
Booking a hotel room – 25 – English at work reserves your room

source: BBC Learning English    2016年12月20日
Tip Top Trading have a serious issue to deal with - the arrival of the big boss from America, Mr Socrates. He is a particularly fussy man but because of his importance he gets his own way, including the type of hotel room he stays in. This is something that Anna will find out when she has to book his room.
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Narrator: Hello again. Things haven't been going well at Tip Top Trading. There was a fire in the warehouse, caused by my Mr Ingle's cigarette and now Mr Socrates – the big boss from America – has turned up unexpectedly.
Mr S: So honey, you are…?
Anna: Anna. I'm Anna, I work here as a sales executive. We haven't met before.
Mr S: We sure ain't. Looks like I've arrived just in the nick of time.
Paul: (Out of breath)… what's going on… oh, Mr Socrates! Golly gosh, what an unexpected pleasure.
Mr S: Unexpected alright. Looks like this company is in a mess.
Paul: Err yes. It was OK when I popped out for some biscuits… erm, would you like one?
Mr S: Biscuits?! They're cookies man. Look, now what do I have to do to get a triple-shot, organic, skinny cappuccino round here?
Anna: I'll get you one Mr Socrates.
Mr S: It's OK honey. I need you to book me a hotel room. You... what's your name again…Paul… you can fetch me one.
Narrator: Right Anna. Booking a room for Mr Socrates. This is something you can't get wrong.
Anna: Well I've never done it before.
Narrator: I'm sure you'll be OK. When you book a room, here's what you could say:
Hello, I'd like to check availability and prices for a room please.
Does the price include breakfast?
Are there any business facilities such as internet and wi-fi?
I'd like to go ahead and make the reservation please.
Anna: OK I'll give it a try. But where shall I look?
Narrator: Try searching on the internet. Look for a five-star hotel. He is a five-star guest after all. Good luck.
Anna: Thanks. I better get back to the office and get started.
Tom: Hi Anna.
Anna: Oh hi Tom. Well done for saving Mr Ingle in that fire. You were very brave.
Tom: It was nothing really. So… err... what are you doing?
Anna: I've got to book a hotel for Mr Socrates.
Tom: No! You know, we must be in trouble. He never visits.
Anna: Really? So where shall I book him in to?
Tom: Well my friend runs a fantastic hotel – it's five star! It's called the Royal Imperial. Look, I've got his number. Give him a call, mention my name. You're bound to get a special rate.
Anna: Thanks Tom.
Tom: No problem. Oh but don't forget, I've heard Mr S only likes a room with a single bed in it. He gets spooked out if there's another empty bed.
Anna: Oh right. OK, I might as well give it a try.
Receptionist: Hello. Royal Imperial Hotel.
Anna: Oh, hello. I'd like to check availability and rates for a room.
Receptionist: When for?
Anna: For three nights from tonight. Your best room please!
Receptionist: All our rooms are the best! But… yes, we have one. It's £100 a night.
Anna: Right. I work with Tom…Tom Darcy… his friend runs the hotel. I wondered if you could offer me a special rate?
Receptionist: Tom Darcy? No I've never heard of him. Sorry, it's still £100.
Anna: Does the price include breakfast?
Receptionist: Yes. We offer a full continental breakfast of toast, or bread, oh, and tea…or coffee….and cereal.
Anna: Oh. And do you have any business facilities?
Receptionist: Well, we've got paper and pens.
Anna: I was thinking, internet, wi-fi… shoe-shine?
Receptionist: Yes. We've got that.
Anna: Good. And most importantly, is this a single room?
Receptionist: We've only got twin rooms.
Anna: Twins? You've only got room for twins?
Receptionist: No. We could take a bed out and just leave one in, if you want?
Anna: Oh that would be perfect. In that case, I'd like to go ahead and make a reservation please.
Receptionist: Good. How would you like to pay?
Narrator: Well done Anna for booking the hotel but I have a feeling Tom's recommendation may not be as luxurious as he says. Let's hear the phrases Anna used when booking a hotel:
Hello, I'd like to check availability and prices for a room please.
Does the price include breakfast?
Are there any business facilities such as internet and wi-fi?
I'd like to go ahead and make the reservation please.
So the room is booked. I wonder what Mr Socrates will think of it? He's a particularly fussy man as we'll find out next time. Bye!

Prepositions (with Adam): ABOVE, OVER, ON, ON TOP

source: English Lessons with Adam    2017年3月17日
An important basic English lesson! There are many ways to talk about the position or location of a person or thing. In this essential video, we will look at the uses of the prepositions "above", "over", "on", and "on top of". Though they all indicate a position or location that is higher than another, they have specific differences. Watch the video to find out when each word is used and why. Then, test your knowledge by doing the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/prepositions-in...

Top 10 Most Confusing Words (with Rebecca) for Advanced English Learners

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2017年3月20日
Should you use "affect" or "effect"? "Advise" or "advice"? "Emigrate" or "immigrate"? Not sure? In this lesson, I will explain the differences between ten commonly confused English words. This is a quick way to improve your English immediately and get higher marks on your IELTS, TOEFL, or TOEIC. Learn what's right and what's wrong, and upgrade your English!

How to teach reading with phonics - 1/12 - The Alphabet & Letter Sounds ...

source: EnglishAnyone    2011年3月20日

Lesson 1 - The Sounds of English
Learn the alphabet, short vowel and consonants sounds, and begin developing great pronunciation.

Welcome to The Sounds of English with EnglishAnyone.com! The three primary colors are red, yellow and blue. If you mix these colors, you can create a whole rainbow of new colors. The English alphabet has 26 letters. Mix them correctly and you will be able to spell, read and say the more than 40 different sounds of English.

English can be confusing! We know! Why do some letters make different sounds? "On" becomes "one." "One" becomes "phone." And why do different letters make the same sounds? "Newt" and "suit" both share the same "oo" sound. Native speakers can also get confused. We misspell words all the time! But don't worry; If we learned English, anyone can!

If you watch these simple, fun lessons, you will learn new words, improve your pronunciation, gain the confidence to speak, and start getting fluent!

Because we want you to learn quickly, you won't see every English letter and sound combination in this video series. But, we'll show you some words that break the rules and you'll be learning more than enough to teach yourself English.

Now, sit back, relax and start learning!

Great pronunciation begins with mastering the alphabet! Letter sounds change, but letter names do not. So, let's learn the alphabet first. Here we go. Please repeat after me. (Repeat alphabet letters)

Now, let's forget the names of the letters and learn some sounds.

The sounds of English are like music. The vowel sounds are the melody of English. The vowels are A, E, I, O, U, and sometimes Y. Vowels can make many sounds, but we will teach you the short vowel sounds first. Please repeat the short vowel sounds. (Repeat short vowel sounds)

Very good! The other letters of the alphabet are the consonants. These sounds are like the beat in the music of English. ("tuh," "kuh," "sh," "ch") Consonants also make many sounds, but you will learn the short consonants sounds first.

You'll hear two sounds for the letters C and G. The hard C sounds like this (kuh). The soft C sounds like this (sss). The hard G sounds like this (guh). The soft G sounds like this (juh). Usually, if the letters A, O or U follow the letters C or G, then C and G make their hard sounds. If the letters E or I follow the letters C and G, then C and G make their soft sounds. Please repeat the short consonant sounds. (Repeat short consonant sounds)

Great job! Review this lesson any time! In lesson two, we'll start building words!

Be About To - English Phrases

source: To Fluency    2017年2月17日
BOOK: https://www.tofluency.com/5-step-plan/
COURSE: https://www.tofluency.com/tfp/
- We're just about to go to a restaurant
- I think she's just about to throw up
- I'm about to lose my mind
Phrases to tell your friends: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sU_dC...
Phrases for a relationship: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECZTL...
Real conversation about love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Qvxf...

Gold Idioms

source: BBC Learning English    2009年6月5日
Learn three English idioms connected to gold:
As good as gold
A heart of gold
Worth its weight in gold

News Review: Bangladesh's missing millions

source: BBC Learning English   2016年3月15日
Hackers have stolen $100m from Bangladesh's foreign currency reserves causing the country's government embarrassment. In this video, Neil and Rob talk about the story and bring you some useful related language which appears on news sites around the world.
Learn more about this programme here http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

American Slang vs. British Slang

source: Oxford Online English   2016年9月9日
See the full version here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/am...
In this English lesson, you can learn about some of the differences between American and British slang.
Have you ever listened to a song or watched a TV show and found a word that you hadn’t seen before? And then you went to check your dictionary and you still couldn’t find the meaning? These are probably slang words. 'Slang' means informal, conversational vocabulary. Slang is usually specific to a particular group or place. For example, people in different cities and towns might use different slang words.
See more of our free English lessons on our site: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/fr...

English Slang / Idioms: Pissed Off

source: Shaw English Online   2014年1月28日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Are you angry? Angry means pissed off! Esther will teach this common English idiom with many useful example sentences to help you improve your English speaking.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Vocabulary: Monsoon Season

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Monsoon is another vocabulary word you need to know and use if you live in Asia. ! Esther will teach how to use the word Monsoon Season in English.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Fears (Learn English 66)

source: EF podEnglish   2007年1月25日
Learn how to combine adjectives with prepositions to talk about your fears. In this advanced English lesson you will see two people talking about making presentations at work. One person enjoys public speaking but the other is afraid of being in front of so many people.

Describing Yourself

source: Twominute English     2013年4月3日
How do you describe yourself? What kind of a person do you think you are? Describing yourself accurately requires knowing yourself. You can use words that describe your personality, your nationality, your marital status. In this lesson we are going to learn how to introduce ourselves to people.
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/47-Des...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson, we’ll see common words and phrases you can use to describe yourself.
0:20 Hey Bill. Sammy here.
0:23 Hey Sammy. What’s up?
0:26 I heard that you joined the Army. I’m thinking about doing it too. I know there are specific qualifications I must meet, right?
0:35 How old are you?
0:37 I’m 24.
0:40 How tall are you?
0:43 I’m 6’11’’ tall.
0:47 That’s nice. Do you have a degree?
0:50 I have a master’s degree.
0:53 That’s very good. We’ll mail you everything else you need to know.
0:58 Thanks a lot, man.
1:06 Hey Sammy. Long time, no see. How are you doing?
1:09 I’m doing fine, Jenny. What about you?
1:13 Well, I got married last month. So my world’s pink right now!
1:17 Wow, that’s awesome. Congratulations!
1:21 Thanks! What about you? Did you find yourself a nice girl?
1:25 Nah! I’m still single. I’m not ready to tie the knot.
1:30 That sounds just like you. Don’t worry, you will find the one soon.
1:34 It’s okay. I’m in no hurry.
1:42 Hello, may I speak to Sammy Cullen, please?
1:46 This is Sammy. Who’s this?
1:49 My name’s Peter. Bill gave me your number. He told me that you want to join the Army. Where are you from?
1:57 I’m American from New York.
2:00 And where do you live?
2:03 Well, I’m currently living in New York. But I spent my whole life in Washington.
2:08 My dad worked for the Government.
2:11 I see. You should be getting an e-mail from us later today. Please proceed according to the instructions in it.
2:19 I will. Thank you.
2:24 How old are you? I’m 24.
2:32 How tall are you? I’m 6’11’’ tall.
2:40 Do you have a degree? I have a master’s degree.
2:50 I’m still single. I’m not ready to tie the knot.
2:57 Where are you from? I’m American from New York.
3:08 And where do you live? Well, I’m currently living in New York.