Complaining--How to say

source: Englishwilleasy
A I wish you wouldn't have your TV so loud.
B Sorry! Were you trying to sleep?
A Yes, and while I think of it, please ask when you borrow the iron.
B I really ought to have known better. Sorry!
A Do you think you could keep the noise down a bit?
B Sorry! Have I been keeping you awake?
A Yes, and another thing, would you mind not using my toothpaste?
B I'm sorry. I thought you didn't mind.
A That radio's terribly loud. Could you turn it down a fraction?
B Sorry! Is it disturbing you?.
A Yes, and something else, wouldn't it be an idea to buy your own soap?
B Sorry! I didn't realize you felt so strongly about it.
A Do you have to have that music on quite so loud?
B Sorry! Is it bothering you?
A Yes, and while I'm about it, please don't use the phone without asking.
B So sorry! I meant to ask you, but you were out.