
CNN Student News with subtitles - November 22, 2016 | Tensions rise between China and H...

source: NEWS with Subtitles      2016年11月21日
Today on CNN Student News: Tensions rise between China and Hong Kong, we examine the plight of Christians in Iraq, and we explain why the Dead Sea is shrinking -- and what's being done about it.
Collection of videos by Student News: https://goo.gl/EkMKat
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/CNNStudentNew
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CNNStudentNe...
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/studentnews/
Transcript: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/
Student News Anchor: Carl Azuz.

Homelessness in New York City (Learn English from the News)

source: Espresso English    2016-11-22
Take a course with me! - http://www.espressoenglish.net/englis...
Complete Program - https://www.espressoenglish.net/get-a...
1. allocate
2. historic
3. homeless shelter
4. advocates
5. a magic bullet
6. evicted
7. spurred
8. banking on
9. came on board 

Social Media Buzz Words

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年11月21日
Blog: http://www.learnex.in/social-media-bu...
Do not forget to search #MichelleESL & like my Michelle’s Facebook page.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eslmichelle/
Website: http://www.letstalkpodcast.com

Meme - Memes are ideas that spread in the form of videos, pictures and text messages.
Viral – A topic or post that has been shared across a wide network of users over various social media platforms.
Thread – An individual conversational trail within a social media platform, forum or bulletin board, typically beginning with an original post and continuing with comments and conversation attached to that original post.
Blogosphere - The blogosphere is an imaginary atmosphere in which all the nattering bloggers chatter floats around. People say things like, “the blogosphere was abuzz with talk of the Elliot Spitzer scandal.”
Microblogging- Microblogging is writing really short blog posts. Twitter and Tumblr are good examples.
Hashtag - is a way to be involved in a conversation or help in searching a topic or term which originated on any of the social media websites. It serves the purpose of social tagging.

Common Social Media Hashtag Acronyms: 
#IDK – I Don’t Know
#TTYL – Talk To You Later
#FTW – For The Win (enthusiasm)
#BRB – Be Right Back
#TBT – Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday is an Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook phenomenon that often refers to sharing a photo that recalls something from the past. For example, over Halloween, there were many photos of people posting pictures from costumes they used in prior years.
Trending- refers to something that is currently popular on a social media platform
Feed – is the news and updates from other users that a person follows on a variety of social media platforms, it appears on the home page.
Handle – Contrary to a door handle, a handle will refer to a person’s username on Twitter.

Questions and Answers (Speaking English Practice Conversation)

source: Daily English Conversation    2016年11月8日
▶ Link download file text: https://goo.gl/p1Z3DI
Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV1h...
1. At Home (1) - 00:07
2. At Home (2) - 00:51
3. My Favorite Photographs (1) - 01:41
4. Location (1) - 02:21
5. Location (2) - 03:17
6. Color (1) - 03:53
7. Color (2) - 04:39
8. No Questions - 05:07
9. Short Answer - 05:59
10. Telephone Call (2) - 06:51
11. What's A Grant? - 07:37
12. I'm Busy On Friday - 08:23
13. Bless You - 08:58
14. I Don't Feel Well - 09:38
15. Can You Help Me? - 10:20
16. Taking a Cab - 11:00
17. I Hate to Get Up - 11:41
18. A Hot Day - 12:17
19. Phone Out of Order (1) - 13:05
20. Phone Out of Order (2) - 13:53
21. Getting A Visa - 14:48
22. Employing a new member - 15:21
23. A Date (1) - 16:17
24. What did you do yesterday? - 17:35
25. Travelling by Air - 18:38
26. At the Customs - 19:49
27. A New Baby - 21:07
28. Is English Difficult? - 21:55
29. Washing His Car - 22:45
30. At the Restaurant - 23:25
31. When's the Baby Due? - 24:07
32. Bus Stop - 24:47
33. Gardening - 26:12
34. A Lazy Boy - 26:57
35. Can I Drive There? - 27:55
36. A New Dress - 28:40
37. A Picnic - 29:20
38. I'm Going Skiing - 29:58
39. Traffic Rules (1) - 30:34
40. Housework - 31:12
41. Oral Exams - 32:40
42. Would You Call me? - 34:28
43. Can I Let You Know? - 35:29
44. On the Phone-A Less Formal Call - 36:53
45. A Cup of Coffee - 37:36
46. How About a Drink? - 38:32
47. I Have a Sore Throat - 39:10
48. On Sale - 39:58
49. Not a Cloud in the Sky - 40:48
50. Cold and Windy - 41:34
51. It's Beginning to Snow. - 42:24
52. A House at the Shore - 43:23
53. A Soccer Game - 44:03
54. Not So Young - 44:47
55. Is She Single? - 45:37
56. To Buy a Birthday Present - 46:27
57. Telephone - 47:15
58. A Light Eater - 47:49
59. A Nice Flat (1) - 48:35
60. A Nice Flat (2) - 49:22
61. Afraid of Flying - 50:18
62. A Plane Reservation - 51:00
63. Getting Together - 51:38
64. How's Your New Job Going? - 52:30
65. We Eat a Lot - 53:26
66. I'll Take You - 54:20
67. We Must be Out of Them - 55:08
68. Doctor's Appointment - 56:18
69. Traffic Rules (2) - 57:10
70. Eating out - 58:15
71. To Buy a Bus Ticket - 58:59
72. On the Phone - 59:41
73. Operating Room - 1:00:51
74. A Car Loan - 1:01:43
75. A Cashier - 1:02:31
76. Settling Down - 1:03:19
77. Will You Get Some Bread For Me? - 1:04:14
78. Buying a Present - In a Jeweller's shop - 1:05:00
79. Buying a Present - In a Toy Shop - 1:06:06
80. Making a Reservation - 1:07:21
81. Ready to Go - 1:08:43
82. An Interesting Movie - 1:09:35
83. In the Bus - 1:10:27
84. A New Job - 1:11:21
85. A Date (2) - 1:12:53
86. Smoking - 1:14:10
87. A Death - 1:15:14
88. A Birth - 1:16:18
89. A Coincidence - 1:17:10
90. How have you been? - 1:18:34

Bring vs Take + Wrapping Up Warm

source: To Fluency    2016年11月21日
Bring vs Take + Wrapping Up Warm: In this lesson, you'll get a great example of the difference between bring and take and also how to use the phrasal verb: wrap up.

5 English Phrases for Your Best American Thanksgiving Ever

source: Go Natural English     2016年11月21日
Join my English lesson email group at http://gonaturalenglish.com

Meeting and Greeting a Visitor

source: Simple English Videos      2015年8月18日
You can see this video with a clickable transcript at our video website: http://www.SimpleEnglishVideos.com
Follow us on twitter as @VickiVideos so you don't miss out on future videos and don't forget to subscribe to this YouTube channel.

English Pronunciation - CAN & CAN'T

source: EnglishLessons4U - Learn English with Ronnie!  2009年3月20日
http://www.engvid.com/ The pronunciation of "can" and "can't" in English is difficult to both hear and speak. In this lesson, I'll show you the simple trick to mastering this! You CAN do it!

Expressing Negative Emotions

source: Twominute English     2013年8月1日
We all go through a lot of emotions in our daily lives, some are negative and some are positive. If you find it difficult to express your negative emotions to your friends and relatives, then this lesson will help you out. In this lesson, you will learn some phrases that can be used to express negative emotions with conviction.
Exercises: http://twominenglish.com/video/242-Ex...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:06 In this lesson we will learn the phrases that you can use to express your negative emotions to your friends and loved ones.
0:20 Gosh! My tooth has been killing me.
0:23 You might have a cavity. You should go to the dentist as soon as possible.
0:27 No way. I'm afraid of seeing the dentist. I always get a bad feeling. I try to avoid it like the plague.
0:34 Come on. Don't be a chicken! It won't be that bad!
0:39 I'm not a chicken! But I'll do anything to stay away from a dental clinic.
0:43 Even let the cavity eat your whole tooth?
0:47 Dentists scare me more than the cavity.
0:50 You can't be serious!
0:59 Hey, you look very upset. What's going on?
1:02 I'm anxious about the final exams. I don't know if I can pass them.
1:07 Aren't you studying?
1:09 I am! But I don't take exams well. I always panic.
1:13 Well, don't worry too much. You still have three days ahead.
1:17 Yeah, but three days aren't enough to cover the entire syllabus. These days will be gone in the blink of an eye.
1:24 I think the best thing to do now is try to remain calm.
1:34 What's happening between your girlfriend and you? You guys fight all the time these days.
1:39 What are you saying?
1:41 Well, the whole office is talking about it. Why do you fight in public places?
1:47 I can't stand her anymore. She's a crazy woman. Even a bit of friendly advice sets her off.
1:53 So, what did you tell her?
1:56 I told her she had to stay away from the new assistant manager. He's not a nice guy to hang around with.
2:02 She thought I was being jealous of her friendship with him. Can you believe that?!
2:06 Well, I can. You do sound a bit jealous.
2:11 And you sound like her!
2:18 Why were you oddly looking at him while he was talking?
2:23 Well, I'm sure he lied to me about last night. I was trying to read his face.
2:28 Why do you say that?
2:30 He wasn't looking at me while talking. I'm sure he was hiding something.
2:35 Well, you shouldn't be so suspicious of people. Just relax and stop thinking that there's always something wrong!
2:44 Perhaps you're right. Maybe I think too much about things.
2:51 No way. I'm afraid of seeing the dentist.
2:58 I always get a bad feeling. I try to avoid it like the plague.
3:08 Dentists scare me more than the cavity.
3:16 I'm anxious about the final exams.
3:25 But I don't take exams well. I always panic.
3:35 I can't stand her anymore.
3:40 Even a bit of friendly advice sets her off. Can you believe that?!
3:53 He wasn't looking at me while talking. I'm sure he was hiding something.

TOO and ENOUGH | Use and meaning in English

source: Crown Academy of English     2015年6月21日
Both "too" and "enough" describe the degree of something. We can use them both to modify adjectives, adverbs and nouns. There are plenty of examples and explanations in the lesson.
You will also learn the rules of where to position "too" and "enough" with respect to the word they are modifying.
I briefly explain the difference as to how we use "too many" to modify countable nouns and "too much" for uncountable nouns.
There are several English exercises at the end of the lesson to test your understanding.
Countable and uncountable nouns: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Grammar lessons: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Listening exercises: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...
Vocabulary videos: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=...

# click this line for more grammar videos on too + adj. + infinitive vs. adj. + enough + infinitive

Polite English - Why do we use "would"?

source: JamesESL English Lessons (engVid)    2011年9月26日
http://www.engvid.com Would you like to learn why it is polite to use "would" in English? In this lesson for advanced students, you will see how using the past tense of will in a question shows respect for the person you are speaking to.
Test your understanding with the quiz at http://www.engvid.com/polite-english-...

5 English Expressions with the Word CALL

source: Espresso English    2012年10月27日
Learn common English expressions with the word "call." "Call it a day" means to stop doing something (especially working) because the work is complete or because no more progress is being made.

Vocabulary: Shopping in a mall

source: Learn English with Rebecca    2012年1月25日
http://www.engvid.com Save time and energy finding what you need at a shopping mall by watching this useful lesson. Learn the key vocabulary to describe different kinds of stores and services. Then take the quiz at http://engvid.com/shopping-mall-vocab... !