
CNN 10 | May 4, 2018 | The World Health Organization warns about global air pollution

source: NEWS with Subtitles             2018年5月3日
The World Health Organization warns about global air pollution, a teachers' strike ends in part of the U.S., and an Israeli company promotes drones for business.

CNN 10 | May 3, 2018 | child labor and the element of cobalt

source: NEWS with Subtitles          2018年5月2日
Today's show features an in-depth report that concerns child labor, a large country in central Africa, and the widely used element of cobalt.

Learn English through Comedy: Presidents Obama and Trump

source: Learn English With TV Series          2018年3月2日
In this lesson, have fun and learn English through comedy, former president Obama makes fun of Trump!

Most Common Grammar Mistake Ever!! (Don't Do This!)

source: Learn English with Papa Teach Me        2018年4月14日
This is the most common grammar mistake I correct ESL students in English classes!
Use the subtitles if you need them!

A thing: The English We Speak

source: BBC Learning English        2018年1月2日
Neil has shaved off his beard. Apparently, beards are 'a thing' now, and Neil no longer wants to have one. What does that mean? Listen to his conversation with Feifei to find out.

Learn to talk about ethical coffee in 6 minutes

source: BBC Learning English          2018年1月11日
# materials below: from http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/english/feat...
It's one of the most popular drinks on the planet and something many people have for breakfast. Coffee is a widely exported product. However, how much of that money does the coffee farmer actually see? And is there a way to make things a little fairer for everyone? A new report from the UN suggests so. Dan and Catherine discuss the issue and teach you six items of vocabulary.

This week's question:
The specialty coffee, Kopi luwak, is made from coffee beans which have already passed through an animal’s digestive system. But which animal?
a) an elephant
b) a cat
c) a weasel
Listen to the programme to find out the answer.

dash: a small amount of something, usually a liquid
aficionado: someone who is very interested in or enthusiastic about a subject
as cheap as chips: very cheap
ethical: morally right
roasted: cooked in an oven
premium: larger than usual payment, usually for better quality service

Note: This is not a word for word transcript

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Dan and joining me today is Catherine. Hey Catherine.

Hey Dan.

So Catherine, do you prefer a brew or a cup of joe in the morning?

Well, if you are referring to whether I prefer a cup of tea, which we sometimes call ‘a brew’, or a cup of coffee, sometimes called ‘a cup of joe’, I prefer my coffee in the morning.

I only drink coffee when I really need to wake up quickly. 

And, why are you asking, Dan?

Because it’s part of this 6 Minute English.

Coffee. I see. So how do you take it then, Dan?

Well, I’m an instant coffee kind of guy. And I like mine with a dash of milk. How about you?

A dash of something is a small amount of something, especially liquid. Personally, I prefer freshly-ground coffee beans, and I like my coffee dark and strong -  preferably Colombian or maybe Brazilian.

Wow. A coffee aficionado, eh?

An aficionado is a person who’s very enthusiastic about, or interested in, a particular subject.

Well, let me test your knowledge with this week’s quiz question. The specialty coffee, Kopi luwak, is made from coffee beans which have already passed through an animal’s digestive system. But which animal?

a)    an elephant

b)    a cat

c)    a weasel

I’m always going to answer b) a cat. Did you say this coffee actually goes through the animal? As in, it eats it and then it comes out the other end, and that’s what we use for the coffee?

Well, yes. It is actually one of the most expensive coffees in the world. Anyway, we’ll find out if you’re right or not later on. So, talking of expensive, do you tend to pay more for your coffee or are you happy with the cheap as chips stuff?

Cheap as chips means very cheap. And personally, I do actually like a quality product, and I am willing to pay a bit more for it.

Would you be willing to pay even more than you already do if it meant that the farmer who grew the beans was getting a fairer price?

I would because I think that that sort of thing is important.

And you aren’t alone.  There is a growing trend among many Western customers of artisan cafes to be willing to pay more for ethically produced coffee.

Ethical means morally right. So, Dan, why is this trend happening at the moment?

Well, it’s probably been going on for a while, but a new report from the UN’s World Intellectual Property Organisation has observed the effect that smarter processing, branding and marketing has had on the farmers and their communities.

And because of this, coffee drinkers are better able to choose ethically produced coffee that puts more money in the hands of the farmers. But, Dan, do the farmers actually see any of this money?

Well, it’s complicated. The price of the coffee is relatively cheap until it’s been roasted – or cooked in an oven. As a result, roasters take most of the profits. But there is still a difference. I’ll let Johnathan Josephs, a business reporter for the BBC News explain.

Jonathan Josephs , Business reporter, BBC News
For a pound of coffee beans that end up in the instants (section) sold in supermarkets, the roaster can get over $4. But the export price is just $1.45. The farmer gets most of that. But when the new wave of socially-aware customer pays a premium for higher standards, the roaster can get $17.45, but the export price also rises to $5.14.

A premium is an amount that’s more than usual. So the farmer makes three-and-a-half times as much money.

Which means a better quality of life for the farmer, their family and their community.

That’s good news! I will definitely look for the ethically produced coffee from now on. As long as, Dan, it doesn’t come out of some animal!

Yes, actually that reminds me. Our quiz question. I asked you which animal the speciality coffee Kopi luwak comes from.

a)    an elephant

b)    a cat

c)    a weasel

And I said a cat.

And you are wrong I’m afraid. Kopi luwak comes from a type of weasel.

I’m kind of relieved about that.

Let’s try not to think about it, and have a look at the vocabulary instead.

OK. So, first we had dash. A dash of something is a small amount of something, usually a liquid. Where might we talk about a dash of something, Dan?

Well, I like my tea with a dash of milk. My gin with a dash of tonic, and my soup with a dash of salt. Then we had aficionado. An aficionado is someone who is very interested or enthusiastic about a subject. What are you an aficionado of?

I’m working on becoming a bit of an accordion aficionado actually, Dan.

Wow, cool!

Yeah! After that, we had as cheap as chips. Is something as cheap as chips? Then it is very cheap indeed.

Like my shoes! I bought them at a market for next to nothing. They were as cheap as chips. Then we had ethical. Something which is ethical is morally right. Do you consider yourself to be an ethical person, Catherine?

Well, I try, Dan. I don’t always get it right, but I do attempt to be. After that we heard roasted. Roasted means cooked in an oven. Like our coffee beans!

And of course our very famous English roast. Finally, we had a premium. If you pay a premium, you pay more than usual - usually for a better quality or service. Can you think of an example?

If you’re going to the cinema, you might pay a premium to get more comfortable seats.

And that’s the end of this 6 Minute English. Don’t forget to check out our YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, and we’ll see you next time. Goodbye.



source: VOA Learning English         2018年2月15日
Solidarity was shown at this year's entertainment awards show, the Golden Globes. Learn what solidarity means in this week's News Words.

Build your vocabulary + How we make our videos! (The word Process)

source: Interactive English       2017年6月13日
This is a vocabulary building activity. In this video, you will have the chance to learn and practice the word process, and other words in the word family.

How to prepare better presentations in English (and save time too)

source: Speak English with Christina         2018年4月9日
1. Do your homework first. Who is your audience? What do they need to remember?
2. Start with pen & paper, not PowerPoint. Plan your presentation before you even start creating slides!
3. Write your script. Yes, that's right. Write out your script.
4. Practice
5. Now you can create your slides. Finally!
6. Practice with your slides.
7. You got this! Go do your best presentation ever!

Two-Syllable Words as Verbs & Nouns

source: Gerry English Expressions            2018年4月26日

from the editor

From this day on, the post publishing time will be shifted from the current one to around 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening (Taipei time).