
Causative verbs GET and HAVE

source: Your English Web       2016年4月12日
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1. to get/have + object + infinitive
-Jenny got her boss to give her a raise. (make/persuade)
-My boss had everyone work extra hours. (order/instruct)
-I'll get Peter to give you a lift to work. (make/persuade)
2. to get/have + object + past participle (passive: have done) 
-Sally is having her wisdom teeth removed next week.
-I must have/get the TV repaired.
-I'll get/have your car serviced for you.
3. to get/have + object + ~ing (make start)
-Pete can't seem to get the car going.
-We didn't go out in the boat because I could get the engine going.
-Can you get the BBQ going?

# click this line for more grammar videos on causative verbs: have, get, make, let, help

How do we say words that are both NOUNS & VERBS? -Word Stress

source: Gerry English Expressions     2018年1月2日
Some words with two syllables can be nouns and then at other times, they are verbs.
Note: There is a different WORD STRESS for each.

Interesting English Phrases to say 'Someone is Pregnant'

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2017年12月11日
This English speaking lesson will help you learn new vocabulary and English phrases to announce someone is pregnant.
Complete Lesson Transcript: http://www.learnex.in/interesting-eng...
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

Expecting:  My sister in law is expecting her first child.

Carrying a child: Benny is carrying John’s child

Preggers/Preggo  (slang terms): I heard your wife is preggo!

Up the duff –This term is used to describe an unplanned pregnancy.
My neighbour got Jessica up the duff.

In the pudding club:  Did you know, Amy’s in the pudding club?

Up the spout  (Scotland): She’s up the spout again

Have a bun in the oven: We heard Ben’s got a bun in the oven

Knocked up: (Not very polite: This phrase is used among teenagers especially with teenage pregnancy)
The guy didn’t use protection and got this girl knocked up.

Eating for two: This is considered to be an old fashioned advice but also a good phrase to use to announce the big news.
Nancy is been eating for two now!

In the family way: This is a very formal way of talking about a woman who is pregnant and is quite an old idiom which is actually dying out.
Mary’s in the family way and is due to deliver on May 19th this year.

Learn English color expressions to talk about situations & emotions

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2017年12月1日
Learn English expressions that use colors like red, blue, pink, green, and white to talk about the way people feel or about situations people are in. These expressions are common and they also make your speech or writing more exciting and varied. I'll teach you expressions such as "tickled pink", "white as a sheet", "green with envy", "brown noser", and more. Do you know what the difference between "red in the face" and "blue in the face" is? I'll teach you, as well as review all the new vocabulary and expressions with practice sentences and lots of examples.
TAKE THE QUIZ: https://www.engvid.com/english-color-...
1. BODY PART EXPRESSIONS: https://youtu.be/Emf1sstnzgM
2. ANIMAL EXPRESSIONS & IDIOMS: https://youtu.be/ql4x--ASiuI
3. "DEAL" EXPRESSIONS IN ENGLISH: https://youtu.be/O_7KA-AgZf4

Difference between LOOK, WATCH & SEE

source: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com    2017年12月12日
LOOK, WATCH, and SEE all seem to mean the same thing, but today you’ll learn which one to use!
■ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnglishClass101
■ Twitter: https://twitter.com/EnglishClass101
Click here to get started with English: https://goo.gl/JBMBMt

# For more related videos on progressive or not?--see, look at, watch, hear, listen to, and think about / think that

Improve Your English with PICTURES | Visual Learning

source: Interactive English     2017年10月17日
What kind of learner are you?...Visual?...Aural?...Kinesthetic?
We all have different learning styles, and we can use that to our advantage when learning languages. That's why if you're a visual learner, which many of us our, it's important that we use pictures to help reinforce what we're learning.
In this lesson, we'll talk about ways that you can use pictures to help your vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar, as well as tell you some free online resources that you can use.
You know what they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."
Thanks for checking out our English lessons. At Interactive English, we teach active language learning so that students can enhance their English skills. We create a variety of online lessons to help you expand your vocabulary, improve your fluency, as well as enhance your pronunciation.
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How to Rent a Car in the USA - English for vacation

source: Speak English with Christina         2017年7月11日
Avoid the agent's sales traps and understand everything they say, with this practical video lesson on how to rent a car in the USA.
How much to tip in the USA: http://bit.ly/2ue1cnE
Getting through US customs at the airport: http://bit.ly/2tEXGTt
Understanding the cashier at the supermarket: http://bit.ly/2svOBPB
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpeakEnglish...
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christina...
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/speakenglis...

GRAMMAR: How to use quantifiers

source: BBC Learning English     2015年7月21日
For extra activities and study materials on quantifiers visit:

# For more grammar videos on 1) articles: a, an, the2) other quantifiers

IELTS Listening test 26.11.2017 with ANSWERS | BEST TEST - 2017

source: Official IELTS Listening test     2017年11月25日
IELTS ACADEMIC band 9 material.
The IELTS Listening test will take about 30 minutes, and you will have an extra 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.
The four parts of this practice Listening test are presented over four separate web pages. Make sure you move swiftly from one page to the next so that your practice is as realistic as possible.
Download the question paper and blank answer sheet before you start, and write your answers on the question paper while you are listening. Use a pencil.
Listen to the instructions for each section of the test carefully. Answer all of the questions.
There are 40 questions altogether. Each question carries one mark.
For each part of the test, there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers.
When you have completed all four parts of the Listening test you will have ten minutes to copy your answers on to a separate answer sheet.
Follow us on Twitter @ https://twitter.com/IeltsListening

Conversation Practice with Subtitle Level 3: Hana Daily English

source: Helena Daily English     2016年6月4日
♥ Helena Daily English channel: https://goo.gl/1CwjYZ
♥ Website: http://helenadailyenglish.blogspot.com/
♥ G+: https://goo.gl/rKYjwn
69. Josh works at a software company.
70. Listening to music.
71. Taking a taxi.
72. We're not lost!
73. Help me find my purse.
74. Taking pictures.
75. I dropped your calculator.
76. I brought you an apple.
77. My mother-in-law is coming tomorrow.
78. Jim cancelled the meeting.
79. Bill got fired.
80. Nervous about surgery.
81. A romantic story.
82. Worried about dad.
83. I'm getting fat.
84. I'll take you to work.
85. Snowing outside.
86. Missed call.
87. Shopping for a friend.
88. What is your major?
89. New apartment.
90. Have you found a girlfriend yet?
91. Computer problems.
92. Do you know how to get downtown?

Idioms and Phrases with Meaning and Example: Lesson 16

source: Helena Daily English       2017年4月15日
♥ We use source from: http://englishshareworld.com/
♥ Helena Daily English channel: https://goo.gl/1CwjYZ
♥ G+: https://goo.gl/rKYjwn
1. To give someone a break means: To hold back criticism, judgment, or effort against someone.
2. To brush something off means: To fail to take something seriously. To treat something as unimportant or inconsequential.
3. To put something away means: To save something, such as money.
4. To burn through something means: To use something very fast, with little care for future supplies.
5. To live paycheck-to-paycheck means: To earn only enough money to meet weekly or monthly bills, to not be able to save or spend on