
CNN 10 with subtitles | February 27, 2017 | Bees play "soccer" | Daily Listening

source: Daily Listening     2017年2月26日
CNN 10 | February 27, 2017 | Bees play "soccer." | Daily Listening hightlights: We're venturing inside an ancient city of Iraq today to observe how the ISIS terrorist group is destroying some of the region's cultural heritage. We're also bringing you a quartet of scientific stories, examining everything from weather to space to bees that play "soccer."
► SUBSCRIBE The Daily Listening FOR MORE: http://goo.gl/9sRkEB

Saying 'well done!' - 08 - English at Work tells you how to give praise

source: BBC Learning English    2016年8月23日
The boss isn't happy with Tom! But Anna is told 'Well done!'. Find out what words he uses to give Anna the praise she deserves...
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Paul: Good afternoon.
Anna & Tom: Hi, good afternoon.
Paul: Anna, Tom, room 301 please. Now.
Narrator: Welcome back to Tip Top Trading, where things are a teeny bit tense today. Paul has called Tom and Anna into room 301, the place where difficult conversations happen. Perhaps Paul has found out about yesterday's unhappy clients.
Anna: Oh dear.
Narrator: You should be okay Anna. After the way you coped with Mr Lime, you should be praised.
Anna: Really? What do you think Paul will say?
Narrator: Well, if he is pleased, he'll say things like:
Well done.
You handled it well.
Great job.
I'm really impressed.
Anna: And if he's not?
Narrator: Well, I suppose – oop. Here’s Paul now!
Paul: Well, Tom, Anna... Yesterday was not a great day. Two clients came in with serious complaints. Mrs Kumquat received a delivery of imitation bananas that were purple, not very convincing. And Mr Lime ordered grapefruits, but got pineapples. Tom.
Tom: Yes.
Paul: Were you responsible for these errors?
Tom: Well... yes, but…
Paul: Look, mistakes happen. But it seems that Mrs Kumquat left our offices even angrier than when she came in and she says she will never use Tip Top Trading again.
Tom: I tried my best.
Paul: Hmmm. I understand you told her to spray-paint the bananas and to 'stop being such a miserable old witch'.
Tom: Yeah, well look, she'd been very rude to me.
Paul: If you weren't such a good salesman I would fire you for that. Anna.
Anna: Yes.
Paul: Well done. Not only was Mr Lime satisfied that his problem would be resolved, but we might even get some extra business from him, thanks to your Imperial Lemon proposal.
Anna: I hope so.
Paul: You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well. You remained calm, friendly and professional. So, great job. I'm really impressed. I'm going to…
(phone rings)
Paul: Who's that? Oh no. It's a call from the USA.
Tom: Oh god!
Anna: What?
Tom: It’s the boss!
Anna: Whose boss?
Tom: Ours! The big, big boss, based in America.
Paul: Shhhh! (on the phone) Hellooo? Ah, good afternoon Mr Socrates, I mean, er- morning, ha ha, where you are it's … yes, no, n-yes … I'm not sure. Mrs Kumquat … did she? … well, it was very unfortunate … purple, yes … totally unacceptable … I will. If you'd like I could … Mr Socrates? Hello?
Mr Socrates? Oh, he's gone. Right where was I? Tom, great work. Anna, I'm disappointed. No, no, Anna, great work, I want you to take charge of the Imperial Lemon presentation. Tom, if you speak to a client like that again there will be disciplinary action. Mrs Kumquat was so angry she even emailed Mr Socrates. Ok, that’s it.
Narrator: Phew! What a relief for Anna. Let's listen again to some of the phrases Paul used to praise her:
Well done.
You were in a difficult situation and you handled it well.
So, great job. I'm really impressed.
He also explained why he thought Anna had done a good job:
You remained calm, friendly and professional.
Excellent work Anna. But Tom's mistakes have given everyone a lot of work to do tomorrow.
Paul: First thing tomorrow we need to sort this mess out. Tom, I want you to phone every single client and check the orders. Anna, you can go to the warehouse and find out what's going on in there!

Days of the Week | My Schedule

source: Mark Kulek     2017年2月8日

Fall-Rise Intonation: Pronunciation with JenniferESL

source: JenniferESL     2017年2月23日
Intonation in long sentences: https://youtu.be/-9wgB9HI460
0:01 Quick listening exercise
1:56 Lesson title
2:07 Review uses of fall-rise intonation
4:06 Practice fall-rise to express hesitancy
5:32 Fall-rise in polite speech
6:68 Practice fall-rise to sound polite
7:45 Final exercise: a practice text
9:14 Lesson ending
Teachers: Please visit https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress...

The world's mine oyster - Shakespeare Speaks

source: BBC Learning English    2016年3月11日
For activities and extra materials connected to this episode: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...
Shakespeare Speaks is a co-production by BBC Learning English and The Open University.

Narrator: The year is 1599. William Shakespeare is at the palace of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The Queen has ordered Shakespeare to write another play.

Queen Elizabeth I: Mr Shakespeare. Tell me about my new play.

Will:Your Majesty, The Merry Wives of Windsor is a comedy, in which Sir John Falstaff tries to trick two married ladies into giving him money behind their husbands' backs.

Queen Elizabeth I: Falstaff! Hahaha! He is such a wicked man... that's why I like him. Or maybe he reminds me of our dear friend Sir Walter Raleigh, who brings me treasure from around the world. Look at my pearls, taken from a Spanish ship by Raleigh and brought to me as a gift.

Will: They are beautiful, your Majesty. Whoever could guess that such a creature, deep in the ocean, could contain the most beautiful, precious treasure: a pearl?!

Queen Elizabeth I: Yessss... to Raleigh, the whole world is an oyster... full of treasure, ready for the taking. By force if need be... he is not afraid to use the sword to bring me my treasure.

Will: Mr Raleigh is your loyal servant, your Majesty, as am I.

Queen Elizabeth I: To Falstaff. What of his trickery?

Will: Your Majesty, while Falstaff is trying to get money from the wives, his friend Pistol is trying to get money out of him!

Queen Elizabeth I: Hahaha! Does he get it?

Will: Falstaff tells Pistol he won't give him a penny. Pistol becomes angry and says he'll get his sword and open up Falstaff's money bag - or any money bag he can find - like he's opening an oyster with a knife! It goes like this. I will not lend thee a penny...

Thomas Swann as Falstaff: I will not lend thee a penny.

Robert Harley as Pistol: Why, then the world's mine oyster.
Which I with sword will open.

Queen Elizabeth I: The world's mine oyster. It's full of money and treasure. Quite right, Mr Shakespeare, quite right.

Narrator: We'll leave them there for now. The Merry Wives of Windsor was Shakespeare's only comedy to be set entirely in England, and it's considered to be his most realistic portrayal of the daily lives of ordinary people. Think of it as the original 'Real Housewives'. In Shakespeare's play, the phrase the world's mine oyster was used as a threat - but today, it has become the world's my oyster - or your oyster - and it describes situations that contain wonderful opportunities. Take US entrepreneur Chris Gardner, who wrote in his autobiography The Pursuit of Happyness:

Clip 1: The world is your oyster. It's up to you to find the pearls.

Narrator: It can describe the opportunities that open up when you take risks, have money or learn new skills.

Clip 2: If you learn foreign languages, the world's your oyster.

Queen Elizabeth I: Mr Shakespeare: I am pleased. Your actors will perform this play for me.

Will: To perform, or not to perform: I'll just do what she tells me.

News Review: Chinese Economy

source: BBC Learning English    2016年1月20日
The Chinese economy continues to grow, but at the slowest rate in 25 years. What will be the impact on the global economy?
In this programme, Neil and Catherine explore the language being used by the world's media to discuss this story. Watch the programme and learn the words and phrases you need to talk about the news. Then see what you've learned with a short quiz.

Five Phrasal Verbs with Many Meanings

source: Oxford Online English   2013年11月13日
A free English lesson on phrasal verbs - you can see the full lesson, with notes, on our website here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
In this class, we'll look at English phrasal verbs which have more than one meaning. I'll explain the different meanings of these English phrasal verbs, and show you how to use them correctly. We'll also discuss some ways you can make it easier to study difficult phrasal verbs like these.

Speak English Clearly & Confidently!

source: mmmEnglish     2016年3月27日
'To imitate' something is the same as 'to copy' something. So this technique is about copying what a native speaker says - exactly! It teaches you to listen to the sounds and patterns of English - and trains you to make those same sounds yourself. You are training your mouth with your EARS (by listening to the sounds) and not with your EYES (by reading and guessing the sounds). You are training your mouth with your ears.
By practicing this technique, you will reduce your accent and pronunciation problems quickly and become a clearer and more confident English speaker.

Office Party (Learn English 25)

source: EF podEnglish     2007年2月7日
Learn how to use tag questions to ask for confirmation of your statements. In this beginner English lesson you will see two colleagues talking about an office party planned for the coming weekend. One colleague is asking the other about the details of the party events.

Color Idioms - 2 - EnglishAnyone.com

source: EnglishAnyone     2011年5月12日

Chasing Rainbows
Chasing rainbows means to attempt something very difficult or impossible.
Will our new restaurant succeed or are we just chasing rainbows?

Golden Opportunity
A Golden opportunity is an ideal or perfect chance.
Being invited on a TV show is a golden opportunity to promote our products.

Brown Noser
A brown noser is a person who does nice things for superiors to gain advantage or status.
That student does everything for his teacher. He's such a brown noser!

To be green is to be immature or new at something.
The rookie baseball player is really green!

In The Black
To be in the black means to profitable or successful.
That company sold a million books and is now in the black.

In The Red
To be in the red means to be in debt or unprofitable.
The company has lost so much money that it's in the red.

Out Of The Blue
Something that comes out of the blue is surprising.
That squid just came out of the blue and really scared me!

A White Lie
A white lie is an innocent lie told to protect someone's feelings.
I told my wife a white lie that I really liked the meal she cooked.

Hear vs Listen - Common English Errors

source: Twominute English    2013年4月19日
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/117-He...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson we will learn how to use ‘hear’ and ‘listen.’
0:16 The words hear and listen both refer to being aware of sounds.
0:22 You’re right Mark. ‘To hear’ refers to an ability. ‘To listen’ means you are paying attention to a sound or to what someone is saying.
0:31 Listening means trying to understand what you hear.
0:35 You may hear a noise without trying to identify it. But to understand, you must listen to it.
0:42 Yes Linda. Would you give some examples to help us understand better?
0:48 Yes, for sure. Here’s one: As soon as the audience hears the bell, they prepare themselves to listen to the lecture.
0:56 In this example audience hears the bell and then listens to the lecture to understand it.
1:03 Here is another example: Hearing her child cry, the mother stopped listening to the news.
1:10 Thank you Linda. Let’s listen to some conversations to understand better.
1:21 Hello Kate, here’s the address you should come to.
1:25 Hello! Is this Sam? I cannot hear you very well. Would you speak a little louder?
1:32 Listen carefully. You should come to Park Avenue, 17, in Holmes Villa.
1:40 Gotcha! Is that Park Avenue 17, Holmes Villa?
1:45 Right! You should arrive before 7 P.M. if you want to listen to Professor King’s presentation.
1:51 I need to listen to it completely. It’s the topic of my paper. I’ll be on time. Thank you, Sam.
2:03 I’ve heard that lecture before, it’s very inspirational.
2:07 Yes, everybody was listening to it carefully.
2:10 That’s right. It was very interesting.
2:13 It was good to hear the whole crowd laughing out loud, listening to his jokes.
2:18 You are right Kate. Should we attend these lectures every week?
2:23 Yes, Sam. Let’s come next week too.
2:32 Hey Linda, do you like to listen to music?
2:36 Yes, I do, but I never use headphones while driving.
2:40 While driving if you use headphones or earphones and listen to loud music, you won’t hear other sounds.
2:47 Yes. It also distracts us, which could be dangerous.
2:52 That’s right Linda. I heard that many accidents happen because of that.
3:01 As soon as the audience hears the bell, they prepare themselves to listen to the lecture.
3:13 Hearing her child cry, the mother stopped listening to the news.
3:23 You should arrive before 7 P.M. if you want to listen to Professor King’s presentation.
3:35 I need to listen to it completely. It’s the topic of my paper.
3:45 Yes, everybody was listening to it carefully.
3:53 It was good to hear the whole crowd laughing out loud, listening to his jokes.
4:04 Hey Linda, do you like to listen to music?
4:12 While driving if you use headphones or earphones and listen to loud music, you won’t hear other sounds.