
Keeping things professional – 28 – English at Work gives you the phrases

source: BBC Learning English    2017年1月10日
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Narrator: Hello again. Tip Top Trading’s big boss, Mr Socrates has announced a new strategy to sell plastic fruit to Europe and hopefully keep the company afloat. But before the real work begins it’s time for him to enjoy some good English hospitality at the pub, courtesy of the team from the London office. Let’s join them now…
Tom: …Well welcome to the Rose and Crown, it is small, not like one of those bars you get in your country. Can I get you a pint Mr Socrates?
Mr Socrates: A what?
Tom: A pint. A pint of beer, it’s really nice here if you like it…
Mr Socrates: I don’t drink. Just an orange juice, freshly squeezed.
Paul: On go on Mr Socrates, one pint won’t hurt. You’ve got to have a pint of beer when you come to a pub.
Mr Socrates: Oh very well. I’ll try one. It had better be good.
Tom: You’ll love it. I’ll get it. Three pints of your best beer please Mr Landlord. Denise, are you OK getting your own? I’m a bit short of cash.
Denise: Oh… right. Mr Socrates, Anna said she would be along soon. She had some work to finish. She’s such a hard worker.
Mr Socrates: Good to hear. She seems like a smart cookie. Now let’s try this beer …mmm, not bad, a little warm but… tasty.
Paul: Oh, you drank that quickly… would you like another one?
Mr Socrates: Sure.
Anna: Hi everyone. Sorry I’m late.
Denise: Hi Anna. Look Mr Socrates is enjoying our English beer. I think it’s going to his head.
Mr Socrates: (Loudly) Anna! Our best worker. Get Anna a drink.
Tom: Yes Mr Socrates. Of course Mr Socrates.
Mr Socrates: Anna, come over here, let’s talk.
Anna: Oh right. What about…
Tom: There you go Anna. I got you some crisps too. So what are we talking about?
Mr Socrates: Nothing. Thank you… bye bye.
Tom: Oh right. Bye bye. Yes, I’ll go and talk to Paul and Denise. I’ll just be over here.
Mr Socrates: What a loser. I can tell he’s all talk and no action.
Anna: Well, Tom’s a good worker really and…
Mr Socrates: …and as for Paul. God, what a manager. Always eating cookies. You know he was fired from his last job because…
Narrator: Anna, I think he’s getting a bit too personal. That beer is making him say things he shouldn’t.
Anna: I know. What should I say?
Narrator: Try saying “it’s not appropriate to talk like that” or “could we change the subject please.”
Anna: OK thanks. Erm, Mr Socrates I don’t think it’s appropriate to talk like that, could we change the subject please?
Mr Socrates: Oh, sorry have I said too much? Maybe we should talk about you. I like you Anna. You’re keen but you’ve got a lot to learn and I think you should wear more black – it makes you look… thinner…
Narrator: He’s out of order. I think he’s saying too much. Ask him to keep the conversation professional.
Anna: Right, good idea. (To Mr Socrates) Erm, Mr Socrates, thank you but can we keep our conversation professional. There’s a lot to discuss about our European market strategy.
Mr Socrates: Yeah, right, absolutely right. Anyway, you’re gonna have to lead this one not that Tom guy. I’m thinking of firing him, his results ain't that great and…
Tom: …sorry to interrupt, just wondered if you’d like some nuts?
Mr Socrates: Hey Tom, I was just saying to Anna your results haven’t been good and I’m thinking of…
Anna: (flustered)… of having another drink… thinking of having another drink. Mr Socrates, did you know Tom actually has a great idea for selling laser-curved oranges to Spain?
Tom: (puzzled) Do I?
Mr Socrates: That’s good to hear Tom. Email them to me and I’ll check them over tomorrow.
Anna: Of course he will, Mr Socrates. Now how would you like to drink something, errr, less strong? Orange juice perhaps?
Mr Socrates: Na, I think I’ll try some more of the English beer.
Narrator: I think Anna has just done Tom a big favour – she’s stopped him getting fired - for now. Sometimes conversations with your boss can get too personal but I think Anna’s got the hang of keeping things professional. Here’s a reminder of what she said:
It’s not appropriate to talk like that.
Could we change the subject please?
Can we keep our conversation professional please?
Narrator: So Anna seems to be Mr Socrates’s favourite team member but now she’s got some explaining to do to Tom.
Tom: Anna, what were you talking about to Mr Socrates? “Ideas for selling laser-curved oranges to Spain”?
Anna: He was going to fire you – so I was trying to tell him you had great ideas.
Tom: What?! You helped me? Anna, I don’t know what to say. I… I… I…
Anna: Yes?
Tom: I… need to go back to the office to work on some ideas.
Narrator: Good idea. Keep it professional, eh Tom? Until next time. Bye!

English for Finance VV 52 - Company Finance (2) | Business English Vocab...

source: Business English Pod    2017年1月23日
Download this lesson: https://www.businessenglishpod.com/ca...
In this Financial English lesson we’ll look at English vocabulary related to company financing. Companies may seek ongoing funding through debt financing, or loans, which require collateral. Or they may use factoring and lines of credit to access cash quickly. Other sources of funds include crowdfunding and public offerings, in which a company sells shares.

Phrasal Verbs - WRAP UP

source: Espresso English     2017年2月28日
Phrasal Verbs in Conversation Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/phrasa...
More English Courses: http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...

How to teach reading with phonics - 4/12 - 2 & 3 Letter Consonant Digraphs

source: EnglishAnyone    2011年3月20日

Lesson 4 - Making New Sounds
Learn consonant digraphs, understand how two letters together can make a new sound, and discover silent letters.
In this lesson, you'll make some new sounds by combining two or three consonants.
The first set of new sounds will be consonants next to the letter H. Listen carefully to the new sounds and repeat after me. (Repeat words)
The sounds "ng," "ck," and "qu" are also common.
The letters B, K and W are sometimes silent. (Repeat words)
Great job! You can read and spell many words now! In your next lesson, we'll introduce you to long vowel sounds.

Red Idioms

source: BBC Learning English     2009年3月12日

News Review: Apple vs the FBI

source: BBC Learning English    2016年3月23日
Should tech giant Apple help the US government unlock a mobile phone belonging to a gunman? They have refused up to this point, but now it looks like the US government will open the device themselves.
In this video, Finn and Neil take a closer look at the story and teach you useful words and phrases used by the world's media.
For the full story, visit our webpage: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Talking About Your Job (with Mike)

source: Oxford Online English    2016年11月25日
See the full version: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
In this lesson, you can learn how to talk about your job in English. Where do you work? What do you have to do in your job? What kind of company do you work for? In this class, you can learn how to answer questions like this in clear, detailed English.
Topics covered in this lesson:
- How to describe your job.
- How to talk about your job in detail.
- How to describe the company you work for.
- How to say what you like or don't like about your job.

Vocabulary: Tomboy (with Molly)

source: Shaw English Online     2014年1月27日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Molly is a tomboy. She will talk about this useful English vocabulary and her experiences as a tomboy.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
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Laws and Courts (Learn English 71)

source: EF podEnglish    2008年3月27日
Learn how to talk about legal matters and court cases in English. In this advanced English lesson you will see a new client talking to her lawyer. She is describing an accident and her lawyer is explaining legal procedure.

'Awhile' and 'A While' - Conversational English Lesson

source: Twominute English     2013年5月10日
The adverb 'awhile' refers to a short time. Never use a preposition, like for, before this word. The article 'a' before the word 'while' shows us that 'while' is a noun; it means a period of time. In this lesson we will study about 'awhile' and 'a while'.
Exercises for this lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/265--A...
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0:07 In this lesson we will talk about ‘Awhile’ and ‘A while’.
0:21 Hello, everybody. Today we’ll talk about two similar ways to refer to periods of time: ‘awhile’ and ‘a while’.
0:29 Did you notice that the pronunciation is the same?
0:32 Yeah, it is! This is great! I always get confused when I have to choose which one to use.
0:38 Not anymore, Quentin. The adverb ‘awhile’ refers to a short time. We never use a preposition, like for, before this word.
0:48 Ok. So it’s appropriate to say that I’ll go to the mall and only stay awhile.
0:53 Right. I let my son play awhile after lunch, before he does his homework.
1:00 You’re a cool mom, Faiga. Does your son like to read? I like to read awhile before I go to bed at night.
1:07 He does, too! Some people prefer to watch TV, but he’d rather read a good book.
1:13 And what about ‘a while’?
1:16 In this case, the article ‘a’ before the word ‘while’ shows us that ‘while’ is a noun; it means a period of time.
1:25 In other words, I could substitute it for another noun, like ‘year’, for example. And I can use a preposition before ‘a while’, like for a while.
1:36 I see. Yesterday my brother visited me and stayed for a while; or for a minute.
1:43 That’s right. On the other hand, we can substitute ‘awhile’ for another adverb, like quietly, for example.
1:50 I told my son to wait awhile before going outside, or I told him to wait quietly before going outside.
1:58 The meanings are different, but the structure is the same.
2:02 I think I got it! I won’t mix them up again. Let’s see some more examples.
2:14 Hi, Joe. Did you get here a long time ago?
2:18 No, I got here a little while ago. Do you want to get a cup of coffee?
2:23 Sure. But I can only stay awhile. I have a French class in about half an hour.
2:30 No problem. I can’t stay too long, either. We’ll just sit and talk awhile.
2:35 Do you remember my aunt Matilda? She’s going to be in town for a while and wants to see you.
2:41 Oh, man!! Of course I remember aunt Matilda!! She’s a riot!
2:52 I had a great time. The last time I laughed so much was a while ago. Remember when we went to your aunt’s beach house?
3:00 Of course I do! We would always stay awhile at her house before Christmas.
3:05 Good times. I wish I were a kid again…it would be nice to spend a while just laughing and playing…
3:16 I let my son play awhile after lunch, before he does his homework.
3:26 I like to read awhile before I go to bed.
3:32 Yesterday my brother visited me and stayed for a while.
3:40 I told my son to wait awhile before going outside.
3:51 No, I got here a little while ago.
3:57 But I can only stay awhile.
4:03 We’ll just sit and talk awhile.
4:09 The last time I laughed so much was a while ago.