
SOME vs ANY – Learn 6 differences and use them correctly in spoken English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk        2018年2月9日
This English Grammar lesson talks about how we can use the two common words some and any in our day to day English conversation. Some and any are used to talk about any indefinite quantity (a quantity which is not specified). Learn the difference between the most common words Some and Any. Very often students interchange or use the incorrect word. For example I don’t have no time. This is wrong you should say I don’t have any time.
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# A few Grammar rules to remember the correct usage of Some vs Any:
Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable - something that can be counted for example: pens, phones, people, roads, etc.
Uncountable- something that cannot be counted but measured or felt for example: oil, water, sugar, happiness, pain, etc.
I need some books (countable)
There is some noise in the machine (uncountable)
Do you have any food in the fridge? (Uncountable) However, food items are uncountable.
Some – used with positive sentences (those sentences which don’t have any negative word in them)
I need some time.
There was some traffic on my way back home.

# Any – used with negative sentences
(those sentences which have negative words in them)
I don’t have any idea about tomorrow’s party.
I don’t want any trouble.
Any – used with questions
Do you have any questions?
Does she know any good housekeeping services?

# Some – used for polite request/offer
Would you like some more tea?
Could I take some more cookies?

# Somebody/someone/Something/somewhere:
The above words can be used in sentences when you are unsure of the exact person, thing or place.
Also they can be used only in positive sentences.
Somebody and someone can be used interchangeably
I have to find somebody to fix this laptop.
There is something in this box.
She has to go somewhere tomorrow.

# Anybody/anyone/anything/anywhere: 
The above words can be used only in questions and negative sentences and when you are unsure of the person, thing or place.
Anybody and anyone can be used interchangeably.
Does anybody know how to use this application?
Do you have anything to munch on?
I don’t feel like going anywhere today, let’s stay home.

# click this line for more grammar videos on quantifiers