Talking about BREXIT in English

source: Learn English with Let's Talk     2016年7月5日
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A theme based English lesson to talk about the most heard topic on news channels. People in Britain have voted on whether to leave the European Union (EU). It is one of the biggest issues for Europe in decades. The following are words related to the BREXIT issue :
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BREXIT : Britain + exit
Stands for Great Britain's exit from the European Union which is the union or group of all countries belong to the continent of Europe .

Democracy: stands for people's rule.
This is a system in which people choose their leaders through voting and those leaders run the country
Referendum: is a process through which the people express their opinion about a certain issue or reform; their vote influences the outcome of the issue.
Sovereign: pronounced as sov - a - rin -' g ' is silent .
Sovereign stands for absolute or autocratic rule by one person or one family.
Plebiscite: is a synonym for referendum. It
is a process through which the people express their opinion about a certain issue or reform; their vote influences the outcome of the issue.
Racism: is a dislike or bias against people belonging to a particular race.
Xenophobia : is a dislike or a bias against people of a particular country ; in fact U.K. Has been accused of Xenophobia due to the BREXIT issue.
Unity ticket: means a group of people come together to oppose a particular issue or reform.
Regrexit: this is a slang word that stands for regret + exit; meaning certain people regret the exit of Britain from the European Union.