
Making polite requests – 22 – English at Work asks what you want politely

source: BBC Learning English    2016年11月29日
Anna is off to meet Mr Ingle, the warehouse manager, to discuss stock management. But she finds him doing something dangerous and illegal! She needs to ask him to stop it politely. Find out how she makes this request.
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Narrator: Hello, welcome back to Tip Top Trading where Anna is going downstairs to speak to warehouse manager, Mr Ingle. You’re looking a bit nervous…
Anna: I am. Denise says if I speak to him in the wrong way, he might bite my head off!
Narrator: Relax Anna. It’s just an expression to mean he might be a bit aggressive.
Anna: Oh!
Narrator: You’ll be fine, just use the right polite phrases… oh, and smile!
Anna: OK, I will. Oh look here I am…
(Warehouse door opens)
Anna: Mr Ingle, are you there? I’d be most grateful if you could give me some… oh, what’s that smell… and smoke… Mr Ingle!
Mr Ingle: Oh, oh (coughs)
Anna: Mr Ingle. You’re smoking!
Mr Ingle: Well… it’s my lunch break… so I’m allowed to smoke a cigarette, aren’t I?
Anna: Really? Are you sure?
Narrator: No, he’s not Anna! Smoking inside a public building is illegal – it’s against the law. It’s dangerous too - you’ve got to do something about this.
Anna: Oh right. Mmm, er, Mr Ingle, you mustn’t smoke… it’s wrong.
Mr Ingle: Says who?
Anna: Err, Me?
Narrator: Anna. You’ll have to do better than that. Be polite, but be firm too. Try saying, ‘would you mind not doing that please?’
Anna: I’ll try. Mr Ingle, would you mind not doing that please?
Mr Ingle: Why’s that then?
Narrator: He’s not being very nice is he? You need to give your reasons. Say, ‘I’m afraid it’s against company policy’. Go on you can do it.
Anna: Mr Ingle… I’m afraid it’s against company policy. And… it is actually against the law to smoke here… and… it’s not a nice smell, is it?
Mr Ingle: Well, smells OK to me.
Anna: Well, I’m sorry to have to ask you this but you need to put it out.
Mr Ingle: Put what out – the cat?!
Anna: No. You need to extinguish your cigarette… please.
Mr Ingle: Says who?
Anna: Well, I’m sure your team wouldn’t like to see you breaking the law and besides, it could cause a fire. That would be awful.
Mr Ingle: Yeah, I suppose it would.
Anna: I could get you some nicotine gum if you like?
Mr Ingle: No, it’s OK. I’ll stub it out… as you asked so nicely.
Anna: Thank you Mr Ingle. We’ll keep it a secret this time, but please don’t do it again. I’m afraid it’s just not permitted on company premises.
Mr Ingle: Yeah, whatever!
Anna: Oh and Mr Ingle, I still really like your overalls. Bye!
Narrator: Nice one Anna. You dealt with Mr Ingle really well. You kept your cool and explained the reasons why he shouldn’t smoke. Let’s hope he doesn’t do it again Anna.
Anna: I hope not. I hate the smell of cigarette smoke. But I never got to ask him about stock management.
Narrator: Well, maybe it’s best to leave it for another time?
Anna’s had a tricky day so far dealing with Mr Ingle but she was firm and fair in the language she used. Here’s a reminder of the phrases she used:
Would you mind not doing that please?
I’m afraid it’s against company policy.
I’m afraid it’s not permitted.
Sorry to have to ask you this but…
Paul: Ah Anna, there you are…. (sniffing) Have you been smoking?
Anna: No!
Paul: You smell of cigarette smoke. Look, I know you’re under pressure – but smoking in the building is not permitted.
Anna: Bbbut…
Paul: We take this very seriously. You had better step in to my office and we’ll talk about this.
Narrator: Oh dear! Anna’s in trouble for no reason. Let’s hope she explains the mix-up, but that means telling Paul about Mr Ingle smoking. This is going to be difficult. Until next time, bye!

News Review: Is your phone safe from hackers?

source: BBC Learning English    2017年3月14日
Government crime prevention experts have warned that the rising number of gadgets being used by consumers puts them at a higher risk of being targeted by cyber criminals.
In a joint report, the National Crime Agency and the National Cyber Security Centre have warned that smartphones, watches, televisions and even fitness trackers could be used to access private data so that users can be held to ransom.
Test the quiz here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...
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For more videos and content that will help you learn English, visit our website: http://www.bbclearningenglish.com

Vocabulary for cleaning the house in English

source: freeenglishlessons    2010年2月2日
--a mop / broom / dust pan / yard stick /
--to sweep the floor
--to wipe the table / ledge
--to clean the window / the frame of the wondow

How to express CHANGE in English

source: Crown Academy of English     2017年2月27日
Private online English lessons & speaking practice: http://goo.gl/SEIjDD
IELTS advice from a band 8 student. Free download: http://goo.gl/2fH5wR

There are many ways to describe change in English. This vocabulary lesson explains some of the most common structures and expressions:

become + adjective
=to begin to be something

become + noun phrase
become is an irregular verb.
The past participle is also become. The past simple is became.

get + adjective
= to begin to be something
("get" is more informal than "become")

get + infinitive
= to describe a gradual or progressive change.
(to begin to do something new)
(to begin to feel something new)
2 common examples are:
1) get to like something or someone.
This means to begin to like something or someone.
2) get to know someone.
This means to make someone's acquaintance, to meet someone and gradually learn more about them through conversation.

go + colour
We use "go" (not "get") to describe changes of colour.

go + adjective
We use "go" (not "get") to describe changes for the worse:
Examples for people are "go bald" and "go blind".
Examples for food are "go bad" and "go stale".

come + infinitive
= to describe a change in attitude.
1) come to realise
2) come to regret
He came to regret leaving his job.

turn + adjective
= to describe a highly visible change of state.
It is common before colour adjectives. ("turn" is more formal than "go" + colour)
She turned red and started crying.

turn into + noun
=to transform into someone else (or something else)
(a dramatic change in the nature of someone (or something)
Hollywood turns true stories into films.

fall + adjective
There are 2 common expressions with "fall" that mean "become" (to start to be):
"fall asleep" and "fall ill"

fall is an irregular verb in English.
The past simple is fell and the past participle is fallen.
This class contains lot of examples with pictures and English subtitles to help you understand.

Phrasal verbs with GET: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SgTkun...
English expressions with CARE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKCxk...

Ask Out

source: Twominute English    2013年5月1日
'Ask out' is a phrase often used to ask someone out on a date. It is used to invite someone to go out with you.
Exercise: http://twominenglish.com/video/118-As...
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0:17 'Ask out’ is a phrase often used to ask someone out on a date.
0:21 That’s right Teddy. It is used to invite someone to go out with you.
0:25 It is also used when inviting someone for a visit.
0:29 Is that so? Can you give us an example?
0:32 Sure. Here it goes: “My father is sick and tired of the city. I’ll ask him out to my place.”
0:39 Okay, I got it. Good example. Now it’s your turn.
0:43 I'm going to ask Suzie out tonight. Wish me luck!
0:46 Suzie?! Wow, great. You’ll make a beautiful couple.
0:51 I hope so but here’s another example: “I’ve asked her out five times already but she keeps turning me down!”
0:58 Don’t lose hope, man!
1:00 I won’t but for now let’s see some sample conversations.
1:09 Who was that guy you were talking to at the bar?
1:12 No one. Just a stranger.
1:15 It looked like he was hitting on you.
1:17 Yeah, we struck up a conversation, and eventually he asked me out.
1:22 Oh really! What did you say?
1:25 I gave him my number, but I’m not sure if I’ll actually go out with him.
1:36 What are your plans for the weekend?
1:39 Well, nothing much. I’ll probably stay home.
1:41 Hmm... Well, I was wondering if we could go out for dinner on Saturday.
1:46 Are you asking me out?
1:48 Yes. I’m asking you out on a dinner date. So, what do you say?
1:54 Sure. Why not?
2:02 What are you up to gal? Why have you taken out all the dresses?
2:06 James asked me out on a date and I don't know what to wear.
2:10 So he finally asked you out. Cool!
2:13 Yeah! I’m freaking out here. I can’t find a single nice dress to wear.
2:18 Why don’t you wear the mauve colored dress that you bought a month back?
2:21 Oh, gosh, you are so right. I’d totally forgotten about that dress
2:28 My father is sick and tired of the city. I’ll ask him out to my place.
2:39 I'm going to ask Suzie out tonight. Wish me luck!
2:47 I’ve asked her out five times already but she keeps turning me down!
2:56 Yeah, we struck up a conversation, and eventually he asked me out.
3:05 Are you asking me out?
3:09 Yes. I’m asking you out on a dinner date.
3:18 James asked me out on a date and I don't know what to wear.
3:26 So he finally asked you out.

Slang Words Starting With M

source: EnglishAnyone    2013年2月18日
Just remember that slang is CASUAL English! Use slang with your friends and people you know well! Don't use slang with your boss, with the police if you get arrested or when meeting your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents for the first time!

Make Out
To make out means to kiss someone passionately. And it usually involves touching of other kinds which I won't cover in this lesson. To see examples, just visit any high school.
I was making out with my girlfriend in the theater and we missed half the movie!

Make Waves
To make waves is to cause trouble or do something that's not normally done. It comes from the idea of waves in water. When a boat passes by, it makes waves and disturbs the peace of the water. It's not necessarily bad to make waves, but people who don't like change will usually complain about others making waves.
The new CEO is really making some waves in the company. A lot of senior people got fired.

A mash-up is a combination of two or more things, like songs, that become something new and interesting. The Grey Album from DJ Danger Mouse is a mash-up of Jay-Z's Black Album and the White Album from the Beatles.
I like mash-ups, but this mix of country music and death metal is AWFUL!

Max Out
"Max" is short for "maximum." If you reach the maximum limit of something, you've maxed it out. This can happen to credit cards, time, energy and machines.
I maxed out my credit cards, so I think the responsible thing to do is get new ones!

Many slang words are abbreviations of words in common usage. "Meds" is the shortened form of "medication" or "medicine." "Meds" most often refers to medication that you take regularly for things like high blood pressure and depression. To be "off your meds" means that you're acting weird because you're not taking your medication.
My cousin was put back on his meds because he tried to eat a live chicken.

"Meathead" is often used to describe athletes who only think when it comes to sports. In other words, a meathead has big muscles but small brain capacity.
That meathead can't count to ten, but he sure can carry a football.

Meat Market
"Meat market" is slang for a bar or club where men and women go to find others to hook up with physically. Think of it as the opposite of a church picnic.
I need to forget about my ex-girlfriend. Let's hit up that meat market!

A meltdown is a massive problem or disaster. Just like an actual nuclear meltdown, a meltdown causes great stress for people. Meltdowns usually feature intense anger and yelling, especially if someone did something stupid.
I came home five hours late and my mom had a meltdown.

Mess Up
To mess something up means to make a mistake or cause a problem that's not too serious. If you forget to do something like mail a letter when you were supposed to, you messed up.
I messed up on a few exam questions, but at least I spelled my name right!

Your mojo is your special sauce. It's your spirit, lively personality and passion. Charismatic people have lots of mojo.
In order to win this new client, we're gonna need some of your magic mojo!

There are TONS of slang words for money in English. Moolah is one with a particularly cool sense to it. You pay for things at a store with a credit card or CASH, but "moolah" would be a word used to describe money won at a casino or stolen from a bank.
Look at all of this MOOLAH! I'm gonna buy a new car!

Phrasal Verbs - POINT OUT

source: Espresso English    2017年2月18日
Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/phras...
More English Courses: http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...

08 different ways to say “I’ll call you back” – Telephone English with Michelle

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2017年2月24日

Telling a person you will call them back if you are busy

It’s good if you can give a reason for your unavailability. This way the person on the other end will not feel ignored/ offended.
Hey, you know what, I’m studying at the moment, shall I call you later?

I’m sorry I’m a bit caught up with some office work, I’ll call you shortly.

I’m sure this would be a common experience for most of you. When you’re at work and you don’t even have the time to attend your sister’s call even though you want to attend to her but you just can’t. Do you think she’ll feel bad if you say “Hey I’m busy.” Yes, it’s true she will however if you’ll say “I’m sorry I’m a bit caught up with some office work, I’ll call you shortly” she’ll rather understand you and won’t be displeased.

I’m occupied with the kids right now, can we connect after a while.
What do you say to your colleague who wants to discuss work even after office: I’m occupied with the kids right now, can we connect after a while?

I’m traveling, I’ll revert to you soon.
More professional and formal. Can be used with a business partner or employee when you’re out of the city or country.

B. Telling a person you will call them back when you don’t have an answer

If you receive a question from a client or customer that you do not know, you can either tell them that you will find the answer for them within a specific time limit or tell them to call someone else. Let's learn how to do these things professionally:

"I don't have the answer right off hand. I'll need to find that information for you. Will it be ok if I call you back in about 30 mins.?"

(right off hand means “right now”- urgency)
Being quite polite: you’re asking for the time as you’ll need some time to find the answer.

"I believe I can find that information for you. It might take 10 minutes or so. Can I call you back with the information?"
The word “believe” shows that you’re very sure about finding the information.

"I'm not sure about the answer. I'll find the information and call you right back. Will that be ok?"
When you’re not too sure about the answer and there is no urgency in the situation

"I'm not sure about this one. Let me ask my manager. Can you please hold?"

When you can respond immediately and there is someone available to you who can answer the question

What's done is done - Shakespeare Speaks

source: BBC Learning English    2016年3月4日2016年3月4日
Learn the modern-day meaning and use of this phrase from Shakespeare's Macbeth.
For activities and extra materials connected to this episode: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Narrator: It was a late summer's morning. William Shakespeare is at the market.

Will: A pound of plums, please, Mary.

Stallholder: Here you are Mr Will.

Will: Mary? You're not your usual happy self this fine morning.

Stallholder: I feel terrible, Mr Will. I did an awful thing to that Nell Butcher – she's had her eye on my George for ages. I've had enough. I put pepper all over her fruit pies. Oh Mr Will, poor Nellie's in so much trouble and it's my fault.

Will: Well Mary, there's nothing you can do about it now. What's done is done!

Stallholder: Lady Macbeth said that in your play, didn't she Mr Will?

Will: She did indeed Mary.

Stallholder: She was telling her husband that you can't change the past. You just have to forget about it and move on, even if it's really, really bad.

Will: And it was indeed very bad in my play, Mary. Macbeth murdered the King. And Lady Macbeth encouraged him.

Stallholder: No wonder he feels bad afterwards... I feel bad enough about the fruit pies...

Will: Macbeth feels very guilty. He has some terrible dreams. But Lady Macbeth doesn't feel the same. She tells Macbeth to forget his bad thoughts.

Stallholder: Say the lines, Mr Will.

Will: Very well Mary. Close your eyes and imagine: Macbeth is feeling bad about the people he killed. Lady Macbeth tells him that they are dead, so his guilty thoughts about them should die, too. He can't fix things, so he shouldn't think about them. These are her words:

Lady Macbeth: How now, my lord! Why do you keep alone,
Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
With them they think on? Things without all remedy
Should be without regard. What's done is done.

Narrator: We'll leave them there for now. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is central to the play's examination of the psychology of guilt. Deeply ambitious and ruthless, she encourages Macbeth to murder his way to power, but by the end of the play she is overcome by guilt and descends into madness. These days, people still use Shakespeare's exact phrase: what's done is done, usually to say that there's no benefit in feeling bad for a long time about past mistakes. Take footballer Thierry Henry, explaining how his father taught him to always think of the next game.

Clip 1: My dad always taught me to never be satisfied, to want more and know that what is done is done... You've done it, now move on.

Clip 2: Just explain you meant to send the email to a different Sophie - and then forget about it. What's done is done.

Stallholder: So Mr Will, should I forget about the pepper and the pies...?

Will: Indeed you should, Mary. And forget about Nell Butcher too.

Stallholder: Hmmm... to forget, or not to forget: that is the question.

BBC News Review: Can toast cause cancer?

source: BBC Learning English    2017年1月24日
Toast and roast potatoes could cause cancer if they are too brown, according to a UK government agency. Neil and Catherine look at the language the world's media is using to discuss this story - and show you how you can use it in your everyday English.
For more, visit our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Talking About Your Home

source: Oxford Online English     2016年4月22日
See the full lesson (with text) here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
Where do you live? What’s your home like? What about your neighbourhood? Talking about your home is a common conversation topic in English, so it’s good to have some things to say.
By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to talk naturally and clearly in English about your home and where you live.
You can learn:
- English vocabulary to talk about different types of home.
- How to say what you like or dislike about your home.
- How to make your speaking more natural and interesting by adding details.
- How to make longer answers when talking about your home in English.
See more lessons here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/fr...

Borrow / Lend Me

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Borrow and lend me are very important English words to know. Esther will teach this common vocabulary in an easy way to understand.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
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Office Gossip (Learn English 58)

source: EF podEnglish    2008年3月28日
Learn the difference between direct speech and indirect speech in English. In this intermediate English lesson you will see two people gossiping at work about their colleagues. Two of their colleagues are dating and one of the men speaking does not think this is appropriate at work.

Fix a Silly Mistake for ESL Speakers

source: Go Natural English     2014年1月23日
This video talks about the most common mistake that the students get so confused of when it comes to distinguishing the subject as plural or singular. One best example for this is the word "Family".
Watch this video next: http://bit.ly/1QBgMw7
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