
Explaining a misunderstanding – 19 – English at Work helps you explain a...

source: BBC Learning English    2016年11月8日
How do you explain if there's been a mix-up? Paul, the boss, leaves a message wanting ideas for a new marketing strategy for their new laser-curved fruit range. Anna gets straight down to work but when Paul turns up, Tom gets all the credit. There's a big mix-up and it's time for Anna to learn some language that explains there has been a misunderstanding.
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Narrator: Hello, it's a chilly start to the day at Tip Top Trading.
Anna: Hi Denise!
Denise: Good morning Anna.
Anna: Brrr... it's so cold in here.
Denise: The window was left open overnight.
Anna: My papers have been blown everywhere.
Denise: Mine too! Tom was the last one here last night – it must've been him who left the window open.
Anna: Brrr.... Right then, to work! Oh, there's a note from Paul, it must've fallen off my desk: 'I would like your ideas on our stock management system for our new laser-curve fruit range, so we know we can keep up with demand. Please write me a couple of pages of suggestions and leave it on my desk. I'll be back this afternoon.' Wow! I have to come up with ideas for a stock management system! Gosh, where do I begin?!
Tom: Good morning.
Anna: Morning!
Tom: Hey, my certificate for Plastic Pear Salesman of the Year is on the floor!
Anna: Right... stock management systems... stock-up on your laser-curved lemons … My first idea is to calculate the total….
Narrator: Well, Anna has finished her report and left it on Paul's desk, but things aren't that simple. Er, Anna, there's going to be a problem.
Anna: Oh? A problem, bbbbut…
Narrator: Let me teach you some phrases you might need to explain that there's been a mistake:
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
There's been a bit of a mix-up.
Anna: But what misunderstanding? What mix-up?
Narrator: You could also use:
Let me explain what happened...
Anna: But-
Paul: Ah, good afternoon everyone.
All: Hello.
Paul: Tom, this is an excellent piece of work!
Tom: Sorry?
Paul: These are by far the best ideas you've ever had.
Tom: I don't understand.
Paul: Our stock management system!
Tom: Can I see? … Oh, that's not mine.
Paul: Eh?
Anna: I think there's been a misunderstanding. I did it.
Paul & Tom: You?
Anna: I got your note Paul, here.
Paul: No, no, that note was for Tom.
Anna: Oh, then there's been a bit of a mix-up.
Tom: Did you take that note from my desk?
Anna: No, no!
Tom: I suppose you threw my pear salesman certificate on the floor at the same time too!
Anna: I didn’t! Let me explain. The wind must have blown the note for Tom under my desk.
Denise: Tom left the window open overnight. Our papers were blown all over the place.
Paul: I see, well, golly gosh. In that case, well done, Anna! Excellent work, even though you weren't meant to do it. And Tom, your ideas are still welcome of course. Thanks.
Anna: Sorry Tom.
Tom: What? Oh, I'm not bothered. I've still got some great ideas in my head anyway.
Narrator: Yeah, right! Let's leave Tom to get on with his 'great ideas' and listen again those phrases Anna used to explain the misunderstanding:
I think there's been a misunderstanding.
There's been a bit of a mix-up.
Let me explain what happened.
Well, the mix-up gave Anna a chance to shine – Paul certainly seemed impressed with her work. Maybe it will bring her new opportunities. Until next time, bye!

Formal and Informal Intonation: English Pronunciation with JenniferESL

source: JenniferESL    2017年3月2日
Click to watch Lesson 7: fall-rise intonation.
0:01 Recall some common greetings in English
0:56 Lesson title
1:08 What makes English sound informal?
2:15 Different kinds of greetings
3:05 Different ways to ask questions
4:04 Different ways to get someone's attention (forms of address)
5:44 A short dialog
7:22 Lesson ending
Teachers: Please visit https://englishwithjennifer.wordpress...

Ecology Vocabulary #1

source: Catlin Tucker    2017年3月4日
Please write down the word, part of speech, definition, and any examples that will help you to remember these words. Remember you can pause the recording at any time if I am talking too fast!

Ecology Vocabulary #2

source: Catlin Tucker     2017年3月6日

Ecology Vocabulary #3

source: Catlin Tucker    2017年3月10日

Learn 8 Phrasal Verbs with "PUSH"

source: English Lessons with Alex    2017年3月10日
Ready to learn more English phrasal verbs? In this lesson, you'll learn 8 phrasal verbs with the the word "push". These English expressions are used in professional, social, academic, and athletic situations, so there's something for everyone! You probably already know that phrasal verbs are very common in spoken English. You'll hear definitions and examples for how these "push" phrasal verbs are used, so you can start using them yourself. After the lesson, you can push ahead and practice the English you learned by taking the quiz at https://www.engvid.com/8-phrasal-verb...

Slang Words Starting With K

source: EnglishAnyone    2012年7月8日
Just remember that slang is CASUAL English! Use slang with your friends and people you know well! Don't use slang with your boss, with the police if you get arrested or when meeting your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents for the first time!

First of all, because there are quite a few phrasal verbs (or verbs formed from groups of words) in this video, play close attention to the SPEED and INTONATION of my voice. Listen closely and you'll understand how to use words that sound similar in very different ways. Let's begin!

Kickass/Kick Ass
English speakers love ass! This word is used in so many ways and is combined with other words to make some great phrases. You've already learned badass and jackass in this series. We also taught you asshole, but forgot to teach you dumbass, which means stupid. Anyway, kickass means really fun, cool and/or exciting. It's an adjective used to describe things like parties. Kick ass, is a verb, and means to do really well at something. Both kickass and kick ass have positive meanings, but the thing to listen for is how the pronunciations of the slang word and phrasal verb are slightly different. This is a kickass party! This party kicks ass! Did you hear how the adjective was faster and how the verb had a rising intonation? Kickass. Kick ass!
We really kicked ass with our kickass plays at the football game!

To knock something means to criticize, or make fun of, it. "Don't knock it till you try it," is a phrase English speakers often use to tell people not to say bad things about something before doing it themselves.
Don't knock the kilt! The ladies love it.

Knockoff/ Knock Off
Listen carefully to the speed and intonation of my voice. A knockoff is a cheap fake or copy of something. You can buy a knockoff Rolex for only $10! Knock off is a phrasal verb with many uses. It can mean to stop working for the day, steal something, kill someone, stop doing something or reduce the price of something.
The store knocked off the price of these knockoff jeans, so I got them for only $1!

Knock Back
We use knock back to describe drinking alcohol quickly. You can knock back a few beers, but you wouldn't say that you knocked back a glass of milk.
I went to my favorite bar after work and knocked back a few shots.

Knockout/Knock Out
A knockout is a really beautiful woman. The phrasal verb knock out, sometimes expressed as K.O., can mean to hit someone so hard that go unconscious, or to finish doing something very quickly.
I need to knock out my work so I'll be on time for my date at the park with this knockout I met.

Knock Up
To knock a woman up is to get her pregnant without intending to. Many couples end up getting married when the woman gets knocked up.
Have fun on the camping trip, Bill! Just don't knock anyone up!

Kickback/Kick Back
A kickback is a payment, often made by secret, illegal agreement, where someone gets a percentage of money back in return for organizing a transaction. As an example, a government official can get a kickback from a company by recommending that company get a government contract. The company gets the job and the government official that organized the deal gets a piece of the money secretly from the company. The phrasal verb kick back just means to relax and forget about your worries and responsibilities.
Because of all the great kickbacks I receive, I can kick back and relax on the beach all day.

Something killer is amazing, outstanding or game-changing. A killer dress is a very sexy dress and a killer smartphone app is really helpful or very fun and addictive. A Facebook killer, with "killer" being used as a verb, means the next big software or service that will unseat Facebook as the NEW popular social networking website.
We need a killer stunt to really WOW people at our next animal show!

Kicks are shoes. This slang is often used to describe sneakers and other shoes used for running and sports. We don't use this for dress shoes and we don't use the word "kick" to describe one shoe. You won't really hear this slang used in the regular conversations of people over the age of 25, but you'll hear it regularly from young people and movies.
I just picked up a shiny new pair of kicks and I'm ready to hit the basketball court!

A klutz is a clumsy person who is physically uncoordinated and often makes physical mistakes like dropping dishes.
I'm such a klutz! I opened a drink for a girl and got it all over her shirt!

A knucklehead is a stubborn person. Knuckleheads don't change their minds easily, learn lessons slowly and can be unresponsive even when yelled at.
Tell that knucklehead kid of yours to stop cutting branches off my trees!

A kook is an odd, crazy or eccentric person. You can also describe someone who does weird, things like washing their car with their tongue, as kooky.
That lady is a bit of a kook. She has tea parties with her 30 cats every Sunday.

Phrasal Verbs - DRAG ON

source: Espresso English     2017年2月16日
Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/phras...
More English Courses: http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...

Greek to me - Shakespeare Speaks

source: BBC Learning English    2016年6月3日
Shakespeare's daughter is confused. Learn a great English idiom to use when you don't understand.
For activities and extra materials connected to this episode: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...
Shakespeare Speaks is a co-production between BBC Learning English and The Open University.

Narrator: It’s October 1599. Shakespeare has finished writing his history play Julius Caesar and is visiting a fair in his home town of Stratford, with his daughter. She has just had her fortune told…

Will: Now, dear daughter, what did Old Mother Howard say? What does the future hold for us, I wonder?

Daughter: Oh father, Mother Howard talked a lot, but she had such a strange accent – I couldn't understand a word she said!

Will: You're just like Casca in my play Julius Caesar.

Daughter: Casca? He's one of the men that kills Caesar, the Roman general! How can you say that, father – I'm not a murderer!!!

Will: Dear daughter, Casca was in a group of people who were listening to the great Roman speaker Cicero. But Cicero was speaking Greek, so Casca couldn't understand him.

Daughter: Oh… why was Cicero speaking Greek?

Will: That's what educated people spoke in Roman times. Casca says that some of the people listening to Cicero could actually understand him. Here are the lines: …those that understood him smiled at one another…

Thomas Swann as Casca: … those that understood him smiled at
one another and shook their heads; but, for mine own
part, it was Greek to me.

Daughter: So Casca had no idea what Cicero was talking about. Just like me and Mother Howard!

Narrator: We'll leave them there for now. Fortune tellers were common in Shakespeare's day, and they appear in many of his plays including Macbeth, the Comedy of Errors and Julius Caesar, in which the fortune teller warns Caesar to "beware the Ides of March" – the day on which Caesar was eventually assassinated by his closest friends. The phrase It was Greek to me has become It's all Greek to me in modern English, and it's used when something – not just a foreign language – is difficult to understand. For example, in a report about the 2015 Greek debt crisis, UK newspaper The Daily Telegraph carried the headline:

Clip 1: It's all Greek to me: a glossary of Eurozone crisis jargon

Clip 2: I'll never understand the rules of cricket: out for a duck, silly mid-off, googlies… It's all Greek to me!

Will: Now tell me, daughter, did you understand anything Old Mother Howard said?

Daughter:Yes! She talked about you, father. She said that you're going to be the most famous Englishman of all time! …but I think she was making it up.

Will: Oh no, no, no… I'm sure she's absolutely right about that … She's obviously a very gifted woman. What shall we look at now, daughter?

Daughter: Can we go to the gold stall father? Pleeeeeease???

Will: I didn't need a fortune teller to predict that! To gold, or not to gold: that is the question.

News Review 1 March 2016: Calais migrant crisis

source: BBC Learning English       2016年3月2日
Violence has broken out between migrants and police in the 'Jungle' - an area of temporary shelters which is home to migrants on their way through France towards Britain. The clashes follow attempts by French authorities to clear the area. In this video, Finn and Neil talk about the story and bring you some useful related language which appears on news sites around the world.

Confusing Words in English

source: Oxford Online English    2015年2月25日
See the full lesson on our website; http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
The full lesson includes a text, and also a quiz to help you practise what you have learned.
# The vocabulary you can learn about in this lesson:
1) Fall, fell, felt and fallen—What's the difference between 'fell' and 'felt'?
2) Take and bring—How do you use these two verbs?
3) Cook and cooker—Which one is a person, and which one is an object?
4) Lose and loose—Which is a verb, and which is an adjective?
5) Work and job—These two words are very similar, but what exactly is the difference between them?
6) Study and learn—Are they the same, or a little bit different?
7) Bored and boring—These are both adjectives, so how are they different?
See more free English lessons like this one on this page: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/fr...

English Slang / Idioms: Tie the Knot, Get Hitched

source: Shaw English Online     2014年1月28日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Did you tie the know? Did you get hitched? These are funny and cute idioms that mean to get married. Robin will teach these common English idioms with a lot of useful examples.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Vocabulary: Body Size Adjectives

source: Shaw English Online     2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Slim, fat, large, big, skinny... Robin teaches many useful English adjectives to describe body size. This video has very important vocabulary you should learn to improve your English speaking skills.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Communication Skills (Learn English 56)

source: EF podEnglish    2008年10月3日
Learn about cultural differences in professional situations and how to ask for and give advice about business communication in English. In this intermediate English lesson you will see a manager talking to a cultural consultant about the correct way to behave in a business meeting in China. The consultant gives him some advice so that he will know how to be polite to his business partners.

What is the Difference Between May and Might ?

source: Go Natural English    2014年9月14日
For more info: http://gonaturalenglish.com/
Join the free sample course the 7 Steps to Fluency athttp://gonaturalenglish.com/7steps.
These words are very similar but this video will help you know when to use them and when to
use a different word completely.
‘May’ is used when you’re asking for permission.
For example:
‘May I go to the restroom?’
Have you ever asked, ‘Can I go to the bathroom?’ and then had someone correct you and
say, ‘May I go to the restroom?’
When do you use Might?
‘Might’ is used when you are discussing the possibility of doing something. Maybe something
that you wouldn’t usually do.
For example:
‘Do you want to go skydiving?’
‘I might.’
Can you see the difference?
Do you use ‘May’ or ‘Might’ when asking for something to drink?
‘May I have something to drink?’
Do you use ‘May’ or ‘Might’ when responding to a question about your future plans?
‘Are you going to the movies with me tomorrow?’
‘I might.’
It’s that simple!

Invitations - Inviting people to events

source: Twominute English     2013年2月18日
So you're having a party at home? You've made out the guest lists, typed that invitation mail and now it's time to call up all your friends and make sure they come. In this lesson you'll learn exactly how to do that.
exercise: http://twominenglish.com/video/39-Inv...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:06 In this lesson, we are going to learn how to invite people.
0:14 Jerry, do you have plans for the weekend?
0:18 I don’t have anything scheduled yet.
0:20 It’s Mary’s birthday this Saturday and we’ve decided to a throw a party for her.
0:25 That’s fantastic! Where will the party be?
0:29 It’s going to be a pool party at Jay’s apartment. You must come by 7.
0:34 A pool party? That sounds interesting! What about the dress code?
0:38 Well, don’t forget to bring your swimsuit along.
0:42 We’ll have a great time then. See you at the party!
0:48 Would you and your wife be free next Saturday night?
0:51 I’ll have to check it with my wife. Do you have something planned?
0:55 Well Samantha and I would like to have you for dinner if you’re free.
0:59 It would be a pleasure, but I think I should make sure that Vanessa is free.
1:03 Maybe you can call her and find out.
1:06 Yes, I’ll call her and tell you. I think she’ll be free.
1:09 Great! In that case please come to our house by 7.30.
1:14 Alright. I think we’ll make it. See you on Saturday!
1:21 Hey, Luna, what are you doing this weekend?
1:25 I don’t have any major plans.
1:28 The boss is throwing a party for the success of our new website.
1:32 It crossed 20,000 visitors a day.
1:35 Really? Your boss is cool. Where will it be?
1:39 It’s lunch at the Radisson hotel. I think it’s going to be great.
1:44 And are you allowed to bring a friend?
1:47 He said we could bring the spouse or a friend along. I thought about inviting you.
1:53 Wonderful! I think l’ll love that.
1:59 Have you heard about Jessica’s party on Saturday?
2:03 Yeah, but I’m still waiting for my invitation.
2:06 Really? She invited me this morning.
2:10 Maybe she will call me today.
2:12 Will you go if she invites you?
2:15 I want to. I heard all the popular girls are going to be there.
2:20 I know, it does sound like a pretty awesome party.
2:24 I hope Jessica does invite me.
2:31 And are you allowed to bring a friend?
2:36 Do you have plans for the weekend?
2:42 I don’t have anything scheduled yet.
2:48 Yeah, but I’m still waiting for my invitation.
2:56 A pool party? That sounds interesting! What about the dress code?