room?
0:47 Now you’ve just used ‘can’ to ask for my permission to do something.
0:51 You can’t smoke in here. Please go outside
0:54 Okay, I understood. You used the negative which means I don’t have permission to smoke in here.
1:02 That is correct. Now let me give you an example, Mark.
1:05 I can speak Portuguese. Can you?
1:08 No, I cannot. It’s cool that you have the ability to speak Portuguese. I can only speak English.
1:16 Now let’s see some sample conversations:
1:23 Hey Jamie. Can you help me out with something?
1:26 Yes, I can. I just need to finish some work here first.
1:30 No problem. When will you be free?
1:32 In half an hour or so.
1:34 Okay. I can wait that much. I’ll be outside.
1:42 Can you play any instruments, Garry?
1:44 No, I cannot. Can you?
1:47 Yes, I can play the guitar.
1:50 That's great. I myself can't play any instruments but I can sing well.
1:55 Yes, you can. I've heard you before.
1:58 Truth is I love music. And I can memorize things fast so I know many lyrics by heart.
2:04 I can see now why you always have some music on.
2:08 Yes, I can't live without good music.
2:15 I can leave my car in that parking space.
2:23 Can you help me with my work?
2:28 Can I smoke in this room?
2:34 You can’t smoke in here.
2:39 I can speak Portuguese.
2:45 No, I cannot.
2:49 I can wait that much.
2:53 Can you help me out with something?
2:57 Can you play any instruments, Garry?
3:03 I myself can't play any instruments but I can sing well.

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