
English Vocabulary Words - Sports Equipment

source: Espresso English  2015年10月23日
Vocabulary Builder Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/vocabu...
Free English tips by e-mail: http://www.espressoenglish.net

talking about age

source: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline     2015年10月14日
An English teacher shows students how to ask about and describe age.

Affect vs effect - Confusing English words

source: Crown Academy of English      2015年10月19日
I explain the differences in detail when used as different parts of speech: Affect as a verb and effect as a noun are the most common uses. But I also explain how we can use effect as a verb and even affect as a noun. One particular form which confuses students is affected vs effected (both as verbs). You will learn the difference between them in the lesson.
More Vocabulary Lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

8 Power words for business managers

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2015年10月20日
Blog ://www.learnex.in/8-power-words-for-busi­ness-managers
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

1. Awesome - Praise is always motivating ; especially when it comes from a boss or a team leader. "Awesome" is a positive and encouraging word that you can use to appreciate and motivate your team's good work !

2. Fantastic - Fantastic is a word that you can use to express your positivity and excitement when someone in your team surpasses your expectations or their previous performance .The word is full of positive energy and very motivating.

3. Marvellous - This word is a huge compliment for someone's work . If you have a particularly hard working person in your team; every once in a while pay a compliment to this person by calling his hard working attitude or his work - "marvellous".Such well deserved praise will go a long way and use can expect a consistent performance from the said employee .

4. Jubilant - It is a bit old school but this word can be of great use when you want to talk about a triumph pr a victory at work … let's say your team has surpassed their quarterly target and you want to acknowledge their hard work ; you can say "What a jubilant team success !" This word creates an atmosphere of victory and makes your team feel valued and appreciated.

5. Resolve - This word has two usages ; the first one means an attitude of strong determination and the second means to solve a problem . You can use it in both ways to motivate your team . When you are discussing the finding of a solution to a said problem … you can say , "Let's resolve this issue/ problem at the earliest" which means finding a complete and perfect solution to the client's problem.
The second way to use "resolve" is when you are motivating your team is by saying something like, " I need all of us to work together with an iron resolve to meet the upcoming deadline." Here "resolve"stands for strong will power and a 'never give up' attitude.

6. Exciting - This word is highly useful when you want to create a positive buzz or anticipatory attitude towards an upcoming project or plan at work .You can use "exciting" to create interest in an employee's mind by saying something like ; "I have some exciting news/plans for you for the upcoming quarter."

7. Ingenious - This is an extremely useful word to appreciate someone's brilliant idea or profitable thinking . You must use this with caution and save it for those occasions when the idea presented or work done by someone is extremely innovative and clever!

8. Vigorous - This word is great to create a positive urgency or pace for your work.You can encourage your team by saying ; "I expect vigorous efforts/results from all of you regarding this matter !" 'Vigorous can definitely prove to be a word that is positive , motivating and can add enthusiasm to your team's efforts!

Tony's Not Fat (How not to call someone fat in British English)

source: Britlish - Linguaspectrum      2015年10月9日
How not to call someone fat in British English. Expressions for referring to people who have a weight problem without sounding rude.

Tony’s Not Fat
This is Fat Tony.
Tony wasn’t always fat.
When Tony was young he wasn’t fat at all.
Tony got fatter as he got older.
Wherever I look I see people who are not as thin as they should be.
It’s the same when I look in the mirror.
But I wouldn’t want you to call me fat. That’s rude!
Luckily, there are some less rude expressions for describing people who are fat.
Let’s have a look at these expressions in alphabetical order, shall we?

Tony’s not fat, he’s a big lad.
Tony’s not fat, he’s beefy.
Tony’s not fat, he’s big-boned.
Tony’s not fat, he’s broad.
Tony’s not fat, he’s bulky.
Tony’s not fat, he’s chubby.
Tony’s not fat, he’s heavy.
Tony’s not fat, he’s heavyset.
Tony’s not fat, he’s overweight.
Tony’s not fat, he’s portly.
Tony’s not fat, he’s rotund.
Tony’s not fat, he’s stout.
Tony’s not fat, he’s got a spare tyre.
Tony’s not fat, he’s tubby.
Tony’s not fat, he’s well-padded.

Phone English – Leaving VOICEMAIL

source: Benjamin's English Classes (engVid)    2015年10月19日
My other lesson on English for the phone at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qSXl...
Quiz on this lesson at: http://www.engvid.com/phone-english-l...

How to order an ice cream?

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2015年10月22日
Blog - http://www.learnex.in/how-to-order-an...
Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Website - http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

# Size:
How many scoops would you like?
1) Kiddie Scoop - Small scoop of an ice cream
2) Single Scoop - One scoop of an ice cream
3) Double Scoop - Two scoops of ice cream

# Flavors:
Which flavor would you like?
1) Vanilla
2) Chocolate
3) Honey almond
4) Butter scotch/pecan
5) Sundae - It typically consists of one or more scoops of ice scream topped with sauce,syrup or nuts.

# Types-
1) Cup
2) Cone
3) Sugar Cone
4) Waffle Cone
5) Kiddie Cone
6) Candy Stick
7) Popsicle

# Toppings:
Would you like to add some toppings on your ice cream?
1) Whipped cream
2) Sprinkles
3) Crunchy nuts
4) Fresh cut fruits

Dialogue - I would like a single scoop of chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone with some whipped cream on it.

Talking about your profession: 3 easy ways & 3 advanced ways

source: Learn English with Rebecca       2015年10月21日
Study our free printable resource page with 100+ basic business questions at http://www.engvid.com/english-resourc... .
Take the quiz here: http://www.engvid.com/talking-about-y...

How to Pronounce English Words Starting with "U"

source: Espresso English      2015年10月11日
American English Pronunciation Course - http://www.espressoenglish.net/americ...
Free Sample: Lesson 1 - SIT, SEAT, SET - http://www.espressoenglish.net/americ...
Free E-Book, 500 Real English Phrases - http://www.espressoenglish.net

Using 'Sorry' with different meanings.

source: Learn English with Let's Talk       2015年10月12日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/using-sorry-wit...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

'Sorry' as pardon me - The word sorry can be used to replace the expression 'pardon me' when you can't hear someone or want someone to repeat what they just said .
For ex: Instead of saying "Pardon me , I could not hear you." You can simply replace 'pardon me' with 'sorry' and say ,
"Sorry, I could not hear you."

​'Sorry' as excuse me - You can use the word 'sorry' instead of 'excuse me' if or when you bump into someone accidentally .
For ex: So instead of saying "Excuse me , ​I did not see you ." You can just say "sorry".

'Sorry' as an apology - The basic meaning of sorry is 'I apologise'.So you can use 'sorry' to apologize to someone .
For ex : " I am sorry if I hurt you ."

'Sorry' as condolence - You can use to express your condolences or to express empathy for someone's loss .
For ex: " I am sorry to hear about your grandmother's passing."

'Sorry' to describe a facial expression - 'Sorry' can be used to describe a sad facial expression .
For ex: " It was heartbreaking to see the sorry faces of the poor children."

'Sorry' to express hopelessness or despair - 'Sorry' can be used to express describe a situation in which there is no hope anymore or to express extreme despair .
For ex: " The newspapers are nothing but a confirmation of the sorry state of affairs in our country today."

'Sorry' as regret - 'Sorry' can be used to express one's regret about something . In this case the word denotes regret and not apology .
For ex: "I am sorry that things did not work out between us."

'Sorry' in order to forbid - 'Sorry' can be used to forbid someone to do something , to express strictness . In a way 'sorry' can be used to replace the expression 'no way!"
For ex: A mother telling her children ; "Sorry , no ice cream before dinner."Here 'sorry' is being used to forbid the children from having ice- cream before dinner .

'Sorry' to express pity - 'Sorry' can be used to express one's pity or sympathy for someone.
For ex: "I felt sorry for the children in the orphanage."

6 Heart expressions in English which are not romantic

source: Learn English with Let's Talk        2015年10月14日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/06-heart-expres...

1) In a heart beat - Something that you do immediately without thinking much.
Example - If I get a good offer I will quit this job in a heartbeat.

2) Heart of Stone - Someone who is stern and cruel in nature.
Example - The man who ran over that dog has a heart of stone.

3) Pour one's heart out - to share your secret feelings and worries, usually because you feel a strong need to talk about the same.
Example - I just met her for the first time and she poured her heart out to me.

4) From the bottom of one's heart - With sincere feeling.
Example - We would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your help during our stay.

5) Heart skips/misses a beat - When someone is suddenly surprised,excited or frightened
Example - When the lion appeared in front of us, my heart skipped a beat

6) Young at heart - To have youthful outlook, especially in spite of one's age.
Example - My grandfather is very young at heart.

Sex Slang: Paying for it!

source: Learn English with Ronnie!      2015年10月12日


Hello, I'm here to warn you that Ronnie is bad. She's trying to teach you slang words that people use in real life, and maybe you're going to get offended by it. So if you're offended, turn it off. Do it now. You have two seconds.

I'm Ronnie, back at you, teaching you some more slang, teaching you some more "tings" that nobody teaches you. Are they scared to teach you? I don't know, but I'm not afraid to teach you anything.

Today we're going to be teaching... I'm going to be telling you about prostitutes. "What is a prostitute?" you may ask. Let me do this for you. 10 dollar. A prostitute is basically a woman or a man who sells their body for sex. They're also called "sex workers" or "escorts". These are all the same. It's just fancy names that people like to say for prostitutes.

What I'm here to teach you, though, is the slang. Why do you need to know the slang? Is it funny? Yes. Is it important for English? Is it impo...? Yes, because movies. Have you seen the movie Pretty Woman? Julia Roberts? In the movie Pretty Woman, Julia Roberts plays a hooker, she's a prostitute. Melanie Griffith, in a movie called Call Girl or Working Girl, plays a prostitute. And the man that likes hamsters a lot, Richard Gere, he plays a male prostitute in the movie American Gigolo. So, prostitution is all around us. It is not something that you can hide away from. It's not something that you can pretend doesn't happen, because it's out there and it's real, and I'm going to teach you some slang for it. Slang with Ronnie.

"Hookers". All of these words, here, are words in slang for a prostitute. All of these words, here, are for women prostitutes. We're going to go through the pronunciation because this is important. The first word is "hooker". Then we have "whore". Please notice the "w" is silent. We don't say: "w-w-whore"; we just say: "whore". "Ho", this is way too common, in my opinion, in a lot of gangster rap videos and gangster rap songs. They're always talking about hoes and bitches, please. More common, because it's more, I guess, old fashioned is if somebody is a "lady of the night". She's not a vampire. She's a hooker. You're a prostitute. "Call girl", I think this was the name of the movie with Melanie Griffith, but it was Working Girl, you call the girl who is an escort, and she will come wherever you are, and have sex with you and you give her money. Perfect. "Working Girl" was the name of the movie by... Or with Melanie Griffith. We also call prostitutes "street walkers", because they literally walk the street, looking for money.

A "tart", not a strawberry tart, but a tart is also a prostitute. A "strumpet", what a good word. "Slag", "slag" we use also to say for someone who just has sex with many people. They don't necessarily get paid for it like a prostitute, but they have sex with lots of people. So, a slag, a slut, and a skank mean two things: they mean a prostitute or someone who just has sex with a lot of people for free. Should be getting paid for that, girl.

"Harlot" is a very old fashioned word, and I'm sure it would be in really old movies with Elizabeth Taylor. She was a harlot. Was she? Well, I don't know. One of my favourite words that I learned growing up, working in the trucking industry, was a "lot lizard". Hmm. A "lot lizard", this is cool. So, lot lizard is specifically a prostitute that works in parking lots. So a lot of men drive transport trucks from point A to point B. They get lonely on the road, and they sleep in truck stops. You will see this a lot in American TV, where there's truck stop, and they have a diner, and they're having lots of food and drinking coffee. Well, when you're sleeping in your truck late at night, [knocks], inevitably, there's going to be a knock at your window. [Knocks]. This is a lot lizard. A lot lizard is a prostitute that works specifically at truck stops. Sometimes you'll see a truck or transport truck that has a sticker with a lizard crossed out. That means he doesn't want lot lizards or prostitutes knocking on his truck.

English Expressions with CATCH, HOLD, and KEEP

source: Espresso English        2015年10月18日
1000 English Collocations in 10 Minutes a Day: http://www.espressoenglish.net/1000-e...
Free Sample Lesson: http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...
Free E-Book, 500 Real English Phrases - http://www.espressoenglish.net

Talking about food.

source: Neil Collins     2015年10月14日
Talking about food is essential in business English. Imagine you have a business lunch or business dinner, you will probably have to tell your business partner how the food is. At a conference, or a meeting or business event, there is often food. Talking about food is an excellent small talk topic. In this video, I'll show you some vocabulary you can use when talking about food, how to say it's good, it's okay and how to say it's bad.

Advanced Vocabulary Course: lesson 2

source: MrSkypelessons       2015年9月30日
This advanced vocabulary course is designed to work in tandem with episodes on the US version of Sherlock called 'Elementary', and exercises on my website. You can find more grammar and vocabulary questions here: https://www.skype-lessons.com/blog/ad...

I advise students to do the following: read the exercises, check any unknown vocabulary, watch the show, answer the questions, and then retell it using the target vocabulary and grammar. The retelling is necessary to activate new phrases in an easy to remember context. Please repeat the vocabulary using this video and the questions which accompany the video. Please subscribe for the whole course. Lessons will be released on a weekly basis. And please answer the following questions:

How often do you go on a binge?
Why might the police insist on having an autopsy?
Do you know any twins? Are they identical or fraternal? Do they bear a striking resemblance to one another?
Do you have any genetic disorders?
Do you know anyone who has sued, or has been sued?
Who will you bequeath your fortune to?
Do you know anyone who has inherited a great deal of money?
Have you had a lot on your plate recently?

1) Holmes accused her doctor of inducing her coma
2) Holmes suggested stabbing her in the thigh
3) Holmes advised Gregson to check the victim for a rare genetic eye disorder
4) Holmes threatened to sue Watson for breach of contract
5) Gregson admitted finding no discernible link (that he hadn't found any..)
6) Holmes reminded Watson (that) they only bear a passing resemblance to each other.
7) Dave warned us not to forget this new vocabulary.

Talking about movies

source: Neil Collins     20150927 / 20151004

IELTS Listening – How to get a high score

source: English Jade - Learn English (engVid)       2015年9月19日
Want more videos to help you improve you IELTS score? Check out EngVid's many other IELTS lessons at:http://www.engvid.com/english-exams/i...
and for more tips on the IELTS, go to http://www.goodluckielts.com/
Test yourself with the quiz: http://www.engvid.com/ielts-listening...

How to ask for a permission or approval in English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk        2015年10月18日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/asking-for-perm...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

1. What do you think about me ( doing something)...?
Quite an informal way of asking for permission.
Example - What do you think about me starting this new venture?

2. Would you approve of .....?
This phrase is hypothetical hence can be considered to be polite.
Example - Would you approve of me marrying this guy?

3. Do you think I could + verb
Example - Do you thing I could borrow your car?

4. Would it possible for me + infinitive
This phrase can be used when you are uncertain about the other persons reaction.
Example - Would it be possible for me to use your father's car for few days?

5. Would you mind if I + verb in past
Example - Would you mind if I stayed for few days in your new house?

Expressions to give / grant permissions
1. Sure, no problem
2. Go right ahead
3. Please feel free to ....

Expressions to refuse / deny
1. I'm afraid that's not possible.
2. Unfortunately I need to say no
3. I'm afraid I would prefer if you don't do so.

Talking about the latest iPhone launch.

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2015年10月8日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/talking-about-t...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

Gadgets- stands for new piece of technology ; it could be a new smartphone, laptop or tablet .
So , you could start the conversation by saying .. " Hey , are you into new gadgets ? I am asking because the new iPhone has been launched !"

Endure - means to put up with .
So you can say , "A lot of people had to endure sleepless nights to buy this new iPhone as they had to wait in queues all night long ."

Claiming - means to promise .
Ex: "Apple is claiming that this new iPhone is one of the finest phones they have created."

Screen - means the display of the phone
So, you can discuss the screen by saying ," Apple is claiming that the iPhone 6s has the strongest screen ."

Feature - means the ability of the phone to do something
Ex: " the iPhone 6s has many cool features like the 3D touch feature ."

Surpass - means to go beyond something or some expectations
You can use surpass by saying ,"This new iPhone is expected to surpass the previous iPhones."

Fly off the shelves - means to get sold very fast .
Ex: " This new iPhone 6s is flying off the shelves as everyone wants to have one."

Anticipated - means sought after / looking forward to something
Ex: " The new iPhone 6s is the most anticipated phone of the this year ."

Advanced Vocabulary Course: lesson 3

source: MrSkypelessons       2015年10月8日
This advanced vocabulary course is designed to work in tandem with episodes on the US version of Sherlock called 'Elementary', and exercises on my website. You can find more grammar and vocabulary questions here: https://www.skype-lessons.com/advance...
I advise students to do the following: read the exercises, check any unknown vocabulary, watch the show, answer the questions, and then retell it using the target vocabulary and grammar. The retelling is necessary to activate new phrases in an easy to remember context. Please repeat the vocabulary using this video and the questions which accompany the video. Please subscribe for the whole course. Lessons will be released on a weekly basis. And please answer the following questions:

Is alcohol or drug abuse a problem where you live?
Do you think it is fair to offer a criminal immunity from prosecution?
Have you noticed any discrepancies in the plot of this show? Which ones?
Do you think there is a correlation between crime and poverty?
What's the best way to come to terms with grief?
Who or what impedes you at work?
Do you feel sleep deprived? What's the cause?
If your partner had an affair, would you be able to reconcile with him/her?

1) He admitted (to) seeing his mistress. (confessed to)
2) He offered to give him immunity from prosecution if he gave him information.
3) Holmes accused him of lying and impeding the investigation
4) Holmes suggested digging through the old case files.
5) Watson warned (advised) him to eat and sleep or else he may relapse.
6) He refused to set her free before he saw Adam.

Vocabulary ECONOMICS and FINANCE (upper intermediate and advanced, Lesson 21)

source: MrSkypelessons      2015年10月5日
Answer the questions:

Would you like to see house prices skyrocket or plummet?
Should we bail out the banks during a crisis?
Do you think interest rates will be raised or lowered?
Do you think your country should donate more in international aid, or less?
What can we do to alleviate poverty in developing countries? Should we cancel (write off) their debts?
When do you think the sanctions against Russia will be lifted?
What fiscal measures would you like to see brought in?
What do you think will happen in the future? Will the country go into recession, or enter a boom period?
Do you think the single currency is good for Europe?
Does your country have rampant inflation at the moment? What measures can be taken to curb it?
Where should the government levy new taxes?

Here is the vocabulary

House prices drop, fall, plummet, collapse, slump
Interest rates rise, increase, skyrocket
The value of the currency

Cancel (wipe out) a (crippling) debt
Pay off (settle) (mounting) debts
Incur (run up) (substantial) debts
alleviate (ease) debts

raise or lower the interest rate
lift or impose sanctions and embargoes
go into or come out of a (severe) recession
Bring in fiscal measures...
..to boost economic growth
..to curb (rampant) inflation
..to prevent deflation
..impose (levy) taxes
..allocate funds or resources

undeclared earnings
tax evasion
abject poverty

impose austerity measures

turn over
bail out
cough up
fork out on
splash out on
set s.o back

5 Popular English Proverbs

source: English Lessons with Alex           2015年10月9日
my other proverb video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHliu...
1. Actions speak louder than words. (Actually doing something means much more than just talking about it.)
2. Laughter is the best medicine. (Laughing makes it easier to deal with difficult situations.)
3. Two wrongs don't make a right. (Revenge will not fix the problem; morally bad actions do not justify their results.)
4. Better late than never. (It's better to do something late than to never do it at all.)
5. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (When you're in a  new situation or place, try to follow the expected customs.)

How to talk about Work-time/ Work hours in English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk        2015年10月6日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/how-to-talk-abo...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

Starting Time/ Leaving Time
Generally when someone asks you about your working hours, one should mention the start time and then mention the time you head back home.
Example - I start work at 11 am and the I am done by 8 pm.

It is a phrase to describe a standard day job time. A typical job that includes waking up,leaving for work,coming home at night. More neutrally it a job with stable hours and low career risk.

Full Time
It is a term used to describe the whole time of someone's available working time. Standard working week for a full timer is 5 days a week with eight working hours in a day

Part Time
It is a term used to describe employment with fewer hours per week as compared to a full timer.

Over time
Time worked in addition to one's normal working hours is called overtime.

Time off in lieu
The period of time that an employee who has worked extra may take off from work. All called as compensatory time.

It is a rest from work or break to travel or study or even to research, often lasting from 2 months to 2 years depending on the company's sabbatical policy.

Time sheet
A record of the number of hours worked by an employee.

10 English Phrases for Worries & Relief

source: Espresso English       2015年10月8日
Everyday English Speaking Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/everyd...
Free E-Book: 500 Real English Phrases: http://www.espressoenglish.net

Advanced English Lesson – Using ‘Having Said That’ (Transitional Phrase)

source: Learn English with Let's Talk        2015年10月4日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/using-having-sa...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai
When people say, “Having said that” it is a signal that they are going to say something which will contrast or disagree with what they said a moment ago. It means, ‘despite what has just been said’. It can also be replaced with ‘That said’.

Example: Their work has been fairly good. Having said that, I still think there's room for improvement. (In this sentence, first you appreciate and compliment the work done. But, in the latter sentence, you say there is scope for improvement. So, you have contradicted your first sentence to some extent.)

Their work has been fairly good. That said, I still think there's room for improvement.

Example: John forgets most things. Having said that, he always remembers my birthday. (first you say he’s forgetful, but you contrast by saying he remembers your birthday)

John forgets most things. That said, he always remembers my birthday.

Example: This café is expensive. Having said that, the food here is really nice.

This café is expensive. That said, the food here is really nice.

Talking about ‘Types Of Tea’

source: Learn English with Let's Talk       2015年9月28日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/talking-about-d...
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

# Below are the various types of Tea:
--English Breakfast - This is one of the most popular type of tea developed hundred years ago by a Scottish Tea Master Dry dale. It was marketed simply as Breakfast Tea however it became very popular in England and eventually the Tea shops in London renamed it as English Breakfast Tea. It is a blend of fine black teas including the Keemun tea. Well it is named as English Breakfast Tea because the aroma of this blended tea is like a hot toast from the oven. It is served with milk or lemon.
--Irish Breakfast - The Irish have always been great tea drinkers and they drink their tea brewed very strong. Usually it is blended from an Assam tea base and has a robust flavor and is served with sugar and milk.
--Earl Grey - Earl Grey is named after a person who was a president of England under William IV. Tea legends say that a Chinese Mandarin gave the blend to him seeking to influence the trade relations. It is a smoky tea with a hint of sweetness and is served plain. It is generally a blend of black teas and bergamot oil.
--Black Teas / Darjeeling Tea - It refers to the tea grown in the mountain area of India. The mountain altitude and the gentle misting rains of the region produce a unique full bodied but light flavor with a subtly lingering aroma reminiscent of Muscatel. It is served plain or with lemon but never with milk. Milk totally ruins the unique qualities of this tea.
--Oolong - The elegant tea also known as the champagne of teas was originally grown in the Fukien province of China and now grown in Taiwan. This type of tea is a cross between the black and the green teas and is fermented to achieve a delicious fruity taste that makes milk lemon and sugar unthinkable.
--Green Tea - Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia Sinensis that have gone through minimal oxidation during processing. It has great health benefits.
--White tea - White tea is the lightest and the purest type of tea with a delicate, slightly sweet flavor. It is grown and harvested in China It is made from unopened and the youngest buds and the softest leaves of the tea plant and then left to wither a little in the sunlight. The leaves are lightly processed to prevent oxidation. White tea does contain caffeine but at very much lower levels than black tea or coffee.
--Masala Chai or Masala Tea ( Indian Tea with spices ) - Prepared with the boiling of black tea with water and milk and adding spices like cinnamon , cardamom , pepper or even ginger. Generally sugar is used for sweetening the tea. The spices create a nice aroma and is refreshing. The tea has health benefits as will like it helps in digestion also helps to relax sore throat and lowers the cholesterol level.

Vocabulary WAR and PEACE (Lesson 20) [upper intermediate and advanced]

source: MrSkypelessons       2015年9月14日

make an alliance with
make a pact with
make a truce
sign a peace treaty
sign an armistice
declare/maintain a ceasefire
violence (hostilities, war) erupts, escalates, breaks out
to go on the offensive
to launch a counterattack, surgical strikes, a pre-emptive strike
to be under siege
to lay siege to
a military coup, uprising, rebellion
civil war
to (an) ambush
to shell front line positions
collateral damage (slaughtered civilians)
to be caught in the crossfire
to loot
to riot
to pillage
to plunder

declare war
seize power
to capture enemy troops
to defeat the rebels
to retreat, withdraw, pull back from, pull out of
to surrender to the opponent
to invade a foreign power
to evacuate the wounded, civilians, refugees
to annex (a disputed territory)
to stockpile weapons
to deploy heavy artillery, troops
to suffer (sustain) heavy casualties
to disarm
to rearm
armoured personnel carrier

Confusing Words – affect & effect, compliment & complement, and more

source: English Lessons with Adam        2015年9月28日
1. affect / effect
2. principle / principal
3. compliment / complement
4. moral / morale / mortal
5. censor / sensor / censure

Interestingly HOT English expressions.

source: Learn English with Let's Talk         2015年9月22日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/interestingly-h...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

1) Hotline-a telephone line that gives quick and direct access to help or information
Different types of hotlines include Child protection services, Book my show,911 or a tourism hotline.
Eg: You can call the hotline for all the information you will need when you are on your vacation. (As you can see this hotline refers to all the travel information you can get while you’re on holiday).

2) Hotbed-a place that provides very good conditions for something to grow and develop fully or in a wholesome way
Eg: Our Company is a hotbed for innovation. The management always rewards people who come up with ideas that are out of the ordinary.

3) Hotshot-someone very skilled successful, might be arrogant showing off their success
Eg: She is some hotshot actress who rose to fame after some reality show she starred in

4) Hotheaded-easily angered
Eg: As children we were afraid of our father who was very hotheaded. He would yell at us when we made the slightest mistakes

5) Selling like hotcakes-Referred to products which are sold very fast in the market and those which are very profitable
Eg: The new Apple iphone was selling like hotcakes. The company grossed over 30 million in the first week of its launch.

6) Hotspot-This word has two different meaning and therefore, can be used in two different ways
a) a lively place which is popular (nightclub, coffee shop, busy tourist place)
Eg: Central Perk is apparently the hotspot on this side of the town. We can talk over a cup of coffee over there after we’ve finished work.
b) an area with lots of violence, war, tension and conflict (strip of Gaza, border of Jammu-Kashmir)
Eg: After the Palestine war, the strip of Gaza which is a hotspot for violence is now considered to be uninhabitable. Civilians are moving and to find safer accommodation facilities.

7) Hot button issues-a controversial topic makes people angry, passionate or emotional discussing about it (Sexuality, Abortion, Religion, Vegetarianism)
Eg: It’s better to keep hot button issues out of the way while conducting an interview.

8) Hot off the press-Newly released book or a book that has been recently printed and released
Eg: Harry Potter fans were waiting in line outside the store to get their hands on the last book of their favorite author which came hot off the press today morning.

9) Full of hot air-a person who takes too much nonsense, a person who shouldn’t be taken seriously
Eg: Please ignore Mr.Waters, he is just full of hot air.

10) In hot water-getting in trouble for doing something wrong
Eg: You better study well or you will be in hot water when your exams approach.

11) Having the hots for someone-being romantically or Sexually attracted to someone.
Eg: Poor Harry had the hots for his neighbor ever since he was 19, but was too shy to do anything about it.

12) Hot on someone’s heels-someone is following closely behind
Eg: The thief won’t get too far; the police are hot on their heels since last night.

English Vocabulary Words - Types of Bread

source: Espresso English       2015年10月1日
Vocabulary Builder Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/vocabu...
Free English tips by e-mail: http://www.espressoenglish.net

Adjectives to describe food in English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk      2015年9月26日
Blog : http://www.learnex.in/adjectives-to-d...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

# Vinegary - which means tasting of vinegar … could be white vinegar , apple cider vinegar or any other kind .Basically used to indicate the typical sour taste of vinegar .For Ex: The salad is too Vinegary
# Piping - which means steaming .. where you can see steam rising from it .. mostly used for hot liquids . for Ex: " piping hot soup"
# ​Well done - meaning well cooked .. or cooked to the correct degree .. normally used to refer to meat ..For ex: "the steak is ​well done"
# Appetising - meaning pleasing to look at & appealing to the senses ...looks inviting enough for you to taste it . For ex: The dinner looks appetising .
# Aromatic - meaning food that smells great or is fragrant / or has an aroma (smell ) that makes you want to taste it .For ex: Your dish is very aromatic and tempting .
# Palatable - meaning food that looks just alright or is good enough to be eaten or consumed.This adjective does not compliment the food in a big way . It indicates that the food is just about edible .For ex: The food looks barely palatable .
# Nutritious /Wholesome - food that is full of nutrients and the vital food groups which nourish the body . For Ex: A nutritious , wholesome meal is good for health.
# Rancid - food that has gone bad and cannot be eaten .. mostly indicates food that has been stored for a while and now its taste has changed to an unnatural sour, pungent taste . For Ex: The peanuts have gone rancid .
# Crispy - mostly used for fried food .. meaning food that is crisp or hard enough but that can be bitten into easily and has a delightful taste .
For Ex: Crispy french fries.
# Crunchy - can be used for fried food - meaning food that makes a sound or a crunch when you bite in to it ..
For Ex: Crunchy Chips /biscuits
# Crumbly - mostly used for baked food items - meaning food that crumbles or falls to tiny crumbs or pieces when you bite into it .
For Ex: crumbly cookies or brownies .
# Spongy - meaning soft to touch and taste - For Ex: A spongy cake that is soft .
# Gooey - meaning soft and liquidy - most used for dessert ..For ex: A gooey melted chocolate fudge .

Talking about AUTUMN (FALL)

source: English Lessons with Alex      2015年9月21日
http://www.engvid.com/ Fall is here! We also call this season "autumn". In this beginner lesson, you'll learn some basic vocabulary related to the season of change. The vocabulary in this lesson includes "leaves", "rake", "mulch", "scarecrow", "squirrel", "acorn", and more. Bundle up, and learn how to speak about Alex's favorite season! http://www.engvid.com/english-vocabul...

Describing a party in English.

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2015年9月24日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/describing-a-pa...
Website : http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/learnexmumbai

# Phrases that can be used when someone asks you in general about what you did at the party:
1. Chatted up with friends - Spent time talking to them
2. Danced all night long - It means you had a great time dancing
3.Had couple of drinks - Enjoyed drinking
4.Flirted/Socialized - Met new people and had interesting conversations.

# Phrases to describe the music that was played at the party:
1.Right up my street - Something that you really enjoy listening to
2. It was upbeat / Rocking - Fun and kept the party alive

# Phrases to describe the atmosphere of the party:
1. It was laid back - Had a nice time
2.It was chilled out - Nice smooth party
3. It was electrifying - Wild Party

# Phrases to describe the way the place was decorated for the party:
1. Funky - Interesting Decor
2. Cool - Nicely decorated
3. A bit Tacky - Cheap and bad decor
4. Themed - The decor had a particular theme or setting.

50 words that begin with the letter C

source: LearnAmericanEnglishOnline            2015年10月3日

Vocabulary: adj./n. + EN to become verbs

source: Learn English with Rebecca       2015年10月3日
# size:
--shorten / widen / deepen
# color:
--whiten / darken / redden
# quality:
--harden / soften / thicken
# (other):
--sweeten / moisten / loosen / strength / worsen / deepen / ripen / sadden / deaden / weaken / lessen / tighten / quicken / lengthen / flatten / sweeten / broaden / quieten / soften / dampen / sharpen

10 English Expressions with the Word GO

source: Espresso English        2015年9月24日
English Idioms Course - http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...
Free English lessons & e-book - http://www.espressoenglish.net

Learn English - Baby Animals names ( Beginner English Lesson)

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2015年9月16日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/baby-animals-na...
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast
Website - http://www.letstalkpodcast.com
Youtube - http://www.facebook.com/letstalkpodcast

Leveret - A young hare, especially one less than a year old is a called a leveret.
Polliwog - A frog which has a head, but doesn't have legs is called a polliwog.
Kid - The baby goat is called a kid.
Smolt - A young salmon (or trout) after the parr stage, when it becomes silvery and migrates to the sea for the first time.
Hatchling - A young bird, reptile, or fish recently emerged from an egg.
Fledge - To take care of (a young bird) until it is ready to fly.
Cygnet - A young swan.
Colt - a young uncastrated male horse, in particular one less than four years old.
Poult - A young domestic chicken, turkey, pheasant, or other fowl being raised for food.
Duckling - A young duck.

Learn Interesting English Heteronyms

source: Espresso English     2015年9月17日
Vocabulary Builder Course: http://www.espressoenglish.net/vocabu...
Free English lessons by e-mail: http://www.espressoenglish.net