
Sitcom: Nice to meet you. (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit1-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC  2010年7月25日
* social language: Greetings and introduction
* grammar: Verb be: singular and negative statements

# video script
(The staff of Top Notch Travel, a small travel agency, greets Mr. Rashid, a customer.)
Mr. Evans: Hi! Are you Mr. Rashid?
Mr. Rashid: Yes, I am.
Mr. Evans: It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm James Evans, president of Top Notch Travel.
Marie: Welcome to Top Notch. I'm Marie, the receptionist.
Mr. Rashid: Nice to meet you.
Paul: Hi, I'm Paul. I'm a tour guide.
Mr. Rashid: Glad to meet you.
Cheryl: Hi, I'm Cheryl.
Mr. Rashid: The office manager.
Cheryl: Yes!
Mr. Rashid: A pleasure.
Mr. Evans: Bob? Bob is ...
Mr. Rashid: A chef.
Mr. Evans: No, Bob is not a chef. Bob is a ... doctor? No, Bob is not a doctor. Bob is not a singer. He's not an architect. He's not an athlete ... Bob!
Bob: Hi ... I'm the mailman.
Mr. Evans: This is Bob. Bob is ...
Mr. Rashid: An actor!

Interview: Hi. How are you today? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 1-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC  2010年7月25日
* social language: Greetings and introduction
* grammar: Verb be: singular and negative statements

# video script
Interviewer: Hi. How are you today?
Dan: Good. How are you?
Interviewer: I'm well. Ny name's Doug. What's yours?
Dan: Dan.
Interviewer: Hi, Dan. Nice to meet you.
Dan: Nice to meet you.
Interviewer: Hello.
Christiane: Hello.
Interviewer: My name's Doug. What's your name?
Christiane: Ny name's Christiane.
Interviewer: Hi, Christiane. It's nice to meet you.
Christiane: Nice to meet you too, Doug.
Interviewer: So tell me, what do you do?
Christiane: I work in a hotel.
Interviewer: Good morning.
Vanessa: Good morning.
Interviewer: My name's Doug.
Vanessa: My name's Vanessa.
Interviewer: Hi, Vanessa.
Vanessa: How are you?
Interviewer: I'm well. Thank you. Tell me, what do you do?
Vanessa: I'm a teacher.
Interviewer: Good afternoon.
Emma: Good afternoon.
Interviewer: My name's Doug.
Emma: My name is Emma.
Interviewer: Hi, Emma.
Emma: Hi. Nice to meet you. 
Interviewer: Nice to meet you. What do you do?
Emma: I'm a receptionist.
Interviewer: Oh, that's interesting. Well, take care.
Emma: Bye-bye.
Interviewer: Hi. My name's Doug.
Alvino: Hi, Doug.
Interviewer: So, Alvino, what do you do?
Alvino: Retail.
Interviewer: You're a businessman?
Alvino: Yes, I am.
Interviewer: Well, it's nice to meet you.
Alvino: Nice to meet you as well.
Interviewer: Take care. Have a nice day.
Alvino: You as well. Bye-bye.
Interviewer: Bye-bye. 

Sitcom: Who's that? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 2-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC  2010年7月25日
* social language: Discuss nationalities and occupations
* grammar: Possessive adjectives

# video script:
(Bob, Cheryl, Paul, and Marie are having coffee in the café. A man in a hat and sunglasses walks in, and the four friends try to guess his identity.)
Paul: This good coffee.
Bob: It is good. 
Paul: Who's that?
Bob: That's your friend David Ducain. He's a writer from France.
Cheryl: That's not David Ducain. That's Arturo Montoya. He's Mr. Evans's neighbor. He's a doctor from Mexico.
Marie: No. That's Jeff Davis. He's an artist.
Bob: No. That's Alan Reese. He's our lawyer.
Cheryl: That's now Alan Reese.
Marie: Oh! It's Clark Thomas from England. He's a musician!
Paul: Excuse me.
Waitress: Yes?
Paul: Who's that?
Waitress: That's ... Mr. Evans. He's ... your boss.
Bob: That's not Mr. Evans.
Mr. Evans: Hey, guys!
Paul: (to Marie) Musician!?

Interview: Where are you from? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 2-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC  2010年7月25日
* social language: Discuss nationalities and occupations
* grammar: Possessive adjectives

# video script:
Interviewer: Hi, I'm Doug.
Natalie: Ni. Natalie. This is my husband Chris.
Interviewer: Hi, Chris. Nice to meet you.
Chris: Nice to meet you.
Interviewer: Where are you from?
Natalie: I'm from Oklahoma.
Chris: I'm from Bristol in England.
Interviewer: Hi. What's your name?
Deepti: My name is Deepti Gupta.
Interviewer: That's an interesting name. Could you spell it for me?
Deepti: Yes. The firs name is Deepti, which is D-E-E-P-T-I. The last name is Gupta. That's G-U-P-T-A.
Interviewer: And are you from the United States?
Deepti: No, I'm not.
Interviewer: Where are you from?
Deepti: India.
Interviewer: What's your phone number?
Lisa: My phone number is 239-0560.
Interviewer: And your address?
Matt: 43 Concord Square.
Interviewer: Do you have an e-mail address?
Elli: Yep. It's my name, which is Elli Fordyce--E-L-L-I-F-O-R-D-Y-C-E@msn.com.
Interviewer: What's your cell-phone number?
Ian: My cell-phone number is 555-1312.

Sitcom: Don't take the train! (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 3-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Discuss how to get to places
* grammar: The imperative

# video script:
(Mr. Evans, Paul, and Bob are having coffee in the café when a tourist walks in to ask for directions.)
Tourist: Excuse me. How do I get to the Red Café?
Mr. Evans: The Red Café? Le's see. Go to the corner and turn left.
Tourist. Left.
Mr. Evans: Go two blocks and turn right.
Tourist: Right.
Mr. Evans: Around the corner is a train station.
Tourist: Take the train.
Mr. Evans: Don't take the train! Go through the station, across the street to the bookstore. Next to the bookstore is a pharmacy. Next to the pharmacy is the Red Café.
Tourist: Yes!
Mr. Evans: Got it? Let's do it again.
Mr. Evans and tourist: Corner. Left. Two blocks. Right. Around the corner. Don'e take the train! Through the station, across the street. Bookstore. Pharmacy. Red Café!
Tourist: Thank you very much.
Mr. Evans: You're very welcome.

Interview: Is there a bank near here? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 3-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Discuss how to get to places
* grammar: The imperative

# video script:
Interviewer: Tell me, uh, is there a bank near here?
Catherine: Actually, there's ...there's several.* Uh ... there's one on the corner up here, and, uh, one right behind us, across the street, and then one diagonal.
Interviewer: Excuse me. Is there a newsstand nearby?
Rob: Yes, there is. There's one right down the street, two blocks, make a right, go one block, and it's right on the right-hand side.
Interviewer: OK, so that was go up the street two blocks ...
Rob: Yes.
Interviewer: Make a right, one block ...
Rob: Two blocks.
Interviewer: To blocks ...
Rob: And it's right on the right-hand side.
Interviewer: Right on the right-hand side.
Interviewer: Do you know if there's a restaurant nearby?
Joe: Yes, there's a great restaurant in the park. Uh, it's called Tavern on the Green.
Interviewer: Is there a taxi stand nearby?
Ian: No, there isn't.
Interviewer: Can you tell me how to get to the strain station?
Christine: Uh, would you like to walk or take the subway?
Interviewer: Um, I'll walk.
Christine: Just walk straight down this street for about thirty blocks and you;ll run right into it.
Interviewer: That's a long walk.
Christine: It is a long walk, but you like to walk, right?

* should be "there are several"

Sitcom: Who's this? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 4-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Talk about families
* grammar: very; so; questions with How old; questions with Who

# video script:
(Marie and Cheryl look at Cheryl's family album and discuss her family members.)
Marie: Is this you family?
Cheryl: Yes.
Marie: Who's this?
Cheryl: My brother.
Marie: He's so handsome. How old is he?
Cheryl: He's thirty-four.
Marie: Oh!
Cheryl: He's a doctor.
Marie: Oh!!
Cheryl: That's his wife.
Marie: Oh. She's very pretty. Who's this?
Cheryl: That's my mother.
Marie: Your mother? But she's so old.
Cheryl: She's not old. She's fifty-eight.
Marie: OK. Who's this? Is he a doctor, too?
Cheryl: No, he's an architect. That's my sister's husband.
Marie: Who's this? 
Cheryl: That's my sister's son. He's a university student.
Marie: He's so cute
Cheryl: He's so young.
Marie: Who's this short old woman? What?
Cheryl: That is not a short old woman. That's me.
Marie: Oh! Sorry.

Interview: Do you have any children? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 4-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Talk about families
* grammar: veryso; questions with How old; questions with Who

# video script:
Interviewer: Who's that in the picture in your left hand?
Rita: I have two girls and a boy.
Interviewer: Could you tell me how old your children are?
Rita: Yes. My oldest boy is forty-one, soon to be forty-two. The second one, who is a girl, is forty. And my baby is thirty-four.
Interviewer: Do you have any children?
Mauro: I have two children--a son and a daughter.
Interviewer: Could you tell me alittle about them? What do they do? What are their occupations?
Mauro: Oh, they're both students.
Interviewer: Do you have any siblings?
Chris: Yes. I've got one sister who's twenty-six.
Interviewer: Tell me, do you have any brothers or sisters?
Maiko: Yes, um, I have one younger brother.
Interviewer: Tell me, what does he look like? Is he tall?
Maiko: Um, he is very tall, very skinny, very lean.
Interviewer: So is he handsome?
Maiko: Um, yes, he is.

Sitcom: You're late. (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 5-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Talk about time; Invite someone to an event
* grammar: Prepositions of time; There is

# video script:
(In the café, Cheryl and Bob discuss their plans for Saturday night to celebrate Bob's birthday.)
Cheryl: You're late.
Bob: What time is it?
Cheryl: Two minutes after six.
Bob: I am not late. Two minutes is not late.
Cheryl: Yes, it is. It's two minutes late.
Bob: Oh, look! It's five to six. I'm early.
Cheryl: So for your birthday on Saturday, there's a great French movie at the Avalon. 
Bob: There's a baseball game on Saturday night.
Cheryl: Or there's a play at the Arts Center at 8:00 P.M. Life Is a Dream.
Bob: The Tigers are playing the Giants. You know, baseball?
Cheryl: Oh, look! There's a Mozart concert on Saturday. Would you like to go?
Bob: What time?
Cheryl: Half past seven.
Bob: The ball game's at 7:00.
Cheryl: Oh, wow! There's a talk by the writer Ellen Lee at the University on ...
Bob: On Saturday night. Is your birthday on Saturday?
Cheryl: No. It's your birthday. Would you like to go to a baseball game for your birthday?
Bob: A baseball game! That sounds great!

Interview: Do you know what time it is? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 5-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Talk about time; Invite someone to an event
* grammar: Prepositions of time; There is

# video script:
Interviewer: Do you know what time it is?
Lorayn: Five o'clock.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what time it is?
Vanessa: Sure. Um, it is 10:30.
Interviewer: Excuse me. Do you have the time?
Stephan: Oh, sure. It's 4:15.
Interviewer: Thank you.
Stephan: You're welcome.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what time it is?
Blanche: It is ...
Herb: I can't.
Blanche: It is ten minutes to twelve.
Interviewer: Great. Thanks so much.
Blanche: You're welcome.
Interviewer: What movie do you want to see?
Alexandra: I want to see National Treasure.
Interviewer: And what time is the movie?
Alexandra: It is at six o'clock.
Interviewer: By the way, what time is it now?
Alexandra: Um ... it is 5:30.
INterviewer: So you're right on time.
Alexandra: I am.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what time it is?
Angelique: I actually don't wear a watch, so I'm not really sure.
Interviewer: Do you know what the date is?
Angelique: I believe it's the 29th of September.

Sitcom: Do you like this blouse? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 6-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Express likes; Describe clothes
* grammar: This / that / these / those; The simple present tense: like

# video script:
(Bob and Paul are watching a ball game on TV at Cheryl's apartment. Cheryl tries to get their opinions on the clothes she bought.)
Cheryl: Do you like this blouse?
Bob: Yes.
Paul: That blouse is beautiful!
Cheryl: Thank you! What about these shoes? Do you like them?
Bob: I like those shoes.
Paul: I really like those shoes.
Cheryl: And what about this dress? 
Bob: I really like that dress!
Cheryl: You do?
Bob: You look like a movie star--Julia Roberts!
Cheryl: I see. And this skirt?
Bob: That skirt is very nice.
Cheryl: Bob. Bob!
Bob: What?!
Cheryl: What about these sweaters?
Bob: I like those sweaters. Those sweaters are beautiful!
Paul: I really like those sweaters. They're really nice.
Cheryl: Thank you!

Interview: Do you like that color? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 6-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年7月26日
* social language: Express likes; Describe clothes
* grammar: This / that / these / thoseThe simple present tenselike

# video script:
Interviewer: That's a nice sweater.
San: Why, thank you.
Interviewer: That's a nice color shirt.
Dan: Thank you very much.
Interviewer: That's a really nice tie you're wearing.
Martin: Thank you. I like it too.
Interviewer: Is that a new blouse?
Vanessa: Yes, it is. My sister bought it for me.
Interviewer: Do you like that color?
Dan: I do. Navy blue's my favorite color.
Interviewer: Do you often wear black?
Lorayn: Not always. Red's another favorite color of mine.
Interviewer: Is green a favorite color of yours?
Martin: Yes. I also like yellow too.
Interviewer: What other colors do you like to wear?
San: I like wearing blue. Um, I like wearing purples and white.
INterviewer: I like that color. Do you like that color?
Vanessa: I like it very much.
Interviewer: Do you mind if I ask you a question?
Lorayn: Not at all.
Interviewer: Do you need new shoes?
Lorayn: I always need new shoes.
San: I always need new shoes.
Natalie: Yes. A woman always needs new shoes.
Interviewer: Tell me, do you need a new pair of shoes?
Martin: I don't think so.

Sitcom: Welcome to my new apartment. (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 7-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月3日
* social language: Describe a home
* grammar: There is/are; Questions with where

# video script:
(Cheryl's mother comes to visit Cheryl at her new apartment.)
Cheryl: Hi.
Mother: Hi.
Cheryl: Welcome to my new apartment, Mom!
Mother: I liked your old apartment at 24 Oak Street better.
Cheryl: That's because you live at 22 Oak Street.

Mother: Your old apartment has such a nice view.
Cheryl: The view here is nice too, Mom. The park is just across the street. And my office is around the corner. 

Mother: Nice refrigerator. It's very small, isn't it?
Cheryl: The refrigerator?

Mother: The kitchen.
Cheryl: It's a little small, but I like it. There's the dining room, the office, and the living room. 

Mother: The chairs are nice. I like the sofa. Why's the dresser in the living room?
Cheryl: There's no place else for it to go. 

Mother: But where are the other rooms, honey?
Cheryl: Mom, it's a studio apartment. There are no other rooms. 

Mother: This is it?
Cheryl: This is it!
Mother: But where's the bedroom?
Cheryl: Ta da!
Mother: I'm afraid to ask about the bathroom.
Cheryl: Oh, Mom! I think it's nice.

Interview: Do you live in a house or an apartment? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 7-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月3日
* social language: Describe a home
* grammar: There is/areQuestions with where

# video script:
Interviewer: Do you live in a house or an apartment?
Rob: I live in an apartment.
Chris: I live in a house.
Christiane: I live in an apartment.
Interviewer: And do you have a large living room?
Catherine: I would say medium-sized.
Interviewer: And what sorts of furniture do you have in your living room?
Rob: We have a sofa and a lounge chair an a coffee table and a television set.
Interviewer: Does your apartment have a lot of windows?
Emma: Actually in every room thee is a window.
Interviewer: Does your apartment have a balcony?
Christiane: No, my apartment does not have a balcony.
Interviewer: How about a garden?
Christiane: We do have a backyard.
Interviewer: What appliances are there in your kitchen?
Chris: We've got a cooker, a microwave. We've got a fridge and a freezer, but in fact we've got everything apart from a dishwasher.
Interviewer: And a cooker. What's a cooker?
Chris: A stove.
Interviewer: Do you like your apartment?
Rob: I love my apartment.
Christiane: Yes, I like my apartment a lot.
Interviewer: And why?
Christiane: Because I painted it in my colors, and it's my home and my little castle.

Sitcom: What do you do in the morning? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 8-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月3日
* social language: Describe daily activities
* grammar: Frequency adverbs; Time expression

# video script:
(Paul and Marie talk about their daily activities.)
Marie: Paul, you're late again.
Paul: Sorry. I never get up before 8:45.
Marie: 8:45?! That's late!
Paul: What time do you get up?
Marie: 5:00 A.M.
Paul: 5:00 A.M.?! That's early! What do you do in the morning?
Marie: Well, after I get up I usually make breakfast, take out the garbage, do the laundry ...
Paul: The laundry?
Marie: Yes. Then I read the newspaper, check my e-mail, sometimes I take a nap ...
Paul: You take a nap in the morning?!
Marie: Just fifteen minutes. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I exercise. And on the other days I clean the house. Then I take a shower, get dressed, put on my makeup, and go to work.
Paul: Wow. You never sleep late?
Marie: On the weekends I sleep 'til 6:00.
Paul: That's really late. You do laundry in the morning?
Marie: And the evening. Why, when do you do the laundry?
Paul: Usually in March. And September.

Interview: What do you usually do during the week? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 8-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月3日
* social language: Describe daily activities
* grammar: Frequency adverbs; Time expression

# video script:
Interviewer: And could you tell me what you usually do during the week?
Angelique: Usually during the week, um ..., I mean, I go to ta couple of films. I like to go to the movies, independent films.
Interviewer: How often do you do laundry?
Jessica: As little as possible.
Interviewer: Do you take a nap in the afternoon?
Deepti: I don't take a nap in the afternoon. I don't get a chance to.
Interviewer: What time do you usually eat breakfast?
Alvino: Between 6:30 and 7:00.
Interviewer: What time do you usually eat lunch?
Blanche: At non.
Interviewer: What about dinner? When?
Jessica: Dinner ... I love to have dinner around 6:00, which is not too late, because if it's too late I can't sleep. So, most of the time around 6:00, 7:00.
Interviewer: So, would you say you're a morning person or an evening person?
Lisa: More of an evening person.
Interviewer: And why do you say that?
Lisa: I think that it takes me a really long time to wake up, so usually anything after 12:00 I'm good to go, and by 7:00 I'm like at full energy.

Sitcom: What are you doing this weekend? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 9-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Make plans to get together
* grammar: The present continuous for future plans

# video script:
(Cheryl and Marie try to make plans for the weekend.)
Marie: What are you doing this weekend? Do you want to go shopping with me?
Cheryl: That sounds great. When do you want to go?
Marie: How about Saturday morning?
Cheryl: I'm making breakfast for some friends at 9:00. Then I'm doing laundry from 11:00 to noon.
Marie: Saturday afternoon?
Cheryl: I'm taking an art class from 1:00 to 3:00. How about 3:30?
Marie: No, I'm exercising with a friend from 3:00 to 4:00. Then I'm going to the movies at 5:00 with my sister.
Cheryl: Sunday morning?
Marie: I'm visiting my parents until 10:00. Then I'm meeting a friend at the art museum until 1:00. Sunday afternoon?
Cheryl: I'm going to a baseball game with Bob at 1:00. How about late afternoon?
Marie: Around 5:00?
Cheryl: Great.
Bob: Hey. Do you want to play basketball tomorrow?
Paul: OK. 

Interview: What are you doing this evening? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 9-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC   2010-10-28
* social language: Make plans to get together
* grammar: The present continuous for future plans

# video script:
Interviewer: What are you planning to do this evening?
Joe: This evening I'm planning to go to, um, dinner with friends and maybe some drinks.
Martin: I think I'll say home and have my dinner.
Interviewer: So what are you going to do this weekend?
San: I am going to go to, um, the park and maybe see a movie and hang out with my friends.
Martin: Um, I'm going to an opera.
Interviewer: That's interesting. And, uh, will you be going with anyone?
Martin: Uh, with a colleague in* the office and her husband.
Interviewer: Next month. Do you have any big plans coming up?
Stephan: Um, I don't have major plans coming up next month. I usually go week by week.
San: Next Monday I will, um, probably be in the office working. Um, after work I'll probably go out and have something to eat and go to dinner and, um, come home and watch TV.

* should be "from"

Sitcom: Tonight, I'm cooking. (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 10-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha / Pearson Education, INC 2010年10月28日
* social language: Discuss ingredients for a recipe
* grammar: Count and non-count nouns; Questions with How many; The simple present tense and the present continuous

# video script: 
(Cheryl, Marie, and Bob are in the kitchen, where Bob is making soup.)
Bob: Tonight, I'm cooking.
Cheryl: What are you making?
Bob: Bob's Famous Vegetable Soup. Do you have any vegetables?
Cheryl: I have some onions, tomatoes ...
Bob: How many tomatoes?
Cheryl: Two. I have some beans, some peas, one cabbage, and a potato.
Bob: Great
Cheryl: You want them all?
Bob: It's vegetable soup. Pass those bananas, please.
Marie: Bananas are fruit.
Bob: Yes.
Marie: You put bananas in your vegetable soup?!
Bob: Sounds good, doesn't it? Now do you have any sugar?
Cheryl: Yes.
Bob: And I need a lemon. Oh, and do you have any coffee?
Cheryl: Do you have a recipe for this?
Bob: Go watch TV, please.
(One hour later)
Bob: Come. Have a taste.
Cheryl: This is ... delicious! Bob, you're a great cook!
Marie: The coffee and bananas are great!

Interview: What do you like to eat and drink? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 10-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Discuss ingredients for a recipe
* grammar: Count and non-count nounsQuestions with How manyThe simple present tense and the present continuous

# video script:
Interviewer: Tell me, what beverages do you like to drink?
Ian: Um, coffee, tea, milk, uh, water.
James: I like to drink iced tea--iced tea and water.
Interviewer: How about, um, the foods that like to eat? Could you tell me some foods that you like to eat?
Dan: Uh, fish and rice.
Interviewer: How often do you eat carrots?
Natalie: I usually eat a salad every day, and in the salad I put carrots.
Interviewer: Do you, um, eat a lot of soup, for example?
James: Yes, a lot of soup.
Dan: Yeah. I have soup occasionally.
Lorayn: In the winter I eat a lot of sour, actually.
Matt: No. I don't eat a lot of soup.
Interviewer: Could you tell me some items that are in your fridge right now?
James: Uh, let's see. Well, we've always got a lot of vegetables because we eat a big salad every day.
Ian: Uh, bread, cheese, eggs.
Interviewer: What time do you plan to eat lunch today?
Dan: Uh, maybe around 3:00.
Interviewer: So what do you want for dinner tonight?
Lorayn: I would really like sushi for dinner tonight.

Sitcom: How was your trip? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 11-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Discuss a trip
* grammar: The simple past tense

# video script: 
(Dr. Anderson discusses her trip to London with Marie.)
Marie: Well, hello, Dr. Anderson! Welcome back.
Dr. Anderson: Thank you very much.
Marie: How was your trip to London?
Dr. Anderson: It was fine, thank you.
Marie: Did you visit lots of museums?
Dr. Anderson: No, I didn't visit any.
Marie: Did you eat in some good restaurants?
Dr. Anderson: No. I ate in the same bad restaurant every day.
Marie: Did you see any plays or concerts?
Dr. Anderson: No. But I wanted TV in the hotel room at night.
Marie: Did you take some nice walks around London?
Dr. Anderson: Actually, no. I sat in a chair for four days.
Marie: Dr. Anderson, that doesn't sound like a very nice vacation.
Dr. Anderson: Vacation? I went to London for business, not for vacation. I met doctors from all over the world. We talked about new medicines,a nd I gave two speeches. I always ate at the hotel restaurant. So I actually never left the hotel.
Marie: But, Dr. Anderson, you were in London and you didn't see the city. 
Dr. Anderson: No. But it looked nice from the airplane.

Interview: What did you do last weekend? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 11-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Discuss a trip
* grammar: The simple past tense

# video script:
Interviewer: What did you do last weekend?
Alvino: I worked.
Rob: Last weekend I went running in the park. I had drinks with friends. I read the paper. I relaxed.
Maiko: I went to see a movie, and um ... yes, with my friend, and I went to have some dinner with her.
Interviewer: How about yesterday? What did you do yesterday?
Mauro: Well, yesterday it raineed all day in New York, so I just went to the public library.
Interviewer: This past weekend, what was the weather like?
Alvino: It was nice, sunny, pleasant.
Interviewer: Yeah? So you enjoyed it?
Alvino: Yes, I did.
Interviewer: You were outside?
Alvino: I was outside working, yes, but enjoying it.
Maiko: It was ... oh, last weekend it was not too good. Uh, it was rainy, but I think Sunday was pretty good. It was sunny.
Rob: The weather was great.
Interviewer: That sounds really nice.
Rob: It was really nice.
Interviewer: Did you have a good time?
Rob: I did have a good time.

Sitcom: She has a fever. (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 12-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Talk about ailments
* grammar: Verb tense review

# video script:
(Marie pretends to be sick.)
Marie: I'm meeting my sister for lunch.
Cheryl: Aren't you having lunch with Mr. Evans?
Marie: Oh, no! I forgot! Tell him I don't feel well and I'm going to the doctor.
Paul: OK.
(Marie leaves)
Mr. Evans: Is Marie here?
Cheryl: Oh, no. She's not feeling so well.
Bob: She went to the doctor.
Paul: She has a fever. And a headache. And a stomachache. And a toothache.
Mr. Evans: That sounds bad!
(Marie reenters.)
Marie: I need my jacket.
Mr. Evans: You do look awful!
Marie: I do?
Mr. Evans: Well, with your fever ...
Marie: Fever? Oh, yes, fever.
Mr. Evans: And a headache!
Marie: Ohhh!
Mr. Evans: And a stomachache!
Marie: Oooh.
Mr. Evans:  And a toothache!
Marie: Ow!!!
Mr. Evans: You're not going anywhere. Stay right here. I'm calling the doctor.
Marie: Ye. Thanks you, Mr. Evans. (to her colleagues) Thank you very much.

Interview: What do your parents look like? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 12-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Talk about family members

# video script:
Interviewer: Could you describe your parents for me?
Jessica: My dad is like this tall. He has already white hair,* big ears, and is very handsome. And my mom is a littler smaller than me, and she has black straight hair** and is very beautiful, and has big blue eyes.
Interviewer: Could you tell me what one of your brothers looks like?
Martin: Um, looks like me a little bit. The other one looks more like my mother.
Interviewer: Could you describe them a little bit--their hair, their eyes?
Martin: Uh, they both have black hair and brown eyes, just like me.
Interviewer: Now, do you have any siblings?
Angelique: Yes. I have an older brother.
Interviewer: So is he a handsome guy?
Angelique: I would think so, yes. I think he's very handsome, but he's my brother, so ...
Interviewer: And how about your sisters? Are they pretty?
Martin: I say they're pretty.

* However, "He always has white hair" is grammatically correct.
** However, "She has straight black hair" is grammatically correct.

Sitcom: Could you do me a favor? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 13-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Request favors
* grammar: Requests with Could you

# video script:
(Mr. Evans requests Marie to do a few things for him.)
Mr. Evans: Marie, could you do me a favor? I'm having lunch with a client in an hour, and I spilled coffee on my tie. Could you go to the store and buy a new tie for me?
Marie: Sure, no problem.
Mr. Evans: And can you get a newspaper for me at the store on the corner?
Marie: Yup.
Mr. Evans: This coffee is cold. Could you buy me a cup of coffee, too?
Marie: Sure.
Mr. Evans: Also, this shirt doesn't look very nice. Can you buy me a new shirt?
Marie: Of course.
Mr. Evans: Could you get me a new suit, too?

Marie: Yes.
Mr. Evans: And can you play the violin for me after lunch?
Marie: Certainly.
Mr. Evans: Could you fix my car tonight?

Marie: Yes, sir.
Mr. Evans: You didn't hear me at all, did you?
Marie: I'm sorry, what did you say?
Mr. Evans: Nothing. Nothing. I'm going to the store to buy a new tie.

Marie: OK.
(Mr. Evans leaves.)
Marie: Can I fix his car tonight? Yeah, right.

Interview: Can you play a musical instrument? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 13-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* grammar: modals that express ability

# video script:
Interviewer: Tell me a little bit about yourself. Can you play a musical instrument?
Elli: Not at all. I wish I could, but I sing.
Matt: Yes, I can play the guitar.
Interviewer: And when did you learn?
Matt: Um, I started playing the guitar when I was in fifth grade, which is about age eleven, I'd say.
Interviewer: And was it hard to learn?
Matt: Uh, just takes a lot of practice.
Interviewer: Any other musical instruments?
Stephan: I used to play the drums when I was, uh, younger.
San: I cannot play a musical instrument. Um, but I like to dance, so that's kind of related to music.
Interviewer: Can you swim or ski or knit?
Vanessa: Um, I jog. I like to jog. I'm trying to do a marathon, so I've been running. I'm up to five miles. So I run as much as I can every day.
Interviewer: Do you speak any foreign languages?
Stephan: Yes, I do. I speak, uh, five foreign languages.
Interviewer: My goodness. That's a lot. Could you tell me which ones?
Stephan: My native language is Greek, um, and I also speak English, French, Spanish, and Italian.
Interviewer: Can you knit or ski or paint or cook?
San: Yes to a lot of those things. I can cook a little bit. Um, I can ride a bike. I can, um ... oh gosh, it's hard to name a lot ... all the things that you can do when you don't ... that you take for granted. Um, I can play sports. Um, I can, um, play poker.

Interview: Where were you born? (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 14-2)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Discuss future plan
* grammar: Would likeBe going to for the future

# video script:
Interviewer: So where were you born?
Lorayn: I was born in New York City.
Interviewer: And when were you born?
Lorayn: January 28, 1969.
Interviewer: And, uh, did you grow up in New York?
Lorayn: Yes, I did.
Interviewer: Where and what did you study?
Joe: Uh, I studies at, uh, Rutgers, uh, in, uh, New Jersey, and I studied psychology.
Interviewer: What are your future plans?
Christiane: I will work in America and then maybe move to Thailand.
Interviewer: Why do you want to move to Thailand?
Christiane: Because Thailand has beautiful beaches and it's warm all the time.
Interviewer: Do you have any thoughts about getting married? Having children? Raising a family?
Ian: Uh, I'm not up to that yet. No.
Interviewer: Not even thinking about it?
Ian: Well, I'm thinking, I ... but I'm not up to that yet.
Interviewer: How about, uh, some other thing you might like to do--like learn to play a musical instrument or some other hobby you might like to learn?
Maiko: OK. Um, I really love skiing so, um ...but I'm not too good at it, so, um, I'd love to learn more.
Dan: I'd like to play the violin.
Ian: I'd like to, uh, learn more about writing. I like writing.

Sitcom: I'd like to get married. (Top Notch Fundamentals Unit 14-1)

source: Mohammed Abuarisha/Pearson Education, INC   2010年10月28日
* social language: Discuss future plan
* grammar: Would like; Be going to for the future

# video script:
(Bob, Cheryl, Paul, and Marie are sitting in the café, talking about their dreams.)
Marie: I would like to live in China.
Paul: I'd like to learn to play the guitar.
Marie: If I can't live in China, I'm going to learn to speak Chinese.
Paul: I'm going to write a book.
Marie: Really? About what?
Paul: I don't know. Cooking.
Marie: You don't cook.
Paul: I'll learn.
Marie: What about you two? What are your plans?
Bob: We're going to go to a movie tonight.
Marie: No, what are your plans for the future?
Cheryl: Well, I'd like to get married and have children.
Marie: What about you, Bob?
Bob: I'd like to get married and have children, too.
Marie: Really? You would?
Paul: You want to get married?!
Cheryl: Actually, we have some news for you.
Marie: No! You're getting married?!
Bob: We want you to come to the movie with us.
Marie: Oh.
Bob: And we're going to get married.
Marie: I'm so happy for you!
Paul: Congratulations! Can we still come to the movie with you?