
How to Succeed in Skype Interviews in English - Job interview in English...

source: Speak English with Christina      2018年2月13日
Don't be eliminated in the early rounds of recruiting. Here's how to be confident in your Skype & phone interviews.
*Learn the exact techniques and scripts to convince the recruiter: https://christinarebuffetcourses.com/...

1. How to start the call positively, and make a little small talk (with example conversations)
2. The exact phrases to say when the connection is bad
3. Why it's better to give short answers so you're sure to answer the question correctly

How to answer “Tell me about yourself”: https://christinarebuffet.com/bl...
How to answer “What are your greatest strengths?”: https://christinareb...
What you must know about American job interviews: https://christinareb...
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