Learn to speak like Jon Snow & Ygritte from GAME OF THRONES!

source: Learn English with Gill (engVid)       2017年8月18日
Ever wondered about the English in Game of Thrones? In this video, I'll explain the accents of Jon Snow and Ygritte. You'll learn WHY they sound tougher and stronger than other characters! Want to try speaking in a northern accent, like the Wildlings and the Starks do? You know nothin'! I'll show you how it's done! You'll hear and be able to practice how the tougher characters from Game of Thrones and other fantasy shows and movies speak. This lesson is important for anyone living in or visiting the Seven Kingdoms, and crucial if you're planning to go north of the Wall. Don't wait! Winter is coming. TAKE THE QUIZ: https://www.engvid.com/learn-the-game...