Accent Lesson 11 - Vowel sound /u/ (oo) as in TOO

source: Learn English with Let's Talk    2013年4月23日
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Accent Lesson 11 - Vowel sound /u/ (oo) AS IN TOO
Lips: The lips are tense and rounded, as if blowing a air balloon.
Tongue: The tongue is slightly tense and remains high.

Common Spelling Patterns for /u/
oo too, food, school, tool
ue true, blue, avenue
o do, who, lose, prove
ew new, blew, drew
u super, rule, duty, student

Word Pairs for Practice
1. too few
2. fruit juice
3. soup spoon
4. new suit
5. true value
6. blue shoes
7. new moon
8. suitable suitcase
9. two rooms
10. super cool

Practice Sentences
1. The new roof was installed in June.
2. I drink fruit juice and eat a lot of soup.
3. Your blue shoes are really cool.
4. I need proof that you're telling the truth.
5. The statue on the avenue is truly beautiful.