
Language for emergencies – 24 – English at Work gets you out of danger

source: BBC Learning English    2016年12月13日
Emergency at Tip Top Trading! Everyone has evacuated the offices following a fire alarm and Anna has to take charge. Is this a real fire emergency or just a drill? Can anything get any worse - well possibly, especially when a man from America turns up unexpectedly.
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Denise: Tom?
Tom: Here.
Denise: Anna?
Anna: Here Denise.
Denise: And Paul?
Paul: Yes, yes I'm here and there's no need to panic. That was just a fire drill – a practice.
Narrator: Phew, Tip Top Trading is safe – for now. It was just a fire drill. What a busy day this is turning out to be. Hey Anna, remember next time it could be for real so are you happy about what to say if you have to take charge?
Anna: Oh, not really.
Narrator: Just keep calm and say things like:
There's no need to panic.
Please leave the building and meet outside.
Use the stairs not the lift.
And when you're outside, you could say: is anybody missing?
Anna: OK, thanks, but I hope I'll never need to use them.
Paul: Well done everyone. Hopefully you all know what to do in the unlikely event of a real fire. Now, to celebrate, I'm off to buy some really nice biscuits for all of us – you know, those special double-choc ones. Back to work everyone.
Denise: Honestly! I was in the middle of an important call.
Tom: Yeah, and you never got see those firemen in action, did you Denise?
Anna: Look at the time. I really need to get on with my work.
Tom: Yeah, and I've got to check on the latest football… I mean share prices. Hold on, can anyone smell smoke?
Denise: (On phone) I don't believe it! The fire alarm's gone off again. I'll call you back Marge. (Hangs up) Oh, where's Paul when you need him? Anna, you're going to have to take charge.
Anna: Me? What about Tom?
Denise: It looks like Tom has gone already.
Narrator: Remember Anna, use those phrases to keep everyone calm and informed about what to do.
Anna: OK. Err… there's no need to panic. Please leave the building and meet outside.
Denise: Hold on, I just need to grab my elephant dung notepad and red pen. Come on then Anna, into the lift.
Anna: No Denise. We must use the stairs not the lift.
Denise: Oh, with my knees!
Anna: Jump up Denise, I'll carry you.
Anna: (Quietly) Could I have your attention please.
Narrator: Louder Anna. This is urgent!
Anna: (Loudly) Could I have your attention please! I need your full attention. Please stay calm. I'm sure there's not a fire, just a bit of smoke. Is there anybody missing?
Denise: Well, there's no smoke without fire, hey Tom! Tom? Tom? Has anyone seen Tom?
That's Tom coming out of the building and he's carrying someone on his shoulder!
Anna: It's Mr Ingle from the warehouse!
Tom: (Out of breath and coughing) It's OK everyone… I've put the fire out… it was in the warehouse. Mr Ingle had been smoking.
Anna: Mr Ingle!
Mr Ingle: Err… yeah… sorry.
Narrator: Sorry indeed! Mr Ingle's in serious trouble now. But well done Anna for dealing with that emergency and getting everyone out of the building. Here are some of the phrases she used:
There's no need to panic.
Please leave the building and meet outside.
Use the stairs not the lift.
And when you're outside, you could say:
Is anybody missing?
Seems like Tom is a bit of a hero. He has his uses! But hold on, who's this?
Mr Socrates: Say Honey, looks like I've come at a good time. Have you seen a guy called Paul round here?
Anna: He's not here, he's gone to buy some… err… biscuits. Can I help?
Mr Socrates: Yeah sugar. I'm Mr Socrates, Paul's boss and I've come to sort this business out.
Tom & Denise: Mr Socrates!
Narrator: Oh no! The head of the company's in town. This means trouble. See you next time.

Let's Learn English Lesson 47: How Can I Help?

source: VOA Learning English    2017年3月16日
Anna's friend Pete is fixing his car. Can Anna help him? She says, "I was fixing cars when I was a teenager."
Originally published at - http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 47 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2017年3月3日
Use this video to learn how to say the new words for this lesson. The, learn about how to offer help and accept an offer of help.
See the whole lesson at http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

Let's Learn English Lesson 47 Speaking Practice

source: VOA Learning English    2017年3月3日
Use this video to learn about the reduced form of "I will" in American English.
See the whole lesson at http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/...

8 common words and expressions about sleep

source: Crown Academy of English    2017年3月6日
English Speaking practice with a native teacher: http://goo.gl/ZGnCzx
IELTS advice from a band 8 student. Free download: http://goo.gl/Zp2h16
In this English vocabulary lesson, you will learn 8 common words and expressions about sleep:
sleep like a log
to be fast asleep
to not sleep a wink
hit the sack
drop off to sleep
fall asleep
to have a lie-in
to oversleep
There are subtitles on the screen to help you understand. The accent is British English.
Business expressions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cQv8p...
More Vocabulary Lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

Slang Names For Famous American Brands - With Pronunciations

source: EnglishAnyone     2017年1月30日
Take your free quiz and solve your biggest fluency frustration here: http://www.bit.ly/2jlHXXs
In this video, you'll learn the way native speakers refer to some of America's most famous and popular corporate brands and products, as well as their pronunciation, so you can understand them in conversation and use them to sound more native and conversational. :)

Pet names, nicknames and terms of endearment are all ways of showing how well you know a person, place, thing or brand, and indicate your inclusion in the group of people who know something on a more personal level.

brands/products covered in this lesson (as well as how to pronounce):

Charles Shaw wine
American Express

Take your free quiz and solve your biggest fluency frustration here: http://www.bit.ly/2jlHXXs

KNOW, MEET, MEET WITH, or MEET UP? (Vocabulary with Emma)

source: Learn English with Emma [engVid]   2017年2月20日
Do you know the difference between "know" and "meet"? We use these verbs in almost every conversation, so let's make sure you use them correctly! I'll teach you the meaning of "know" and "meet" as well as expressions like "meet with" and "meet up with". Sometimes the difference is between formal and informal English. In other cases, these words and expressions have very different meanings. Try the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/improve-your-vo... to practice what you've learned.

Phrasal Verbs - BREEZE THROUGH

source: Espresso English    2017年2月20日
Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course: https://www.espressoenglish.net/phras...
More English Courses: http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...

Cooking Verbs, Phrases & Vocabulary - with Niharika

source: Learn English with Let's Talk       2017年2月22日
Why is your English not improving? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIVNF...
So in this spoken English lesson we will cover the verbs that frequently appear when reading the cooking instructions in recipes or the words that should be used when giving cooking instructions

1) Bake – To cook in an oven using heat. The term usually used to describe the cooking of cakes, casserole, and bread.

2) Barbecue – To cook food (usually meat ) on a grill using fire or hot coals.

3) Beat – To mix quickly and continually, commonly used with eggs.

4) Carve – To cut meat into slices, it is also called as Meat carving which is a process and skill of cutting portions of meat, such as roast and poultry, to obtain a maximum or satisfactory number of meat portions

5) Chop – it is the process to cut food items into small pieces generally used with vegetables.

6) Broil - Broil means to cook by direct heat, as on a gridiron over the heat or in an oven under the extremely high temperature.

7) Shallow fry - Shallow frying is an oil-based cooking technique. It is typically used to prepare portion-sized cuts of meat and fish, and patties such as fritters. Shallow frying can also be used to cook vegetables. Shallow-fried foods are often battered. It is a high-heat process, promoting browning and the food is partly submerged.

8) Deep Fry – This technique is opposite of shallow frying. Here the food is submerged in deep oil and for the matter of fact this technique is also called deep fat frying

9) Grate – Reduce food to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater.eg) grated cheese

10) Sauté /Stir fry – To quickly fry food by placing it in hot oil in a frying pan.

11) Knead – To press and stretch the dough with hands. The dough is used to make bread or pasta.

12) Scramble – to mix the white and yellow parts of eggs together while cooking them in a pan

13) Mince – Cut up food especially meat into very small pieces, typically in a machine. Eg) Minced chicken and minced beef.

Colour White Idioms

source: BBC Learning English    2009年7月9日
In this episode the Teacher introduces you to three idiomatic expressions that use the colour white:
1. It's black and white
2. As white as a sheet
3. A white-knuckle ride

BBC News Review: Migrants rescued off the coast of Libya

source: BBC Learning English    2016年8月30日
Thousands of migrants have been rescued off the coast of Libya. Join Sian and Catherine in News Review as they bring you this story and the language you need to understand it.
For more, visit our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

The story
The Italian coastguard says it coordinated the rescue of six and a half thousand migrants from the Mediterranean on Monday. It made more than 40 separate sorties across the day, making it one of the busiest days in years for the multi national rescue effort.

Tim Allman - BBC News
Around 20 rickety wooden boats, packed full with men, women and children, mostly from Eritrea and Somalia. Some cheered when help arrived, throwing themselves into the water and swimming to the rescue vessels. They were found off the northern coast of Libya, a country that's become a hub for people trafficking. The migrants are now likely to be sent to the Italian mainland or Sicily.

Key words and phrases

to quickly leave a place, normally because it is dangerous or unpleasant

used here as an adverb before a number to mean 'approximately'

a place which is the the centre of a particular activity

short missions

not stable; likely to break

Talking About Your Family

source: Oxford Online English  2016年7月27日
See the full version here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
In this lesson, you can learn how to talk about your family in English. Do you have a big family? What do you like doing when you spend time with your family? Talking about family can be a good way to start a conversation in English, so it’s useful if you know what to say and have some questions to ask.
You can learn:
- How to introduce your family in a simple way.
- How to talk about your immediate and your extended family.
- How to talk about your brothers and sisters.
- How to talk about your children.
- How to talk about your relationship with your family, and what you like to do together.

English Slang / Idioms: Hella Hecka

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月28日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
This slang is from California! People form California love to use the slang expressions 'hella' and 'hecka' to mean something is good. Esther teaches both of these slang terms with many example sentences. This video will help you learn casual English speaking.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Vocabulary: Humid

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
It is hot and humid today! Esther will teach how to use the word humid in English. It is important vocabulary to know and use.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Films (Learn English 65)

source: EF podEnglish     2007年2月7日
Learn how to disagree with someone politely in English. In this advanced English lesson you will see two friends reviewing a movie they have seen together. They do not share the same opinion about the movie. You will learn how to ask what someone thinks about something and how to share your opinion in a polite way.

Chip in, Cut off - Common Expressions

source: Twominute English    2013年5月6日
'Chip in' can be used when a person wants to add his own opinions or ideas into someone else's conversation. 'Chip in' can also mean to contribute with a small amount of money.
'Cut off' is often used in a conversation when the speaker is not interested or does not want to participate in something. 
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/99-Chi...
Facebook : http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson, we’ll study these common expressions: chip in and cut off.
0:28 Hey Bill. How are you?
0:31 I’m great Sam. What’s up?
0:34 Nothing much. We were just talking about how our Health system can be improved. Why don’t you chip in?
0:42 I would love to. But I’m really getting late.
0:46 C’mon man! We won’t take much of your time.
0:51 I’m sorry, Sam. I gotta go. But Julie’s coming. Why don’t you ask her to chip in?
1:06 Did you know that Julie’s birthday is tomorrow?
1:10 I had no idea.
1:12 We’re throwing her a surprise party. Can you chip in some dollars on a gift for her?
1:19 Of course! She deserves a nice gift.
1:23 We are also planning on buying her some flowers
1:26 Sure. Count on me to chip in on that too.
1:45 Hey Julie. Why are you in such a hurry?
1:49 Just cut it off, Bill. I don’t have time for this.
1:53 What?! Calm down. What happened?
1:56 We were having this stupid discussion about Health services.
1:59 They were not listening to me at all. I asked them to cut it off so many times.
2:04 C’mon Julie. Take it easy. Why don’t you chill and have some water?
2:11 Leave me alone, Bill.
2:13 C'mon Julie stop that. It was just a stupid discussion.
2:22 Why don’t you chip in?
2:26 Why don’t you ask her to chip in?
2:31 Can you chip in some dollars on a gift for her?
2:39 Count on me to chip in on that too.
2:45 Just cut it off, Bill. I don’t have time for this.
# Click for more grammar videos on phrasal verbs