
BBC News Review: Mr Markle may not attend royal wedding

source: BBC Learning English        2018年5月15日
Reports suggest that Meghan Markle's father may not attend her wedding to Prince Harry. It follows the appearance of photographs showing him being measured for a wedding suit and reading newspaper stories about his daughter. He is reported to have said that he did not want to cause his daughter embarrassment by attending the wedding. Dan and Catherine bring you the language you need to talk about this story.

Language challenge: 
Who takes photos of celebrities to sell to newspapers and magazines?
a) shutterbugs
b) photojournalists
c) paparazzi
Watch the video and complete the activity

The story
There is uncertainty whether Meghan Markle's father will attend Saturday's wedding between his daughter and Prince Harry, the sixth in line to the British throne.
It follows reports that Thomas Markle co-operated with a paparazzi photographer to pose for pictures. Mr. Markle had been expected to walk his daughter down the aisle, but he's now reported to have told journalists that he's decided not to go.

--fiasco: complete embarrassing failure
• Filming was a complete fiasco - the cameras didn't work and the sound was bad.
• There was a bit of a fisaco when the best man realised he'd lost his speech!
--bails: quits before the end
• Don't rely on John for anything. He always bails at the last minute.
• He bailed on the presentation to go to the beach?! Tell him he's fired immediately!
--frantic: out of control due to worry or urgency
• After the earthquake, their frantic rescue attempts saved many lives.
• Dan's mum was frantic with worry when she couldn't find him at the theme park.

# materials above: from http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english...