
Learn English Slang Words - Food and Drink

source: Espresso English    2016年9月8日
Slang and Informal English E-Book - https://www.espressoenglish.net/learn...
More English slang lessons - https://www.espressoenglish.net/categ...

CNN Student News - September 11, 2016 | Controversial Commercialization ...

source: NEWS with Subtitles    2016年9月10日
Military Taking Over Thailand over Civil Unrest; Controversial Commercialization of 9-11 Memorial Museum in New York; Army and Hollywood Symbiosis.
Martial law is declared in Thailand, an Oklahoma town remembers a devastating storm, and a museum gift shop causes controversy in New York: We have it all covered today on CNN Student News. We'll also look into the symbiotic relationship between Hollywood and the military, and we'll show you the throw-and-catch play that made a high school athlete famous.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News - September 10, 2016 | How Hurricanes Are Being Predict...

source: NEWS with Subtitles    2016年9月9日
Deadly explosion at Chinese Market; How Hurricanes Are Being Predicted; Why E. Coli is Dangerous; Astronaut Answering Students Questions from Space.
China vows to severely punish those responsible for an apparent terrorist attack. Today, CNN Student News report on what happened, and we examine NOAA's forecast for the upcoming Atlantic hurricane season. We also look into the history of Memorial Day, and we report on what Americans should look out for concerning a nationwide recall of ground beef.
Collection of videos by CNN Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtune channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
MC: Carl Azuz
Facebook: http://goo.gl/0vY7J0
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
If you have any question, you can ask us now. We will try to answer your question soon.

CNN Student News September 9 2016 subtitle /cc - Terrorist attacks & the...

source: Tieng Anh Chuan 100    2016年9月8日
September 9 2016 CNN Student News subtitle /cc - Terrorist attacks & the victims
As the U.S. approaches the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, today's show is focused exclusively on the memories and insights of some young people who were directly affected. The interview contains emotional accounts from the children of attack victims as well as some footage of the attacks themselves, so teachers are encouraged the preview the program.
Source http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews

CLOUD OF SUSPICION | Daily Listening | English Subtitle

source: Daily Listening    2016年9月5日
Rob and Finn talk about the security of pictures, documents and videos people store online. Several celebrities have recently found that nude pictures they kept for themselves on icloud have become available in sites around the internet, and the FBI is now investigating the case. Do you store personal items online? Are you sure that these can only be seen by the people you want to see them?

0:05 Now, Finn, could you give us a smile, please?
0:07 Oh, OK, hang on...
0:08 Say cheese!
0:09 Oh, are you going to take a picture of me with that smartphone?
0:12 Hang on; just let me comb my hair a bit.
0:15 Finn, Finn, Finn, you look fine.
0:17 Don't worry about it.
0:18 This isn't quite right.
0:19 I just want to... have you got a mirror?
0:20 No I haven't.
0:21 Just hold it there, OK?
0:22 Hold it there (he takes a picture).
0:24 Nice.
0:25 OK, let's have a look.
0:26 Right.
0:27 I'm gonna save that now...
0:28 OK, that's it: it's gone to the cloud!
0:31 Really?
0:32 Yes.
0:33 we'll be able to look at that later on my laptop.
0:35 Ah, the cloud!
0:36 You don't mean the one in the sky, of course.
0:38 No.
0:39 You mean the huge computers where companies like Apple, Facebook and Google store their
0:45 users' pictures, videos and documents.
0:48 You know, I'm a little suspicious about the cloud.
0:51 Are you?
0:52 Well, I just don't want lots of people looking at that picture.
0:57 Mainly because my hair doesn't look quite right.
0:59 You're so vain.
1:01 Gosh!
1:02 It's too late now.
1:03 But you look fine so you can share it with the world.
1:05 OK.
1:06 Think about those poor celebrities who've had their nude pictures leaked online.
1:11 Leaked - now this refers to pictures that were being kept hidden being made available
1:17 to the public.
1:18 They were leaked to the public.
1:20 Actress Jennifer Lawrence, who starred in the Hunger Games movies, was one as was the
1:26 singer Rhianna.
1:27 This incident has made people discuss the issue of privacy on the internet.
1:32 Privacy means being free from public attention.
1:35 And in this programme you'll hear useful words for giving your opinion on this subject.
1:40 Yes.
1:41 The celebrities were very angry.
1:43 They thought they could keep their pictures private because they were in the cloud protected
1:48 by a password - a word or sequence of numbers that only they knew and which is required
1:53 for them to gain access to what is stored in their name.
1:56 The US federal police - that's the FBI - have been investigating this to find the hackers involved.
2:05 Hackers are people who understand a lot about computers and use flaws - or little problems
2:11 - in the software to gain access to a computer file, or network, illegally.
2:16 Today we have passwords for everything.
2:17 And we have so many devices - like smartphones and laptops and computers - so I'm going to
2:23 ask you a question about smartphones.
2:25 OK.
2:26 Very good.
2:27 According to research, how many people had mobile phones in 2013?
2:32 Was it: a) 1.4 million people
2:34 b) 14 million people c) 1.4 billion people
2:40 Across the whole world?
2:41 Yup.
2:42 I think this is got to be: c) 1.4 billion people.
2:46 Well, you'll get the correct answer at the end of the programme.
2:49 Right.
2:50 Let's talk more about privacy online.
2:53 People are more and more concerned about it.
2:56 Listen to the advice internet expert Oliver Crofton gives us.
3:00 Which word does he use to describe how you have to be when putting things into the cloud?
3:05 I think ultimately it's about being slightly savvy on what you put into the cloud.
3:10 If you have a private or sensitive photograph, or a contract or some sort of document that
3:17 has public interest and that people will want to try and get, just think twice about putting
3:22 it into an environment such as a Cloud, of which you don't really have any control over.
3:27 He says people have to be 'savvy' - now, that means well-informed and quite shrewd, you
3:33 know, thinking carefully about things.
3:36 He advises us to be very careful before putting documents and pictures onto these websites
3:42 owned by big corporations.
3:44 Yes, because he says we don't have any control over their computers - you don't know how
3:50 secure your documents are.
3:51 Yeah, you know Rob, I can see why people are suspicious of these things.
3:56 Well, let's see what the BBC technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones has to say.
4:01 Rory explains how some cloud companies are offering to make the cloud more secure.
4:07 Which word does he use to describe this kind of security process and it also means 'identification
4:13 of the user'?
4:14 Many cloud companies now offer an added layer of security called 'two-factor authentication',
4:20 where users have to enter a code sent to their mobile phone as well as a password to get
4:25 into their accounts.
4:26 OK, the word was 'authentication' - now, that's confirmation that someone is who they say
4:32 they are.
4:34 And the company actually uses two steps to do this.
4:36 Yes.
4:37 After you try to access your account, they send a code - probably a series of numbers
4:42 - to your mobile phone, so it's an extra bit of information that only you know.
4:47 We really all should be very careful about how we protect our computers, and our tablets
4:53 and our smartphones, things like that.
4:56 Talking about smartphones, let's go back to my question.
4:58 OK.
4:59 I asked you how many people had mobile phones in 2013.
5:03 Was it: 1.4 million people, 14 million people, or 1.4 billion people?
5:10 And I said 1.4 billion - the big one.
5:14 And you are correct!
5:15 OK!
5:16 Yes, by the end of 2013, about 1.4 billion people owned and used smartphones and by the
5:22 end of 2014 this number will increase by 25% - this is according to the research company
5:28 eMarketer.
5:29 Wow!
5:30 What a lot of phones, Rob!
5:31 Indeed.
5:32 Well, our time is up so let's remember some of the words we've explained today.
5:36 They were: cloud
5:39 leak, privacy
5:43 password, hackers
5:46 savvy, authentication
5:49 That's it for today.
5:50 Do log on to bbclearningenglish.com - there's no password - to find more 6 Minute English.

Have something done

source: Simple English Videos    2014年11月18日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website:http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
Many thanks to Rachel of Rachel's English, and Jason R Levine for appearing in this video.
You can follow their channels at: https://www.youtube.com/user/rachelse... and https://www.youtube.com/user/collolearn
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.
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# relevant grammar videos: causative verbs: have, get, make, let, help

Listening Comprehension - Understand Sports on TV!

source: English Teacher Jon    2012年3月24日
http://www.engvid.com Sports on television can be exciting, but what are they saying? In this listening comprehension lesson we will hear a "play-by-play" commentary on a sporting event and learn about the language that is used. Then take the quiz athttp://www.engvid.com/listening-compr...

SAT Vocabulary List #5

source: Catlin Tucker    2014年10月27日
Please take Cornell notes on these words and write down any examples that will help you to remember their meaning. Remember, your can pause this recording at any time if it is going too fast.

LGBT - Gay Vocabulary in English

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie! 2014年7月19日
It's okay to be gay! And it's okay to talk about it! Learn how to talk about it respectfully. In English, we have many words to talk about gay and lesbian people. I'll teach you what LGBT means, and also give you some slang vocabulary used in the gay community. Keep an open mind, and you'll learn not only English vocabulary, but also about the gay community in the English-speaking world. Take the quiz here: http://www.engvid.com/lgbt-gay-vocabu...

English lessons with subtitles | English vocabulary lesson

source: Crown Academy of English  2013年9月16日
In this interactive vocabulary lesson with English subtitles (captions), you will learn several words related to going to the beach.

Idioms and expressions in English with "SUIT"

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid) 2015年6月12日
Have you ever worn your "birthday suit" to the bar? If you don't know what that means, this lesson is well-suited for you! Did you know that "suit" can be a noun, an adjective, and a verb? Watch, and you will learn how the word "suit" is used in business and in your personal life. At the end of the video, there is a quiz for you to see if you understood the material. So suit up, and get ready to learn some new vocabulary! Or don't... Suit yourself! http://www.engvid.com/english-idioms-...

Talking about likes and dislikes -- Advance English Lesson ( Expressions & Phrases)

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2014年2月7日
In this lesson, Ceema tells you about the different phrases you could use to express your likes and dislikes. If you love something, it means you have extreme passion for something or desire it.

# the expressions used to say you love something:
1. I love eating ice creams : 'love' is used to express intense desire.
2. I adore sunbathing: 'adore' is another way to say you love sunbathing.
3. She's crazy about John: 'crazy' is used to say she's mad about John to show intense desire or passion.

# If you neither like nor dislike something, you may use the below expressions:
1. I don't mind doing house work : 'don't mind' is used to express that you are okay with the idea of doing something.
2. I don't really care either way : If you are given a choice of going to the cafe or for a movie; and if you are okay with both the options or can't make up your mind, you use this phrase.
3. It's all the same to me : You say this when you are uncertain about the options given to you. They all sound the same and you can't choose.

# When you hate something, it means it is beyond your tolerance level and you can't put up with it.
1. I can't stand my boss : 'can't stand' is used to express how much you hate your boss.
2. I detest being late : 'detest' is way of saying extreme hatred and you can't put up with something.
3. I can't bear watching golf : 'can't bear' means you just can't tolerate watching golf.
4. I loathe bacon : 'loathe' is used to say you feel disgusted about something.

Cut In

source: Twominute English    2013年10月14日
Phrasal verbs are an important thing to learn, if you want to reach native-like fluency. Here in this video, you will learn the meaning of the phrasal verb 'cut in'. The expression 'cut in' may have different functions and today we will only look at two. 'Cut in' can be used when you interrupt a person who is talking; it can also mean that you take a place in line ahead of your turn. The sentences with the expression are highlighted at the end of the video. Practice them to build your fluency on the subject matter.

0:17 Hello, everybody. Today we’re going to talk about the expression ‘cut in’.
0:22 Hi, Clarice. Hello, everyone. That’s right.
0:25 ‘Cut in’ is a common expression and it can mean that a person interrupts another while they’re talking.
0:32 For example, I have an aunt who never lets people finish a sentence. She always interrupts and concludes other people’s ideas.
0:40 That’s very annoying!
0:42 Yes, it is! Do you know another way we can use ‘cut in’?
0:47 Yes. We can use ‘cut in’ when a person takes a place in front of another in line, before their turn.
0:54 Exactly! There is a very impolite girl at my school who always cuts in line at the cafeteria.
1:01 Some people are just too rude.
1:04 Yes, you’re right. But let’s listen to some conversations with some examples now.
1:16 Hi, Les. Are you having fun?
1:18 No, not really…I wanted to dance, but I like…
1:21 Hey, this music is terrible!
1:24 I was trying to explain…
1:26 Don’t you think this party is boring? The music is so slow!
1:31 Well, that’s what I was just…
1:33 I think I’ll go to a club next time I want to have some fun.
1:36 Victor, would you let me finish at least …
1:40 Do you want to go somewhere more fun?
1:42 Not with you, thanks.
1:44 What’s wrong with you, Les? Why not?
1:47 Because you’re very rude, man! You didn’t let me finish one sentence. You always cut in!
1:58 Excuse me. But I am the next person in line. You cut in!
2:02 Sorry, but I’m in a hurry.
2:05 I understand, but I am also in a hurry.
2:09 I’ll be very quick. I only have to make one payment.
2:13 Well, I’ll be very quick, too; and I arrived first, so you’ll just have to wait your turn.
2:19 Listen…please let me cut in front of you in line! I have to go back to work and I don’t have much time…
2:26 I’m very sorry, Sir, but I also have to get back to work, and I will not let you cut in.
2:31 Well, Ok, then…I’ll wait.
2:40 Hi, Clarice. Have a seat. I’m sure you’ll love the food here. It’s delicious!
2:44 I’m so glad you invited me.
2:47 I wanted to talk to you about…
2:49 Hannibal! How are you? When was the last time we met?
2:53 Oh! Hello, Victor. How are you? Let me introduce a…
2:57 Who’s your friend? She looks familiar.
2:59 Well, as I was saying, this is…
3:02 Oh, yeah! Now I remember! The lady at the bank!
3:06 Have you two met?
3:07 Not really…I was in line at the bank when…
3:10 We don’t have to talk about that…can I sit with you guys?
3:14 Well, we were trying to have a private conversation when you cut in…
3:18 Say no more! I’m out of here! Enjoy your meal! Give me a call sometime, Hannibal!
3:26 There is a very impolite girl at my school who always cuts in line at the cafeteria.
3:37 You didn’t let me finish one sentence. You always cut in!
3:43 Excuse me. But I am the next person in line. You cut in!
3:51 Listen…please let me cut in front of you in line!
3:59 Well, we were trying to have a private conversation when you cut in…

# relevant grammar videos: phrasal verbs 

Difference between DO and MAKE + Common English Expressions

source: Espresso English    2013年3月15日
Learn the difference between the commonly confused words DO and MAKE, with common expressions in English. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for more English tips.

Business English - Talking about your Work

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2010年6月1日
http://www.engvid.com/ Make a perfect first impression by learning how to describe the place, country, city, department and field in which you work. Test your understanding of this English lesson by taking the free quiz at http://www.engvid.com/business-englis...