I Got a New Job! - Professional English Lesson

source: Twominute English     2013年7月6日
It's common to leave one job and get a new one. Getting a new job is a good piece of news. You need to tell your family and friends about it. Let's learn through this video how to say in English that you got a new job. Listen to the conversations carefully and understand how the vocabulary is used.
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0:07 In this lesson you will learn how to say you got a new job through some English conversations.
0:18 Where did you go in the morning, Kelly? Where have you been?
0:21 I went for a job interview.
0:23 How was it?
0:25 I got the job!
0:27 That's great! What kind of job is it?
0:30 I'll be teaching at the high school.
0:32 Teaching is a good job. Do you think you will like it?
0:36 I'm sure I will like it! That's why I applied to be a teacher. Now I'll be one!
0:47 Hi there, Kelly.
0:49 Hello Ted.
0:50 You haven't been around. Where have you been, busy bee?
0:53 I got a new job at Conery High School.
0:57 That's great! Since when?
0:59 I started last week.
1:01 Congratulations Kelly! So, are you working as a teacher?
1:06 Yes, I teach science there now.
1:15 Hello Jim, I have something to tell you!
1:17 Ted, what's the matter?
1:19 I got a new job.
1:21 Okay. So, you are leaving us.
1:24 It's just that it's closer to my house.
1:27 Are they paying you more than we do?
1:30 A bit more, yeah.
1:32 Where will you be working?
1:34 I'll be at Vbox downtown branch.
1:37 Yeah, Vbox has been recruiting a lot of our staff.
1:41 Yes, even the recruiter told me so.
1:49 Hi Wilson!
1:51 Ted! Haven't see you in weeks. Did you quit your job?
1:55 Yeah, sorry Wilson, I couldn't tell you earlier.
1:59 No problem. What are you doing these days?
2:02 I got a new job!
2:04 Great! Where are you working now?
2:07 I'm now working at Vbox.
2:09 You are so lucky, Ted! I've always wanted to be a part of the Vbox team.
2:15 Don't worry, Wilson. I'll let you know when they start hiring again.
2:24 I went for a job interview.
2:30 I got the job!
2:35 I started last week.
2:41 Yes, I teach science there now.
2:49 I got a new job.
2:54 I'll be at Vbox downtown branch.
3:01 I'm now working at Vbox.