
Colour Idioms, Part 2

source: Maple Leaf ESL    2017年4月18日
In this lesson, we take a look at the following colour idioms: in the red, show one's true colours, until one is blue in the face, green thumb, paint the town red, out of the blue, tell a white lie, and brown bag it.
Visit www.mapleleafesl.com for more free English lessons, and be sure to go like the Maple Leaf ESL page on Facebook.

The confusing verbs ‘Do’ & ‘Make’ – Improve you...

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2017年4月5日
http://www.learnex.in/ english-grammar-lesson-confusing-verbs-do-and-make
Are you confused about the use of two very simple English verbs – “make” and “do”. Be sure that this English Grammar lesson will do away with your confusion. Join ESL teacher Michelle in this Spoken English lesson.

Make is for producing, constructing, creating or building something new.

It is also used to indicate the origin of a product or the materials that are used to make something.

• His wedding ring is made of gold.
• The house was made of adobe.
• Wine is made from grapes.
• The watches were made in Switzerland*
We also use Make for producing an action or reaction:
• Onions make your eyes water.
• You make me happy.
• It’s not my fault. My brother made me do it!*

You can also use it with plans, arrangement, decision, choice
Use make after certain nouns about plans and decisions:

• Could you please make some arrangement for my visit?
• Let’s make a plan for Hawaii.

We use “Make” with Food, Drink and Meals:
• make a cake
• make a cup of tea
• make dinner
Example: Please make me a cup of coffee.

When do you use DO?

DO is used as follows:
DO is used when talking about work, jobs or tasks. Note, they do not produce any physical object.

• Have you done your homework?
• I have guests visiting tonight so I should start doing the housework now.
• I wouldn't like to do that job.

DO is used when we refer to activities in general without being specific. In these cases, we normally use words like thing,
something, nothing, anything, everything etc.

• Hurry up! I've got things to do!
• Don't just sit there – do something! (that’s not for u)
• Is there anything I can do to help you?

We sometimes use DO to replace a verb when the meaning is clear or obvious. This is more common in informal spoken English:

• Do I need to do my hair?
• Have you done the dishes yet?
• I'll do the kitchen if you do the lawns.

Read, Understand, and Remember! Improve your reading skills with the KWL...

source: Learn English with Emma [engVid]     2017年4月9日
Is it difficult for you to understand or remember what you read? In this video, I will teach you an easy method that will help you become better at reading difficult material such as textbooks and journal articles. It is known as the "KWL" reading method. You will also remember more of what you read by using this method. If you plan to study at an English school, college, or university, this method will really help you. You can also use this method to help you in the IELTS and TOEFL exams. Try the KWL method yourself and tell me how it works for you in the comments!
Take the quiz! https://www.engvid.com/kwl-reading-me...

Doing customer research - 43 - English at Work has the phrases for you

source: BBC Learning English    2017年4月26日
After Anna and Tom's dinner date, the idea for a new plastic vegetable is developing in Anna's mind. But before she can pitch the proposal to Paul she is going to need to do some thorough research!
For more English at Work and other great content:: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

Hello again. Last time on English at Work, we heard Anna leaving Tom crying into his cold pizza. He may not have had the evening he was expecting, but for Anna it was a huge success. She came up with an idea for a new plastic vegetable and now she needs to pitch it to Paul, the boss.

… so I think I'll go for the blue, Marge, it matches my eyes… well almost…

Morning Denise!

Oh, hello Anna …yes, Anna, bright girl, what she sees in Tom I'll never know… what?!... ha, ha, I'm sure you would…

Oh hi Tom. You're in early.

Uh? Oh yeah, couldn't sleep after you'd left.

Tom, it was a fantastic night – unforgettable in fact. Thanks so much.

Did you hear that Marge? She said it was 'unforgettable'! Looks like they're getting very serious…

You're such a gossip, Denise. The only thing Anna is serious about is her new idea. How's it going Anna?

I'm really excited about launching a new product, although Tom doesn't seem so keen.

Don't worry about him. You need to concentrate on convincing Paul that your new idea will bring in the business.

But how?

You need to pitch the idea to him but before that, you need to do some research.

Yes, of course – research – but how do I do that?

Check out the competition, work out some costs and find out what new product people would really like to see. Why not do a customer survey?!

A customer survey. Right. But what should I ask?

Say: 'Could I ask for your opinion on a new product we are hoping to develop?' 'What plastic products do you currently use?', 'What products would you like us to make in the future?', 'How do you feel about the idea of selling plastic vegetables?', 'Any particular vegetable you would like to see?'

OK, so it's like a questionnaire. I need to do some cold calling again!

Good luck!

I think I'm going to need some help with this. Tom, Denise, have you got time to help me… please?

Of course Anna.

Yeah, well it's a bit tricky with my… ouch… sprained arm. But go on. As it's you.

Thanks. We need to call up some companies and find out how interested they would be in buying plastic vegetables.

Oh lovely. I love talking to people on the phone.

You certainly do Denise!

Good Denise. If you work your way through our business directory, call our existing customers and ask these questions.

I'll get onto it straight away.

Great, and Tom, could you help me by cold calling some new businesses?

Oh yeah sure. I've got loads of contacts.

I suppose I had better make some calls too. Hmm, let's try this one. 7-4-3-9-1-0-0

Hello. Plastic Purr-fection. Can I help you?

Oh hi. I'm Anna from Tip Top Trading, we make and sell plastic fruits. I'm trying some to get some opinions on a new product we're trying to develop. Can you spare a few minutes to help me?

Well I'm quite busy at the moment but I'll try and help.

Thank you. I'll be as quick as I can. Firstly, what plastic products do you use at the moment?

All sorts – plastic balls, plastic fish, plastic mice…

Plastic mice?! Oh, I see. And… errr… what sort of things would you like us to sell… in the future?

Let's think… erm … more squeaky toys.

Squeaky toys?! What about plastic vegetables?

Do they squeak?

Err, not really. I think there might be some confusion here. Do you use plastic fruits in restaurants and shops?


No. We just sell plastic toys… for cats, hence the name 'plastic purr-fection'.

Oh I see, ha, ha. A good name, but, I'm sorry you're not really the business I was looking for. Thanks for your time anyway. Bye.

Bye. Get down Tiddles!

Uh-oh Anna. It's a good idea to check exactly what type of business you are calling before carrying out your survey. Better luck next time! If you're doing some research and want to get the opinions of your customers, here's a reminder of the questions you could ask:

Could I ask for your opinion on a new product we are hoping to develop?

What plastic products do you currently use?

What products would you like to see us sell in the future?

How do you feel about the idea of selling plastic vegetables?

Any particular vegetable you would like to see?

What's Your Family Doing? | Actions

source: Mark Kulek       2017年4月1日

Business English 44 (premier, leader, global)

source: TeacherPhilEnglish     2010年1月31日
This lesson helps you learn new words: leader, company, premiere, global leader, national and international.

Business English 43 (portfolio, business portfolio, facilitate, and coordinate)

source: TeacherPhilEnglish    2010年1月31日
This free lesson helps you learn new words: portfolio, business portfolio, facilitate, and coordinate.

Three idioms that are connected to boats

source: BBC Learning English    2011年6月29日
I missed the boat
It's plain sailing
We're in the same boat
For more great video, audio and text materials, visit our website: http://www.bbclearningenglish.com

BBC News Review: Frog death mystery in Peru

source: BBC Learning English    2016年10月18日
Thousands of frogs have been found dead in Peru. Join Neil and Sian to discover the language the world's media is using to talk about this story.
For more, visit our website: http://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/...

The story:
The Peruvian environmental agency is investigating the deaths of about 10,000 frogs, whose bodies have been found in the river in the south of the country. A local campaign group says pollution in the River Coata is to blame for the deaths.
Leonardo Rocher - BBC News
The Titicaca water frogs are an endangered species that lives exclusively in the huge freshwater lake shared by Peru and Bolivia and its tributaries. The number of residents around South America's largest lake has increased sharply in the past two decades, while the number of frogs there is estimated to have declined by 80%. Residents say the government has done too little to deal with the impact of humans in the area. They are calling for a sewage treatment plant to be built near the regional capital, Puno.

Key words and phrases:
endangered species: a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because there are only a few of that type alive
get to the bottom of: to discover the truth about something or find the cause of something
a turn of events: a change in a situation
pleas: serious and emotional requests for something

English Registers - What Your Words Say About You

source: Oxford Online English    2015年4月28日
See the full lesson here: http://www.oxfordonlineenglish.com/vi...
When learning English, many learners want to focus on getting things right. They want to use the 'right' verb form, the 'right' sentence structure, the 'right' words, and so on. However, there's another important point you need to get right if you want to speak English well: register.

What is register? Short answer: it's how you say something. For example:


• I'm interested in applying for this job
• I would like to express my interest in this vacancy
• I want to do this job
• Oi, mate, give us a job, would you?

All of these sentences have the same meaning, but that doesn't mean they're the same. By using different words or different sentences, you can express the same message in very different ways. In many situations, using register correctly is much more important than using grammar or vocabulary accurately. If you're applying for a job, making a grammar or spelling mistake in your application won't necessarily hurt your chances, but sounding rude definitely will.

Register is a huge topic, so this lesson is just an introduction. You can learn what register is, and when you need to think about it.

1. About register: the message your words send

The most important point about register is that communication doesn't just depend on the idea you want to express. The words we choose and the phrases or structures we use are an important part of our message.

2. About register: identifying yourself as part of a group

We saw above that register can send signals about your attitude towards the person you're talking to, and about the relationship between you. However, there is more to register than this. Choosing different words or structures also sends signals about you: where you are from, what kind of person you are, and more.

3. Using register: sending the right message

By now it should be clear that register is a very powerful tool. However, like anything powerful, it can also be dangerous if you don't use it well. Many people, especially native speakers, will use register to learn about you. If you don't have control of register when you speak or write in English, you could easily send the wrong signals.

4. Using register: being consistent

The second part of using register well is consistency. If you use mix registers in a sentence, it will sound very strange. At worst, mixing registers can sound ridiculous, which is a problem if you need to be taken seriously.

5. Register and vocabulary

It's very useful to think about register when you study vocabulary. A good dictionary, or a quick Google search, can tell you about the associations which a word has.

Common Daily Expressions

source: Anglo-Link   2012年12月19日
In this lesson, we will use common expressions used for introductions and greetings in daily English conversations.
For more help with learning and practising English, visit our website:


How to Express Understanding in English

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月26日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
"Do you understand me?" Robin will teach some practical English expressions to tell someone that you understand them.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Business English: Upward Movement Verbs

source: Shaw English Online    2014年1月28日
Follow Shaw English: http://bit.ly/1dTGEpiWatch
Robin teaches useful business English expressions. He talks about upward movement verbs such as 'increase', 'skyrocketing', ect.. These verbs will improve your English conversation.
WEBSITE: http://www.shawenglish.com
FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/1l3Hjsm
GOOGLE+: http://bit.ly/1l3HsMf
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ShawEnglish2014

Are you on Facebook? - Social media English lesson

source: Twominute English    2013年6月1日
Everybody's friend and their grandmas are on Facebook now. If you don't know how to talk Facebook, you're going to miss a lot of conversations. In this lesson we put you in some common Facebook related situations.
Exercises for the lesson: http://twominenglish.com/video/272-Ar...
Facebook: http://facebook.com/twominenglish
App for your Android Device: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

0:07 In this lesson, we will talk about Facebook.
0:14 It was nice meeting you, Jenny.
0:17 Same here Sam. Hope to see you again soon.
0:21 Are you active on Facebook?
0:23 Yes, Sam. I do have a Facebook account.
0:26 Great ! Err... What name should I use to search your profile?
0:31 You can use my email ID to find me there.
0:35 That will be great. Thanks Jenny.
0:43 Hey Pauline, how are you doing?
0:45 I’m doing great. How about you Angel?
0:48 I’m good too. We partied last night and I uploaded the pictures on Facebook. You should totally check them out.
0:53 Oh really ?! Well, how can i miss that?! I will certainly do it.
0:58 And I’m sure you’re gonna love them!
1:06 Hey, Sam. How are you doing?
1:08 I’m good Pauline.
1:10 Did you notice that I’ve tagged you in some pictures on FB?
1:13 No, I did not. But I’ll be checking my updates in a minute.
1:17 You must! Everyone was looking awesome at the party. Every pic is simply crazy!
1:24 Sounds cool! I will check them as soon as I get time. Thanks for telling me, Pauline.
1:32 Are you active on Facebook?
1:37 You can use my email ID to find me there.
1:44 What name should I use to search your profile?
1:50 Did you notice that I've tagged you in some pictures on FB?
1:58 We partied last night and I uploaded the pictures on Facebook. You should totally check them out.