103 Irregular Verbs help you listen & speak well

source: Helena Daily English     2017年8月8日
Irregular verbs are those that don’t follow the normal rule of adding –d, –ed or –ied to form their past simple and past participle.
Irregular verbs have a variety of spellings. Their infinitive, past simple and infinitive forms are sometimes the same, sometimes different:
Some irregular verbs have the same infinitive, past simple and past participle forms. Some irregular verbs have different infinitive, past simple and past participle forms.
Some irregular verbs have the same past simple and past participle forms, but a different infinitive.
♥ Helena Daily English channel: https://goo.gl/1CwjYZ
♥ G+: https://goo.gl/rKYjwn
Infinitive - Past Simple - Past Participle
be was / were been
beat beat beaten/beat
become became become
begin began begun
bend bent bent
bet bet/betted bet/betted
bite bit bitten
bleed bled bled

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