
Disagreeing - 10 - English at Work gives you the language to disagree

source: BBC Learning English     2016年9月6日
Tom, Anna and Denise get together to share their ideas about Tip Top Trading's upcoming launch, but they can't agree on things! Anna's ideas are met with some negative comments and she has to learn how to disagree with the other's viewpoint in a confident but polite manner.

Narrator: Welcome! The team at Tip Top Trading are hard at work, making plans for the launch and presentation of their latest product: the revolutionary, almost real Imperial Lemon. They are 'brainstorming', sharing ideas on how to make their lemon a success.
Tom: But it needs to be bright!
Anna: This is much more exciting.
Denise: But having three colours would work better.
Narrator: There is a lot of disagreement going on, which is putting Anna's vocabulary to the test!
Paul: Right, I'm taking the final decision: the colour scheme will be green and yellow, so that's that. Now, the first presentation will be to er, Mr, er, Slime.
Anna: Mr Lime.
Paul: Oh, er, Mr Lime - that bit of biscuit looked like an 's' – Mr Lime, thank you Annabel.
Anna: Anna.
Paul: Mr Lime and his team at Citrus Ventures. Ideas please!
Anna: Why don't we offer Citrus Ventures a special opening offer: 20% off Imperial Lemon orders made this month.
Paul: Hmm...
Anna: We could even do that for all our regular clients.
Denise: That would be a big risk.
Anna: No.
Denise: If we do that once, all our clients will start asking for 20% off everything.
Anna: No, I disagree.
Denise: We'll be bankrupt!
Anna: No, you're wrong.
Narrator: Er- Anna, maybe you should find a better way of saying you disagree with Denise.
Anna: I'm so frustrated! I can't think of the right words.
Narrator: It helps if you try phrases like:
Well, I'm not so sure about that... then explain why.
Or start your sentence with 'but' when you want to disagree with what has just been said.
Or, to seem more polite, you can try:
I see your point, but actually I think...
Anna: I'll try.
Narrator: And don't be aggressive Anna - and give your reasons too, or you'll upset Denise again!
Anna: OK. Well, I'm not so sure about that. I think it will improve our sales of lemons and make our clients happy. Happy clients will come back to buy more.
Paul: Yes, that's a good point Annabe - Anna.
Tom: But 20% is a lot – maybe 5% would be better.
Anna: But if we're going to make a special offer, we should make it so good that everyone will say yes!
Denise: But people might think there's something wrong with our lemons and that we're desperate to get rid of them.
Anna: I see your point, but, if we explain this is just a special offer for special clients, they'll understand.
Paul: I like that idea. Good: 20% off for all regular clients just for this month. Anna, you'll be making the presentation to Citrus Ventures, so make sure you include that offer.
Anna: Yes.
Paul: Right, next, what photos do we have of the lemons...?
Narrator: Finding the right words to disagree in meetings isn't always easy, but Anna managed in the end. She started sentences with this short word to show that she was about to disagree with what had just been said:
And used these phrases:
I'm not so sure about that...
I see your point, but actually I think...
The next big challenge for Anna will be her presentation to Citrus Ventures. Join us again soon to find out what happens!
Anna: I've got to do a good job but it's going to take me ages. Ah well, I had better get started otherwise I'm going to be here all night!

Slang Words Starting With A

source: EnglishAnyone    2011年10月25日
Welcome to EnglishAnyone.com's English Slang Alphabet! Learn to understand and speak English like native speakers, and impress your friends with some REAL English words and phrases! Just remember that slang is CASUAL English! Use slang with your friends and people you know well! Don't use slang with your boss, with the police if you get arrested or when meeting your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents for the first time!

Asshole (a-hole)
An Asshole, or a-hole if you want to sound a bit more polite, is a mean person in general or someone who does something bad to you. As you are referring to someone as the hole in someone's ass, or butt, this is a pretty strong word.
That asshole just cut me off and almost pushed me off the road!

The A-list is the list or group of the best of something. A-list movie stars are the most famous and highest paid actors.
I wish I could get into that exclusive club. Unfortunately, only A-list celebrities are allowed in.

Absotively (absotively-posilutely)
Absotively is a combination of absolutely and positively, and is slang for certainly!
I would absotively give that hot model a kiss!

An airhead is someone who is considered really, really dumb. This word refers to the fact that it seems like the person's head is filled with nothing but air.
That airhead can't even tell the difference between dog tracks (footprints) and train tracks.

To be amped means to be pumped up and excited. An Amplifier is a piece of sound equipment that makes sounds louder.
I'm amped for the big soccer game tonight! It should be really exciting!

The slang meaning of average is regular, normal or nothing special. English speakers use this word to describe things like restaurants, dates and movies.
That TV show I was watching yesterday was just average. It was boring, but still interesting enough to keep me watching.

Ankle-biters are babies and small children. We call them ankle-biters because they crawl around on the floor and are just tall enough to bite you on the area just above your shoes.
While my wife is out with her friends, I'll be at home taking care of the ankle-biters.

When someone or something is on autopilot, it moves or operates automatically. This word comes from the control setting that allows planes to fly themselves.
I've been on autopilot all day! I went to work, did my boring job and thought about nothing!

A Conversation in English About Travel (with Subtitles)

source: To Fluency    2017年1月30日
Listen to this natural conversation in English about traveling. My wife and I have a real conversation that will give you listening practice and build your vocabulary.
Free book: https://www.tofluency.com/5-step-plan/
Course: https://www.tofluency.com/tfp/ (inside the complete version, you will find materials based on this lesson)

- we are being quite ambitious
- we have brought our daughter along with us
- It’s flown by, hasn’t it?
- how many vacations have we been on since we’ve been here.
- I think a lot of times we end up traveling to visit family
- to get away from it all
- why don’t you tell everyone about our latest vacation?
- we met up with your parents and sister
- we had more of a beach vacation
- it didn’t really feel like Christmas
- There were park rangers passing out / giving out free sunglasses
- we are thinking about going away this summer
- I have always wanted to travel to somewhere different
- We nearly went while we were living in Spain
- That was the time to go
- I mean, I think that once you start a family…
- Take advantage of this time right now
- We’ve been talking a lot with our son about koala bears and kangaroos
- I would love to travel around Asia as well
- I haven’t been to anywhere in Asia.
- You have been all the way down to Patagonia
- And he got excited about that
- I don’t really know, to be honest
- I remember being in my mum’s arms
- I remember seeing our neighbor
- Are you gonna remember this?
- She’ll have the video to look back on
- it used to take us 3 days to get to the south of France
- we would spend about two weeks there.
- they had sports going on
- there was a big heat wave
- that’s what I remember about it
- that’s something that we take for granted
- it doesn’t get that hot
- my family and family friends would rent a house on an island
- we would drive and take a ferry out to the island
- we would grill seafood at night
- my mom actually grew up going there when she was a kid too
- when was the first time you went abroad?
- do you remember?
- my father actually passed away when I was in college
- Do you remember the journey?
- it was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me
- ... the novelty of everything - being able to look out an airplane window
- my uncle used to fly back and forth
- I’m getting confused
- we got bumped up to first class
- have you seen some of those recent pictures
- it just looks incredible
- that would make flying with small children worth it.
- Yeah, no, definitely.
- it’s hard, isn’t it, with small children
- you just never know what you’re going to get
- You mentioned Morocco before as an ideal place to go on vacation.
- I was gonna.
- I was thinking about this while we’ve been having this discussion
- When I went traveling, I was on my own. I had a tiny backpack.
- Oh, so much easier on my own.
- I was worried that you were going to say that.
- When you are on your own, you have your stuff and that’s it.
- if you’re like you just don’t want to talk to someone
- if you wanna be outgoing, you can meet other people
- it’s more fun traveling with someone
- You get to share your experiences
- Shall we wrap it up?
- I’ve put you on the spot

Phrasal Verbs - MESS AROUND

source: Espresso English    2017年2月3日
Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course: http://bit.ly/2khiNa1
Lesson 1: Phrasal Verbs for Romantic Relationships: https://www.espressoenglish.net/phras...

All that glisters is not gold - Shakespeare Speaks

source: BBC Learning English     2016年2月11日
Will's daughter learns a lesson when she buys a cheap gold ring... and we look at idioms and phrases relating to appearance.
For activities and extra materials connected to this episode: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...
Shakespeare Speaks is a co-production between BBC Learning English and The Open University.

Narrator: It was a sunny afternoon. William Shakespeare is working on his play The Merchant of Venice. His daughter comes to see him.

Daughter: Father, look at my new ring! Isn't it lovely, gold and shiny…

Will: Dear daughter, it is very beautiful. Where did you get such a pretty thing?

Daughter: From the market. It was much cheaper than the gold merchant!

Will: Is it real gold?

Daughter: Yes, of course!

Will: So, my dear daughter, why is your finger green?

Daughter: Oohhhh!

Will: My dear daughter, you have a lot to learn… sit with me while I work. The Merchant of Venice. The Prince of Morocco wants to marry the beautiful Portia. But first, he must choose between three boxes: one made of gold, the second of silver, and the third, of cheap lead. Only one of the boxes contains a picture of Portia, and if the Prince chooses the wrong one, he cannot marry her. So, dear daughter, which box does he choose?

Daughter: The gold box! Is it real gold?

Will:He chooses the gold box indeed, and indeed it is real gold. The Prince believes that only the most beautiful box can hold the painting of the beautiful Portia. But in fact, it holds not a picture, but a scroll with these words: All that glisters is not gold…

Robert Harley as The Prince of Morocco
All that glisters is not gold;
Often have you heard that told:
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:

Daughter: He thought that because the box is beautiful on the outside, something beautiful must be inside… he was wrong.

Narrator: We'll leave them there for now. The Merchant of Venice is a play about money, money, money, and the phrase all that glisters is not gold warns us not to be fooled by people or things that look good - because they might not be as good as they look on the surface! In modern English, the word glisters is often changed to glistens or glitters.

Clip 1: Well that car looks fantastic, but all that glitters is not gold. Check the engine before you buy it.

Daughter: Oh father, will you buy me a real gold ring? Pleeeeeaase?

Will: Hmmm… to buy, or not to buy: that is the question.

News Review 26 January 2016: Beatrix Potter story discovered

source: BBC Learning English    2016年1月27日
A story by the author of Peter Rabbit written more than 100 years ago is to be published for the first time. Watch and listen to Neil and Rob and learn the words and phrases you need to talk about this story. Then see what you've learned with a short quiz here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Five Phrasal Verbs With 'Away'

source: Oxford Online English     2013年10月24日
This class covers five common English phrasal verbs with the particle 'away.' You can learn about the verbs, how to use them, and how they are different from similar-looking phrasal verbs.
Want to keep up to date with our free lessons? Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/oxfordonlinee...

Pronunciation: Bad /æ/ vs Bed /ɛ/

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Molly teaches the difference between the /æ/ and /ɛ/ English sounds. This is the perfect video to practice and improve your English pronunciation.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Pronunciation: Far /ɑːr/ vs Fur /ər/

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Molly teaches the difference between the /ɑːr/ and /ər/ English sounds. This is the perfect video to practice and improve your English pronunciation.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Learn To Think In English.

source: mmmEnglish    2016年4月11日
Are you translating words from your native language in your head while you are speaking English? When you do this, you a long time to speak and your English sounds unnatural because the sentence structure is different! If you want to sound more natural when you speak English, you need to learn how to think in English.
Learning to think in English will make you a more confident English speaker because you will speak more naturally, fluently and with less hesitation.
Read the full transcript to this video on my blog: https://www.mmmenglish.com/2016/04/11...
Get Grammarly Grammar Checker FREE! https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SHp9
English Listening practice - Try Audible for FREE! http://www.audibletrial.com/mmmEnglish
mmmEnglish WEBSITE: https://goo.gl/W90K0V

Office Phone (Learn English 28)

source: EF podEnglish    2007年7月4日
Learn the most common phrases and expressions for making phone calls in English. In this beginner English lesson you will see two phone conversations. You will learn how to answer the phone, how to ask to speak to someone, and how to take a message. You will also learn how to cancel an appointment and reschedule for another time.

Use of Ago and Before - Confusing Words in English

source: Twominute English    2013年4月20日
Exercises for this lesson : http://twominenglish.com/video/131-Us...
You can also join us on Facebook : http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device : https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson, we will learn how to use ‘ago’ and ‘before’ without getting confused.
0:18 The word ‘ago’ refers to a past moment
0:22 The word ‘before’ refers to a moment earlier than something or someone else.
0:29 Yes, they both speak of a time in the past. However, ‘before’ can also be used to speak of the future.
0:37 ‘Ago’ is used when we speak of past times only. For example The meeting started twenty minutes ago.
0:47 That is right. We use ago just to speak of something which happened in the past.
0:51 For example A long time ago, there was a king who ruled these lands.
0:57 ‘Before’ is used when we speak of an event or moment in the past which happened earlier than another moment or event.
1:06 For example Before metal was discovered, early man used stones to hunt.
1:13 That’s correct. It can be also used to speak of something in the future which will happen earlier than another future moment or event.
1:21 The jury will check all the reports before rendering the verdict.
1:26 ‘Before’ is used to establish the order in which things occur. For example John arrived before Jack; or, John will arrive before Jack.
1:38 ‘Before’ connects two situations. Here is one example John was operated two months before his exam.
1:45 Here, the operation happened earlier than the exam.
1:49 Alright, Martha, let’s listen to some conversations now to understand better.
2:01 How are you Matt, when did you arrive
2:05 I arrived just five minutes ago.
2:08 So, did you make it in time for the movie yesterday or had it started before you got there
2:15 It started ten minutes before I got there.
2:18 That’s too bad. The beginning of that movie is very funny.
2:28 Centuries ago people believed that the Earth was the center of universe.
2:34 That’s right. It was before Galileo proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
2:39 Yes, but Copernicus suggested that before Galileo.
2:45 Is that so Wasn’t it Galileo who invented the telescope
2:49 Yes. It was one of his most important inventions.
2:59 Hey Martha, did you meet Mr. Smith
3:02 Yes, but it was a long time ago.
3:05 We should talk to him before presenting our final report.
3:09 That’s right. He’ll surely help us.
3:12 I called him just an hour ago to schedule an appointment
3:17 That’s good. Let’s talk to him before our class starts.
3:26 The meeting started twenty minutes ago.
3:33 Before metal was discovered, early man used stones to hunt.
3:45 The jury will check all the reports before rendering the verdict.
3:55 I arrived just five minutes ago.
4:04 It started ten minutes before I got there.
4:10 It was before Galileo proved that the Earth revolves around the Sun.
4:20 Yes, but it was a long time ago.
4:28I called him just an hour ago to schedule an appointment.