AUXILIARY VERBS – be, do, have

source: Learn English with Ronnie! [engVid]        2018年3月6日
Do we say, "I am eat" or "I am eating"? What about "He didn't go" or "He didn't went"? These questions and more will be answered when you watch this English grammar lesson on auxiliary verbs. I will teach you how to use the three auxiliary verbs in English – "be", "do", and "have". We will go over each one in detail and with examples. First, you will learn how to use "be" in the passive and progressive forms in the present, past, and future. Then, we will look at "do" in the present and past simple. Last, I will teach you how to use "have" in the future, present, and past perfect. Plus, we will discuss the positive and negative use of "do" as an auxiliary verb". Whew!

# click this line for more grammar videos on helping/auxiliary verbs